What is the best deadlift variation?

What is the best deadlift variation?

Deficit deadlifts... where you stand on a thick 20kgs plate. More leg drive, longer stroke, improved grip performance. And keep your sneakers on.

Zercher deadlift.

a regular deadlift. everything else is meme dog shit.

fuck no

lol broscience

Give one (1) reason why it isn't.


Snatch grip deads

Snatch Grip. GOAT for building back while still incorporating the hamstrings.

Paused deadlifts are top tier

The one where you're not wearing pink socks.

felt unconfortable as shit on my back, i kept feeling my lumbar even after 2 days, maybe i'm a wimp and can't lift for shit, but i'd rather pull sumo, conventional or jefferson (fav variation btw)

>he's so insecure about his masculinity that he doesn't wear pink

>Still doing back snaps


stiff legged straight back DLs, to failure. you already got enough quad work with squats

if i am doing one set of 8 for my variations how do i know what percentage of my regular 1rm to use?

Smith Machine Diddies

snatch grip, RDL

Depends on what you're looking for. Straight legged deadlifts are good since they give your ass and hamstrings a good workout, and they resemble a normal deadlift a lot.

behind the back


Rack pull if you consider that a variation.
Snatch grip DL and deficit snatch grip DL.
These helped my conventional deadlift a ton.

I like trap bar since I couldn't give a fuck about legs or fattylifting

Zercher deadlift is the most natural way to deadlift. It resembles lifting atlas stones and tire flips.

Zercher deadlift hits my glutes more than anything. I guess you're just not used to pulling with a rounded back.


Paused deadlifts where you pause right after the weight left the floor
Most useful but most cancerous one to do

SLDL by far

Doesnt trap bar dl involve more legs?

God damn this woman has a nice body

That looks painful and dumb.

not the best variation for strength but great for hypertrophy: Do romanian deadlifts with straps, with a weight where you can go for about 12 reps, then immediatly start doing shrugs. When you can't do anymore hold the weight until it feels like your shoulders are about to fall off.
Remember to breath.

It does. That guy is just retarded.

shut up dingus I'll fucking bray you bet you can't even deadlift 5 plates