Will farmers walk get me huge?

Will farmers walk get me huge?

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Are farmers huge?

Big forearms traps and quads

tight core too but not every muscle group responds well to tension exercises, the main ones require ROM

They'll make your bhole tight for your lover

best household items to do farmers walks with?

Your mom


I used to use gallon water jugs when I first started lifting.

I use stacks of cinder-blocks, since we have too many from home repairs.
(If you stand one up and then stack two lengthwise on top, you can slip your arm through and grab the whole stack and walk)

(Cuts you up but feels fucking great)

the only people i see doing these are dyel newbies who read an article that said they make your forearms grow. I think they do, but id say the majority of my forearms gains are from volume pulling

I haven't lifted since April this year. I basically look like a skelly all over again. But my forearm muscles are motly still intact. I have no idea why, but I did a lot of grip work during my time at the gym.

I mean yeah they work if you're doing 500lbs for 20 feet and not 160lbs for 100 feet.
It should be close to your squat weight. Meaning you need a trap bar or implements.

Nice effort but he's still a facelet

why would you not just put some fucking rope through

I have experienced similar things, spent ages training grip a few years ago but I never really went back to normie shitgrip mode when I stopped

>being a coward

dude's face is masculine as fuck, he's "guy my girl told me not to worry about"

Do those weights look like uncircumcised dick ends or is it just me.

well developed brow ridge = indicator for high T

isn't that because the muscle fiber in your forearms is low twitch so they take work to grow (like calfs)
I like farmers walks and I do them same day as power cleans. trap doms galore

I've been doing these for about 6 months exclusively with dumbbells, up to 50kg in each hand now, so 220lb, and it has primarily worked my forearms and my grip and to a lesser extent my traps, which aren't huge but there is a noticeable difference.

I can only speculate but I think it has also toughened up my wrists, which also allowed me to hit 2pl8 bench, I was struggling for ages to get there and 2 months into farmers walks I hit 2pl8 and now I can bench 2.5pl8 for 1rm. My grip is also like a vice which has helped a lot with rows and cable work and pullups/chinups. My core is much stronger as well, noticeable difference in strength of my obliques.

If you're looking for those kinda results, then do them, if you want to focus more on traps, I think you need to load up a trap bar and go much heavier if you specifically want to target them.


also, its a fantastic warm up exercise. You prepare the muscles for heavy pulling and pushing with carrying.

You are such a fucking little homo, ain't you?

How can I do these if there's nowhere to walk? Can I do them in one spot just lifting my legs?

how? if you have a bench, walk around it, walk from one side of your room to another, things like that

I have like 10 feet of room to walk. Walk one way, turn around and walk the other.

I just started but I only do 81 pounds with fat grips for a couple laps. I think I'm going to increase the weight though.

When I had both hands I worked my way up to 405 doh for a split second on a normal bb. Now I can just work one forearm so I have to use a db.

I did 191 with a db in each hand but it was with 4 45 plates so it was awkward as fuck. Might try that again tomorrow.

Anyway, if you don't use enough weight, it will only effect your forearms. 80 pounds with fat grips does absolutely nothing for my traps or the rest of my body for example.
If you're going to use them to build size, make sure you can actually feel it in another area besides your forearms. If your grip is shit, you could do a set with straps, and a set without.

You could also just do power shrugs from a rack.

>the only people i see doing these are dyel newbies who read an article that said they make your forearms grow.

>take two steps, one step with each leg
>stand in place
>turn around
>rinse repeat, alternating which way you turn as to not work one leg more than the other

shit nigger use your nonexistent brain for once

got dick on the brain, eh?

Carrying two DBs is not a real farmers walk. It's at best an autistic way to work grip and a decent shoulder prehab exercise.

A real farmers walk is WAY heavier than anything you can do with DBs.
It should be so heavy that you need special handles to deadlift the weight off the ground. It should be so heavy that you can't walk more than 10 feet without needing lifting straps.

Get the trapbar at your gym. Load it with a weight you can trapbar deadlift 5x. After a few minutes rest, pick up the weight and walk with it for 5 sets of 20 feet. That is closer to a real strongman style farmers walk than anything you can achieve with DBs.

That’s what I’m doing. Currently doing 140kg+bar first time for 10 meter. What progress can I expect?

I've seen some damn heavy walks in competition but ten feet as a max is kind of excessive.

Go for longer than 10m if you can. 15-25 is the typical distance, shorter stuff is often avoided because of how super heavy you end up having to load it.

Someone who is good with farmers can generally handle a bit more than their conventional deadlift for 15-25m.

>walking around with heavy weight
>in everyone's way
>probably won't be doing more than 45kg in each hand
>not just doing deadlifts or lunges ffs
Farmer carries are the epitome of a meme exercise. If you're still doing farmer carries, it's about time to graduate to a real exercise.

You can make linear progress adding 5lbs a week for a good long time. I usually just base mine on a % of my deadlift and as a finisher rather than obsessively programming it. In actual strongman comps speed matters a lot so you can vary on speed, too. I tend to go very heavy for short distances (20-30 feet) but in strongman events you may have 50 to 100 foot distances. For me, I find the farmers walk has carry over to my clean (super stiffness of the core), upper range of motion of the squat, and it builds overall work capacity, much like a prowler or hill sprint.

I usually do them at the end of pressing or benching as the function of the rotator cuff is to stabilize the arm and so a heavy farmers walk will pump a lot of blood into the shoulder and facilitate improved healing of connective tissue.

>implying you won’t get strong legs from being obese
>implying farmers walk doesn’t simulate being obese

My prowler want to tip over pushing it, and the floor is to smooth push it.

Is he natty?

you're not using it right.


find a way to distribute the weights lower. And if you have poor grip on the floor, indoor soccer cleats for turf or approach shoes with climbing rubber for concrete/asphalt/poured and polished cement

Tried it, but it just kept flipping forward
The gym is brand new, so might explain the slippery of the floor.

So doing farmer walks with say 45 pounds in each hand for say 400-500 feet ain't doing shit? Lift bigger and travel less distance?

Try 100 pounds each hand

Rip is fucking retarded, as usual:
>muh heel strike to prevent achilles rupture
Exactly the opposite is seen in achilles ruptures. Forefoot strikes have a lower chance of resulting in ruptures, however, bringing your heel flat down and then applying force to the foot will rupture you achilles quite easily. Ask any fencer or hurdler. Just don't be retarded and warm up and don't go insane with weight or speed.
>stand up tall to avoid compressive forces on the back
The spine is fine with pretty fucking intense compressive forces. It's really when the hydraulic forces are high on one part of a disc and not distributed that you get the most problems. This is what is sometimes called shearing by youtube fitness guys (even though this is somewhat of a misnomer since the disc isn't shesring past itself). leaning over and keeping a tight core distributes the force on the discs better than standing upright and pushing. Basically Rip wants to induce the spine to rotate rather than compress and that's way worse. Not only does this artifically limit what your legs can push due to having to use your abs and spinal erectors to resist the weight your arms are pushing, but your abs and spinal erectors will probably exhaust and put you into spinal flexion. Shutup Rip.
>muh manlet only instructions
Finally, the way Rip wants athletes to push is physically impossible on a standard prowler if you are over 6'5". Most of the NFL's biggest guys couldn't go up to 36" poles, put their arms down, and then push a prowler. Too low. Almost all NFL players lean over at 45 degrees to push. Similar issue for strongman types.

How far do you walk and how often do you do them

how do i achieve this mode?

I do farmers and have done them weekly for over a year. Here's how I look. My best is 245 per hand for about 50 feet. I weigh 220

Crossfit + Manlet + Steroids

oh shit

farmers walk help make ur grip stronger more than make them bigger. Deadlifts and volume dumbbells are probably best for bigger forearms and stronger grip

never do wrist curls

not directly but it will help with grip stranght wich will allow you to hold more weight wich = more gains

how are you lifting so much and still looking so chubby and average

u mirin?

what the fug

Nothing even resembles a trap bar at my gym so I'm stuck using DBs. It's better than nothing.

your not missing out. trap bar carries can cause shoulder pain if you have to put wrist too far outside shoulders. Muscle doc has a video on it and that dude is strong as shit.

Because he is fat

no thats steroids

Aren't you embarrassed if you take your shirt off? Just cut man

aah, the manlet chariot!

can someone name the daddy bear in this image?

You have to do more than farmer walks

alex jones

You've been disillusioned by steroids that's why

Pro tip every body you admire is on gear.

Nah not really. Obviously if I'm doing farmers carries I could give a fuck about aesthetics lol. Just giving people a realistic expectation.

>Because he is fat
> Anonymous 10/12/17(Thu)17:01:53 No.43182089▶
> (OP)
>no thats steroids
> Anonymous 10/12/17(Thu)17:05:40 No.43182128▶
>Aren't you embarrassed if you take your shirt off? Just cut man
> Anonymous 10/12/17(Thu)19:10:31 No.43183341▶
>aah, the manlet chariot!
> Anonymous 10/12/17(Thu)19:30:43 No.43183514▶

>never do wrist curls

why not?

always do wrist curls

Unironically and equivocally yes.
After lifting for 5years and plateauing to the point of considering using Celltech as the only option to restart the gain train, I added farmer’s walks to the end of my workouts on Monday + Thursday, and tire flips on Tuesday + Friday. Kept all my other lifts the same but gained around 10 lbs pretty fast and looked a lot leaner in the process. It’s sort of like cardio lifting.

Just do squats and deads you poofter

He is right, you know.

Alright, I'm sold. Adding it to the routine.

are wrist curls a meme?

I have pretty large forearms because I do landscaping/random labor with wheel barrowing.

I almost got up to first anons level, did 225 each hand for 40yds a few sets.

They don't make u huge. What they do us prep your core for the heavy squats and dls that will make you huge. After I could do those farmers walks with 225 each hand, I was able to FS 380 and up

He doesn't look fat at all. This is a healthy body fat ratio. Veeky Forums is so delusional

No, but it might get you a farmers wife

i mean i get a sick forearm pump, but other then that my forearms look as small as the first day :(

>normie mode

I don't think you understand. He literally has nowhere to go. He's in a cell with a ground surface of 50cm x 50cm which widens only at hip-level to allow for squats and press

>dumbbells are good household items for this

Well it basically works your arms and your traps up, and your legs a little bit.
Might get you toned up

>Do heavy farmer walk
>nice feeling on back/shoulders feels like a decent exercise
>Do it every 2 workouts
>Suddently my wrist fucking dies during one and it hurts like a motherfucker

Did my genetics fuck up or was it me? I don't move my hand during the farmer walks