Mew/Tongue Posture General: Q&A edition

This shit should explain like 90% of what he's trying to say:

Start video at 18:08 to get what he's trying to tell us

Copies from last thread:
robust, excellently developed skulls with near perfect teeth and beautiful faces. Nobody has ugly genetics, but soft foods and improper posture has resulted in sunken maxillary bones, down-grown jaws, poor cheekbones, and terrible spine alignment.

You can correct this and develop into a beautiful healthy human. All males have Chad potential, all females can be Stacy.

Before and after pictures/stories:

How to have correct tongue posture: part 1 part 2 part 3

Many Anons here are contributing their own stories and saying that they have seem the jawline increases as well. #1 most immediate benefit is increased nasal breathing capacity. Often times the buccinator muscle (cheek) is also over-stimulated with an incorrect breathing/swallow pattern, leading to chubby cheeks

The entirety of Human fitness is based around proper alignment and posture of the skeletal and muscular systems. If this isn't corrected, everything else will be either sub-optimal or falling apart. Help eachother out and post your results.

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope this gains some traction soon I want a local ortho to start doing this shit I can feel results from tongue alone but I want my results measured so I know what's actually progressing

#1 tip doctors hate me: mew hard with your head hanging off the side of your couch for 15 min a day. It loosens up sutures and you get ludicrous face gains.

Appreciate this I paid $70 for that tip but it worked.

This thing takes months and years though if you do not have willpower and discipline then just go back to coping

Sounds like good advice, but who charged you $70 for it wtf?

Also everyone is reporting better jawline but has anyone seen their maxilla upswing yet?

Yeah some self help site. His before/afters were dope so I bought it.

I think he was onto something with loosening sutures

What about facepulling? That's like 10x the force your tongue can do

Not for a long time. The body responds to low amounts of force for a long period of time, there's nothing in the body that provides lbs of force on the skull. Use your tongue m8 or some sort of appliance it makes no sense to literally try and rip anything forward (other than to loosen shit up)

Wtf is this guy talking about is this a troll? Is there a quick rundown or am I going to have to listen to 20 minutes of analogies and descriptions of the suck swallow technique

>Is this guy a troll
Yeah he's spent his entire professional career and reputation for almost a decade just making shit up

Here's a quick rundown:

Bottom jaw rotates up and forward. To stop the teeth from grinding into eachother, the tongue is spread across the roof of the mouth to counter-balance the force of the lower jaw. That upward/forward force generated by the lower jaw is transferred by the tongue into the upper jaw/maxilla, causing upwards/forwards movement of the craniofacial complex.

Being slackjacked/mouthbreather = your maxilla drops down and back and you spend your life as an incel

It's simple physics. Upward and forward force

This is so fucking stupid lol

You're only hurting yourself by not doing it

can some of you mewlets post progression in these threads?

If you have a kid you need to know this shit or you are responsible for their misery

Do I need to mew or my developpment is already good?
I feel what I need to do though is lose some bodyfat

The issue is that changes will always be in the .5-1.5cm range at max and the idiots across most of the internet don't understand what a massive difference this makes in the face IRL

They're expecting Deformed in accident --> Chad Lefort III results like a bunch of retards instead of slight changes that bump people from a 6 to a 7 or 8.

Also beware the lighting/angle jews, who don't understand that a professional clinic takes professional before/afters.

your face is normal, there's nothing to fix by mewing. Losing body fat is always good of course. Also make sure you do keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth as if you were mewing, no need to press or anything though, just to maintain correctness

Your development is legitimately already good. Just keep up your tongue posture so that you don't melt down/back with age

Your maxilla should be more forward, but you're better than 95% of the massively recessed population

What about chewing?

It'll do the same thing as mewing, but you can only chew so long every day before fucking up your TMJ while you can mew 24/7 even while asleep.

But chewing will loosen up sutures which is exactly what you need to kickstart growth and movement

>Also make sure you do keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth as if you were mewing, no need to press or anything though, just to maintain correctness

thanks, noted!
I'm still kinda struggling to have the back of the tongue on the roof of the mouth. Any tips? Or in my case only tip of tongue on the roof is enough?

This has to be more than lighting his entire face looks different and so do his eyebrows

How does mewing work for an overbite? It sounds like the main focus of mewing is to push the maxilla forward, which would be counterproductive. Does mewing also benefit the jaw, or does it just push the maxilla forward?

He's got a video on it that can explain better than text

This part of the new vid may also help explain

great, thank you

Would a palate expander do this just as well? Or is it just a shitty attempt at fixing the problem with a device?

it would preform the function of expanding the palate, which mewing does, but would probably not help extend the maxilla

>Yeah he's spent his entire professional career and reputation for almost a decade just making shit up

>pretending this doesn't happen literally all the time in fitness

The ultimate redpill about mewing is that it was figured out in yoga thousands of years ago. There are postures that you are supposed to hold for hours that focus the tongue across the roof of the mouth, at the tip of the mouth, and behind the palate which result in maxilla movement and craniofacial expansion

I sleep with a retainer in every night, what impact will this have and how can I stop mouthbreathing when I fall asleep

>Implying meme fitness coaches are the same as orthodontists

You can be a meme with bullshit in fitness and become a success. If he was saying anything unscientific in his field he'd have his license to practice medicine revoked.

It's a new field of study being opened up in health here.

How much of the back part of the tongue is supposed to be in contact with the pallete? I've managed to train myself to keep the tongue on the roof of my mouth, it really helped open my nasal airways already. BUT, when I do the Mew Push-swallow I can get more of the posterior tongue up there, however it restricts my breathing completely. Am I doing it ok?

>Mouthbreathing with a retainer
Shouldn't be happening my friend, your retainer is retaining your jaw in a position where there's not enough space in your mouth for your tongue - it gets pushed into the airway because there isn't enough room in your mouth.

And once it is in your airway, you can't breath through your nose properly, so you open your mouth and mouthbreath at night

Your upper and lower jaw is too small. You need expansion. You can do it with your tongue (hard mode and lots of discipline/practice/time) or with a device

Every ortho will look at your teeth being lined up and say you are fine: This is because they are idiots and have no idea how the body is meant to be functioning

If you're snoring = you're fucked up
If you mouth breath = you're fucked up
If you can't breath through both nostrils 100% of the time = you're fucked up

> before puberty
> after puberty

oh wow his face does look different, this isn't retarded at all

try saying "swing", at the "ng" sound the back of your tongue should be on the roof of your mouth, then just raise the front as well.

look at the first picture's hairline and subtle 5:00 shadow. There's no way that guy is prepubescent

Just short of snorting/snoring for most people. This is very hard to teach because everyone has different development, but your tongue should be JUUUUUST short of starting to block your airway.

Take a deep breath, then start letting it out the nose slowly. Put the back of your tongue up until the point where you are blocked from breathing it, then just barely move it enough to allow the breath again. Jump back and forth between these two spots until you get an idea of where that line is, like finding when to switch gears in a car.

>User was 18 when began mewing, 19 at time of after photo

Feel stupid

okay jesus christ that's good progress

This scam again.


Literally different angled photos and sharp cut beards or pre/post-puberty photos.
None of the "gains" can be linked to anything this stupid scam preaches, and there are literally 8 people who did it in that page, which is supposed to serve as success stories?

>All males have Chad potential, all females can be Stacy.

I'm so sorry for you. No, not everybody is born for the top.

>Selling nothing

People like you are very strange. You're a crab in the bucket there's not point talking to you

Seriously implying
Is pre/post puberty or a beard? Are you dumb?

Don't care. You're just fucking yourself do what you like

nobody in """SCIENCE""" has ever later been revealed to be insane dumbass, got it

No you missed the point completely

He's attempting to derail the insane bullshit that is orthodontics.

>reads something on the internet
>believes it

how do you feed yourself

What is it with Veeky Forums and having to stick your face in shit you don't agree with? Stop letting this naysayers derail threads we had good general threads for a few days until we let them shit it all up because of their lack of hobbies outside of Veeky Forums posting

Just tell them to fuck off if they're going to be dicks about their criticism

if you don't believe it, look at these pictures, it's far clearer. There's a big difference that was made here, and it's obviously not puberty. And I don't see how it would be made up shilling, seeing as nobody is getting paid for this shit.

>Selling nothing

It's marketing for the guy to sell his book.

>Is pre/post puberty or a beard?

It's different cases for different photos, one is a guy going through puberty and dental surgery and having his jaw widen appear to widen (nothing to do with "exercise" to naturally align the jaw), the first guy is someone taking a photo with a more lateral angle and a square beard cut to appear to have a wider jaw.

All of those photos are either the equivalent of a skinnyfag sucking in his gut for a "before/after" picture.

had a lingual frenectomy about two years ago as my frenum was starting to inhibit my speech and also I thought I would finally be able to tongue a girl's pooper an inch deep. Speech is still somewhat inhibited and tongue extension is about the same. Also have somewhat weak jaw etc that he talks about.

What do

Thanks, will try this more . Tongue at the back doesn't rest that high naturally yet for me, i need to pretty much pay attention constantly.
The hardest part about mewing so far is not knowing if i"m doing it correctly. There really has'nt been a concrete guide/description/graphic. Ive read all I can find and watched all of Mew's videos on it, but he tends to talk more about the theory behind it rather then taking the time to explain it better. I have a feeling that a lot of people are doing it wrong.

Quoted wrong post, meant

frenectomies haven't been shown to increase tongue length by very much, I was kind of thinking about it for the same reason but it doesn't sound like it really works. Mewing won't help with that, but it will make your tongue stronger at least, which is something. With mewing, the maxilla is pushed forward and up so it does result in more room for the jaw to move forward I think. But you could also just chew mastic gum for the jaw

I started doing that shit about a month ago when the meme started to spread out.

I'm frankly amazed how well this work. I didn't spend much time viewing Mew videos, only read the tips on how to do it.

As ex mouth breather, I had got a double chin since started watching myself to keep my mouth closed. After the tips how to mew, I started breathing much better. Yesterday, a month only into it, my gf said my jaw is looking nicer. It sounds too good but it's true. I'm nowhere near Chad, ofc, but just getting rid of that double chin while breathing better is already GOAT imo.

try it, the worst it'll do is nothing

frenum was colliding with my lower teeth, I have an underbite so maybe it's all tied together?

also never heard of mastic gum

It's kind of like teaching someone who has never closed their hand on how to make a fist. All the muscles and posture is there ready to go, but how do you put into words exactly what you're supposed to be doing?

Now imagine some people have improperly developed hands which don't allow their fingers to close into a fist properly: They have to slowly be coached into the proper form as the hand corrects itself over time.

This is the issue with adults who do not have enough development of the maxilla/jaws. They have to put their tongue somewhere with posture and muscles that they do not know how to use, and almost always cannot use properly since their isn't enough room.

yeah mewing should be good for an underbite really. I'd recommend braces as well though

1. What book? Exactly
2. Explain this 40+ year old woman having more space between her pupils, wider cheekbones, a more defined jaw, and a more compact midface ratio. She isn't even a patient of mike, this is from a completely different US clinic that uses the same technique but calls it myofunctional therapy

You're just grasping at "how can I be a skeptical dick" straws

mewing helps hair volume, brah

we can all be chads and stacys

>You're just grasping at "how can I be a skeptical dick" straws

nobody's claiming that. The claim made by an orthodontist is that pressing the tongue against the maxilla can change the shape of the maxilla. Wow. How on earth could he come to such a radical conclusion.

like lying on your back? or side?

On your stomache, so that your maxilla is facing down and your tongue is pushing with gravity instead of against it

thanks bro

>Look at old pictures from my childhood
>Mouthbreathing in all of them
>mouth always hanging open

Guess that explains why I have a weak jaw. I'm just thankful it's not as bad as other cases but it still sucks. I'm 20 can this still be fixed

100% fixable it just sucks becuase it will take over a year. I know how you feel i remember learning about this, looking in the mirror, and remembering sitting with my mouth open all the time as a kid.

I almost punched a hole in the wall when it clicked

His jawline is extremely narrow in the first pic and way wider after.

I'm on my way to Chadom boys, a little more chewing and tongue trickery and I'll be in the middle between brad pitt and johnny depp in a strong jaw sandwich fuggin models and forgetting them the next day. see you on the other side brahs.

what is the tl;dr on this? just tell me what to do with my tongue

I've been halfheartedly mewing for like 6 months now, even though I suck at it my cheekbones have definently become more well defined already. My problem is I wear a bite guard every night which prevents my jaws from closing all the way, and therefore my toungue isn't able to reach the roof of my mouth and my mouth is fixed in a slightly open position. If I don't wear it I grind my teeth to shit each night to the point where my teeth ache when I wake up if I don't wear it. There must be something I can do

I'm with this guy. Is mewing basically swallowing while using no facial muscles with your tongue the top of your mouth?

Shills pls go

Ok so I'm new to mewing.
I've been doing it for a day and I have good feelings when I put pressure from the back of my tongue.
I feel that the area around my eyes and below my ears is contracted.
Should I push in the long term? Kina hard concentrating at work when pushing my tongue.

On the other side of the coin, the scientific and medical establishment of the day has been wrong countless times as well.

If my tongue is in the position like I'm trying to suck peanut butter off the roof of my mouth am I doing it right?

Help I've been mewing for a week but my tongue hurts a lots on the side because it pushs on my teeths. It's even bleeding sometimes.

I can't mew at night because my nose gets stuffed while lying down, i take allergy pills and sudafed but it doesnt help with that. What do

Sleep on the side? Or try to sleep with pillows behind your back.

Mad Jaw gains, perhaps there's hope for me in that region after all. After 9 months I've only seen breathing and cheekbone gains with the gap between my front lower teeth slowly closing.

You do know that for males your jaws don't stop growing till like 25 right?

any more tips, buddeh?

>tfw 26

my brother used to mouth breathe in his sleep when he was a kid and it would annoy me because it was so loud
now he's in his 20s with a chad jaw

Nigga why the fuck is his tongue inside his brain.

This. I've been a mouth-breather most of my life because of allergic rhinitis-sinusitis-deviated septum combo, and my jaw is fine. Only lacking a bit of forward growth.

I'm only mewing because of health IQ gains. Been mewing for 4 months now, and I feel a lot better plus I get quality sleep every night.

Dr. Mike Mew is a godsend.

Lad could u, or anyone, please explain to me how the lower jaw is meant to correct itself? I have an overbite and when I place my front teeth in line I'm v happy with my jawline. However my natural bite leaves me with an overbite and recessed chin. Will mewing align my teeth in time, and if so how?

She lost weight and put on make-up, retard.

bumping for this. I'm in the same spot

this is some meme shit lmao

>I can't figure out how to do it so it's a meme

Seems like it but look at this motherfucker's jaw

These plus airflow only from one nostril at a time. Let's hear what you fitniggers got to say

Does a dental retainer affect facial growth?

Stop biting down so hard on your teeth. Correct oral posture will fix overbite. The nose thing is normal, as long as the blocked nostril switches every once in a while; it's your body's system keeping your nostrils from drying out. If you can only breathe from one nostril all the time you might have a deviated septum and need to get it fixed with surgery, which is unlikely.

Thanks senpai

Would mewing do anything for my terminal ugliness?

How does it help overbite?

>tfw getting double-jaw surgery next year

get on my level fags

Did anybody find it harder to maintain mewing as time goes on?

I tried mewing for a week my teeth hurt so I assumed it was working. Then after a while even though I'm pressing HARD on the roof of my mouth for all my waking hours I actually don't feel that I'm accomplishing anything.

If I have an overbite do I need to push my chin forward so my teeth are in a neutral position or just the mewing will correct it overtime?

You do know that the sutures of the skull do not fuse until 70+, and therefor these growth sites can always produce more bone if they are seperated by force?

Of course you don't know. U dunno kid u dunno

The first week after getting braces you feel uncomfortable and your teeth hurt. Then the effects continue for months/years and you do not notice anymore

Same with mewing. The only thing that has got my teeth sore like mewing is a palate expander