Is high cholesterol really bad?

I heard there is new science showing that fats are not bad and high cholesterol is actually good, is this true?

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fat and cholesterol are essential for good test production

Clogged arteries help your heart muscle get bigger as it is working harder. Bigger heart, better health.


I happen to work in this field.

HDL cholesterol is a marker of cardiovascular disease risk but has been found to not be causally involved, that is, if you change it, your disease risk doesn't change. It is now thought that its inverse correlation with Triglycerides, reflecting so-called remnant lipoproteins, is responsible for this association.

LDL cholesterol on the other hand is seen as the major substrate of cardiovascular diseases, although the evidence for ischemic heart disease is much firmer than that for stroke. If you lower LDL cholesterol you lower your risk for cardiovascular disease. Also, it is thought, and consistent with the underlying model of lipid peroxidation within the vascular intima, that LDL is the key substrate, such that other noxious agents (e.g. cigarettes) are dependent on LDL cholesterol in their effect on CVD risk. A smaller portion of CVD risk is likely due to other lipoprotein particles, very-low-density lipoproteins.

I recently published a high-profile paper on this stuff, shit was cash.

>Clogged arteries


Food cholesterol is a meme in regards to it being bad. You absolutely need it, in large amounts for hormone conversion. The problem is a sedentary life style.
What kinds of fat you are eating play a bigger part in the whole "bad or good cholesterol".
You need saturated fats in smaller amounts, but you do need them for regular health.

NASEM shows otherwise
>Given the capability of all tissues to synthesize sufficient amounts of cholesterol for their metabolic and structural needs, there is no evidence for a biological requirement for dietary cholesterol.
>There is much evidence to indicate a positive linear trend between cholesterol intake and low density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration, and therefore increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). A Tolerable Upper Intake Level is not set for cholesterol because any incremental increase in cholesterol intake increases CHD risk.
>It is thus recommended that saturated fatty acid, trans fatty acid, and cholesterol consumption be as low as possible while consuming a nutritionally adequate diet.


I'm sorry but that greentexted reasoning is so fucking retarded, holy shit.

No, the point is that if you eat more cholesterol the body synthesizes less. I saw Michael Brown live in 2016 detailing this, because I'm Also fuck you

Ok, let's put this simply.
How many eggs do you eat every morning and what is your bound and free test levels?
Heart disease isn't the only factor here m8. You can lower your change of heart disease by being active and monitoring other factors.
Dietary cholesterol most assuredly plays a part in hormone conversion.

A significant raise in testosterone was shown in men and women who ate more abundant and optimally balanced fat supply. Giving you better mood, energy, everything that you'd benefit from with testosterone. Meaning you'll have more energy to burn off fat in the process and lower other factors that contribute to heart disease and blood problems.

for some reason all those guidelines only care about CVD and risk of "early" death instead of how people fucking feel.

Why? Because it hurts your feelings?

>No, the point is that if you eat more cholesterol the body synthesizes less.
Sure, but the net amount of cholesterol in the hepatic regulatory pool still increases
>High cholesterol diets cause cholesterol to accumulate in hepatic ER membranes, blocking SREBP-2 processing, reducing LDL receptors, and raising plasma LDL

>I saw Michael Brown live in 2016 detailing this
At Cornell? Cool. I watched the recording several months ago.

because they're staring themselves blind on completely the wrong things.
people should move and exercise way more. that should be the number one thing.
also, modern diets are so fucked in omega 3:6 ratio it's not even funny.

cholesterol is also the building block for a lot of hormones, including testosterone, DHT, and estradiol.
do you think a guy with low T, DHT and e2 is gonna enjoy exercise?

Well that's the double edged sword my dead user.
Sure I can die of a heart attack at age 69.
I could also due to having an stable emotional level, live longer because of feeling less stressed.

My father had a farm boy diet his entire childhood and he was the epitome of huge. 6'6'' 250+ lbs.

They fell for the health meme with me and I ended up having a lot of mental health issues because of it. I joined the military and started eating huge breakfast full of saturated fats and as the day went on I switched towards fish and fruits.
Mood was better within a month, has been ever since.

You need fats in your life.

wrong quote

>Heart disease isn't the only factor here m8. You can lower your change of heart disease by being active and monitoring other factors.
Asbestos exposure is an independent risk factor for lung cancer. Smoking is irrelevant now?

A broscience article written by a supplement manufacturer isn't an acceptable source. None of the references support your claims.

well, i think age should be taken into account ofcourse.
eat a good amount of fat, animal products, cholesterol etc when you're young. exercise a lot, get big and strong.
but when you're older and have a job and family, calm down a bit, eat a bit less, eat less meat more vegetables, lift to maintain not to gain, etc.
and that's how you have a great life and not die of a heart attack at 69.

the problem often is that the people who eat and live great in their younger years often don't stop eating that way, but they do stop exercising.

>Asbestos exposure is an independent risk factor for lung cancer. Smoking is irrelevant now?
Are you fucking retarded? Did I say it was irrelevant?
You quoted it yourself dumbass.
>by being active and monitoring other factors
Watching your alcohol intake, smoking, activity, sleep, stress levels will always be just as important if not more than food intake.
Sleeping and stress are half the causes of heart disease due to elevated Cortisol levels. Causing rampart inflammation.
By being active and sleeping better I can negate most the negatives if not all of the negatives of eating more fat.

>A broscience article written by a supplement manufacturer isn't an acceptable source. None of the references support your claims.
So you're telling me you didn't even read any of the references if that's the case?
Don't respond if you're not going to read the references. You'll look like a faggot.

Well you stated the problem yourself.
>have a family, job.
Stress is what kills you, there is a reason just a few hundred years ago we died at ages such as 30-50. At a younger age we were introduced to more stress factors, causes strain on the heart and the other organs of the body.

You want to live a good life, eat plenty (and varied), be active, sleep well.

No amount of absurd meme diets will help you if you're negating the other factors.
Doctors want people to eat these perfect diets, when in reality you could just be less stressed and eat meat all day and live longer than any vegan who is constantly stressed out.

Minimization of all risk factors across the entire lifespan is required for CVD prevention. Here's a good article that ties this into dietary cholesterol specifically

Meanwhile, the ~10mg/kg of cholesterol endogenously synthesized per day by humans is more than sufficient to fulfill the requirement by steroidogenic cells

the body produces the cholesterol needed. extra is bad, saturated fat increases cholesterol production in our body. so cholesterol, and saturated fat should be avoided. u should research why.

>is more than sufficient to
I'm sorry, but I'm really sick of this.
My testosterone of a little over 300 ng/dl was "sufficient" too.
My TSH of 5.5 was "not a big deal".
I have wasted the last 6 years of my life on this bullshit and I know the same is currently happening to so many people.
Unfortunately most of those people will not have the capacity to pull themselves out of this shit, and I blame a big part of that on so called health "professionals".

Your low testosterone was not caused by cholesterol insufficiency.

>Doctors want people to eat these perfect diets, when in reality you could just be less stressed and eat meat all day and live longer than any vegan who is constantly stressed out.
This is just your fantasy. You're like a HAES advocate. "I don't have to change at all, I'm perfect. Everyone else is just an asshole"

That's what you take away from this?

Yes and no. Other people used big words to explain it in this thread, but it basically boils down to dietary cholesterol doesn't really impact your blood cholesterol. Eating something with 200g of cholesterol doesn't mean your blood cholesterol will be immediately higher, it probably won't change at all. My wife has had high cholesterol since she was like 18 and she doesn't eat bad or is fat Mine will change from year to year, but it isn't ever impacted by my current diet or fitness level. It was getting high when I was at my most fit and it's at its lowest now I am a fat body.

The level of blood cholesterol, or various forms of lipids in your blood, is caused by multiple factors, but it's starting to look like actual fat in food doesn't have much to do with it. The accumulation of body fat seem to have a much larger role, simply due to having more fat in their system in general. Triglycerides are the biggest problem, and triglycerides are formed when the body is making fat to store, so anything that leads to fat production is going to be a bigger cause than the fat that was eaten. Sugar is more dangerous than a fatty piece of meat, since the sugar will be converted to triglycerides faster than the steak will. A Dr. Pepper is worse for you than whale blubber, basically.

The guy's explaining to you how the human body works and you're trying to make connections that aren't supported by anything.

>Other people used big words to explain it in this thread, but it basically boils down to dietary cholesterol doesn't really impact your blood cholesterol.
>The level of blood cholesterol, or various forms of lipids in your blood, is caused by multiple factors, but it's starting to look like actual fat in food doesn't have much to do with it

Both dietary cholesterol and certain types of dietary fat (saturated and trans) increase blood cholesterol. Where are you getting your information from?

Hahaha, oh wow. This is great bait. You sound sufficiently pseudo-intellectual that you might actually believe the retarded garbage you're spouting.

you really don't see the connection?
it's that the medical field is so completely wrong on so many things that it's hard to believe any of the crap they put out.
and in practice they turn out to be wrong time after time.
explaining how the human body works isn't possible because they don't have a clue really.
we're still at the point were anecdotal evidence trumps medical research with regards to general health recommendations.

the connection is that if it's possible for labs to list stupidly big, or outright wrong, reference ranges for a lot of things, it's certainly possible medical research isn't at a point yet where we should listen to it much for general diet recommendations.

No bait, this has been my life for the past 4 months. Trying to figure all this out myself, because healthcare "professionals" can't or don't want to help.


The completely rudimentary misunderstandings and ignorance of cardiology is stupidity at a helpless level but a local psychiatrist can definitely be of aid with all those grandiose delusions.

>the medical field is so completely wrong on so many things
>we're still at the point were anecdotal evidence trumps medical research

Not that this is even related to what's being said in regards to cholesterol synthesis and testosterone levels, but how fucking stupid can you be? You don't know anything about the medical field but you want to believe they're all wrong about everything and you can just make up your own reality.

Because that is exactly what's happening.
People with depression get prescribed prozac and kicked out the door.
Guys with low T get told to shut up or take prozac.
The list goes on and on of people getting shit help if it's not a typical disease or easily solveable thing (broken leg etc).
Doctors only learn about medicine and disease.
They don't know anything about diet, wellbeing, or people.
And because those things play such a large role in health, you can't keep ignoring them.

By all means, continue to buy into big pharma with their patenteable drugs.
I just don't think that's gonna help many people.

By the way, no, the medical field contains a huge amount of knowledge when it comes to typical physical diseases and problems.
It's amazing what they can do in that regard.
But when it comes to mental problems, hormones, people not feeling good, not living their life to their potential, the medical field has few answers.
I get that it's a much harder problem to tackle, because the endrocrine system and the brain are complex, but there should be a lot research going into this.
In practice that means I can't trust much about what my doctors say about why I'm not feeling good, why my life is shit at the moment.
And no, psychiatrists can't help much with that because they don't know much about the body.

How would you, as a medical doctor, treat depression if some depressed guy came to you and said "fix me"?

I'm not a medical doctor, and I don't know what's the best way.
I just know that the current way is woefully inadequate.

I can make some guesses though.
I think you should probably ask if there are any livestyle factors, recent changes, or (major) things that happened in the past that could be relevant.
If it's something obvious like the guy lost his job and his best friend died, refer him to a therapist.
If it's not so obvious, test his blood for some vitamins, minerals, and hormones.
Then, with the blood test results, talk with the patient about what can all contribute to depression. And as a medical doctor, inform him on diet and certain lifestyle factors, or refer him to a dietician.
As for other lifestyle factors, refer him to a therapist, and after that a cognitive behaverial therapist to put it into practice (if needed).
And most importantly, actually listen to the guy and not just focus on bloodtest results.

are u fucking retarded

psychology =/= cardiology fucking idiot

cardiology is actually a hard science while psychology is a soft science

now stop falling for the weston a price foundation funded fud and fuck off

yeah, okay, sure.
enjoy your vegan diet then.
atleast i can agree that it's better for the environment.

thanks because we have far greater concerns than what little testosterone boost u imagine eating meat gives

>he fell for the "fat is bad" meme

i'm a bit disappointed you haven't learned anything from what I wrote.

saturated fat is bad, mono/polyunsaturated fat is good

it's like u retards think there's only one type of fat and if one is bad, then all is bad, or one is good, then all is good, god you morons are absolutely fucking dumb

dietary cholesterol doesn't matter for most people unless you are one of the small subset of the population in which it effects blood cholesterol, which it is absolutely not ok to have uncontrolled high levels of unless you want to hrnggg your shit up

>saturated fat is bad
except that's not true

>I googled types of fats the post
what makes it even worse is that you actually think you're superior to everyone else in your blind arrogance
chill my dude


palmitate and stearic acid(both saturated fat) causes mitochondrial fracturing
saturated fat damages the endothelial

need I quote more faggot

this is fresh coming from idiots that never actually bothered to read any study that supposed the lipid hypothesis


Thought Id have to scroll down much further in the thread to see this post.

"A meta-analysis of prospective epidemiologic studies showed that there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD."

nice 6 year old article

you may want to look at more recent studies my dude
in recent years there's been significant advances which disprove the lipid hypothesis


without googling explain what a meta analysis is

because if u actually knew what it meant then u would know it is actually worthless and doesn't tell us anything

also im gonna assume u actually read the studies they did a meta analysis on or did u just google and click the first result u saw?

>meta analyses are worthless
okay buddy

No. Our own bodies produce cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol does NOT raise testosterone, you do need fat though.
Why don't you do the research your self? Go to pubmed and read a bunch of studies... Or go to
The answer is: what you've heard is stupid. Some fats are bad, some aren't. Dietary cholesterol is bad.

You are so fucking retarded it hurts to read your posts

they are worthless idiot, it does not tell us the study design of the studies they're trying to do a meta analysis on, so say for example your meta analysis was based on 21 studies, those 21 studies might not be controlled for variables and also might not be metabolic ward experiments. so basically questionnaire based studies where they didn't and couldn't accurately track down everyone's diet

the participants could also be manipulated to already have high cholesterol, and at that point, eating even more cholesterol is only going to marginally increase your cholesterol score as ingested cholesterol has diminishing returns in absorption

sorry, next time I'll consider the guys at Harvard worthless idiots because you told me meta analyses are clearly worthless.

guess this article is all bs then too?

can you read bro? they have never claimed that it definitively disproves the lipid hypothesis, and clearly you just so happened to forget to mention this

"Two other major studies narrowed the prescription slightly, concluding that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fats like vegetable oils or high-fiber carbohydrates is the best bet for reducing the risk of heart disease, but replacing saturated fat with highly processed carbohydrates could do the opposite."

wow looks like saturated fat AND refined carbs are both bad! what a surprise idiot

this news just-in
no one from harvard has ever been wrong

you sound stressed.
try eating some natural saturated fats to fix your hormones.
good luck buddy

i thought dietary cholesterol increases testosterone? why are you a beta cuck that can't think for themselves and base all your life decisions off of what other people tell you?

My LDL was very low my doctor said but my blood pressure was only 122/66

The average age of death was so high due to infant and child mortality. People have lived well into their 70's for tens of thousands of years.

That version did not look at nutrient replacement which is a fatal methodological flaw invalidating those conclusions,
>Meta-analyses of prospective observational studies aiming to determine the effects on CVD of saturated fat that did not take into consideration the replacement macronutrient have mistakenly concluded that there was no significant effect of saturated fat intake on CVD risk.15,16 In contrast, meta-analyses that specifically evaluated the effect of replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat found significant benefit, whereas replacing saturated fat with carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates, yielded no significant benefit to CVD risk.12,17,18 Thus, again, differences in the effects of the replacement or comparator nutrients, specifically carbohydrates and unsaturated fats, are at the root of the apparent discrepancies among studies and meta-analyses on whether lowering saturated fat reduces the risk of developing CVD. In fact, the evidence to recommend reduction of saturated fat and its replacement by polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat has strengthened as better methodology is more widely adopted for the analysis of dietary intake in observational studies.

Here's the updated paper by the same group that did take this into account