Overhear couple at CVS

>overhear couple at CVS
>girl is flirting and talking about omg you're so tall no other guy I've been with has been that tall
>this is my moment
>6'5", walk by them and they both go silent
>guy must have been like 6 foot tall tops
>no doubt ruined that guys ego for a second

What social gains have you been making lately Veeky Forums?


did they let you out of the manlet pit to roleplay?

He's probe getting a bj from her as we speak while you're posting on Veeky Forums.

Bet you're as round as bugs is in that pic as well

> A thread died for this

Why would you think this was a good idea to post?

you went to the trouble of making up a story this shitty
for what purpose?


>see some couple sitting, hot girl and some balding but tall fuck
>think "damn, she must only date him for his height"
>stands up and walks past me, I'm slightly taller
felt good man. Then I realized I'm tall and aesthetic and still a loser with women and it started to feel bad.


bugs...easy on the carrorts bugs...

>be virgin fuck, pretty autistic etc but look like a chad
>meet this really cool girl at a party and I end up jokingly hitting on her
>it kinda works
>she keeps sitting next to me at this bar, really close
>feels my legs, back, we trade some kisses
>I head home
>she added me on facebook at 5 am
>wtf do i do now

>goes to parties
>claims to be autistic




You fuck that

In my teens I used to be an autismo lord who couldn't even make eye contact with women and even I got invited to parties.
Honestly I don't even know how people manage to not do it

is this fucking seriously what lankets think ? when i see a reaaaaally dumb tall guy i'm like holy fuck that's one big useless body

Its called not talking to anyone and not having any friends


>walk past a couple
>that'll stick it to them
You sure showed him. All he has is a girl who can't stop talking about how great he is while you have pride in knowing that you bragged about strolling by him on an anime forum. Way to go slugger, when he's cumming deep in her ass I'm sure he will rue the day he encountered you.

I was there with my gf by the way

Not important to the story at hand so it was excluded but since you manlets are so hellbent on defending your own kind

Of course you were. Don't leave out the part where everyone clapped and her name was Albert Einstein.

Why are you so angry? It was a harmless dick measuring contest all straight guys do and youre just mad because you couldn't even participate due to manlet stature.

And yes - im 6'4, in shape, with a 7 face. So the memes are true. It is ez mode to get a gf.