Need help Veeky Forumsbros

I've been calculating what I need per day on my cut and here are my stats

1968.92 calories per day
200g protein per day
150g carbs per day
80g fat per day

So far my calculations for the foods that I eat at the moment are as follows:

1762.5 calories per day
100.1g protein per day
136.4g carbs per day
81.3g fat per day

The only problem I can see here is my protein which is only 100g out of 200g that I need, what can I eat/drink that can make up for the other 100g without putting on too many calories and has no fat/little carb?

Other urls found in this thread:

You literally don't need over 100 grams of protien unless you are on gear

200g is ridiculous. But if you insist, calculate the main sources of protein first (meat, scoops...) and fill the fat and carbs around those.
Try to balance it out.

Hmm alright I'll take your advice anons, so my stats are all good then for my cut? Nothing wrong with 100g protein, 150g carbs, 80g fat?

That pic insensitive, delet immediately...


answer my question faggots and I'll leave you alone

Just eat like picrelated and you won't to calculate shit. Eat when you're hungry and make sure there's some protein in every meal

I do eat picrelated user but that doesn't mean you shouldn't calculate what is going into your body.

Don't listen to these vegan dyels
Calculate your lean body mass in kg and times it by 3. This is how much protein you need on a cut

eat .75-1g/lb of lean body mass

According to my calculations my lean body mass is 85kg so 255g of protein?

>85kg lbm
>187 lbs lbm
Not saying it's impossible, but post pics. You're probably overestimating it

I'd say 200 is a solid amount to keep as much muscle as possible

You don't need to calculate it unless you're you a professional athlete or something.
Getting fat? Eat a bit less
Not making gains? Eat a bit more

Opps yeah it's 80kg sorry. basically 240g but I'm guessing keeping to 200g is good enough? If so what can I use to make up for 100g in protein that wont add fat and carbs to my food?

>85kg lean body mass
>1969kcal for cut
that doesn't sound right
are you calculating with how much activity you're doing? the more you lift/cardio the more you can eat.
this guy is trolling btw

Scoops would probably be the best to get a lot of protein and keep everything else down

if you ever need extra protein just make a chicken breast or tuna salad, or have some whey
100g of protein is going to be 400 calories MINIMUM; I'd say cut your fat down to around 70g, it's probably not optimal but cutting at any notable deficet for more than a month is going to fuck your hormones up anyway and the extra protein is going to be more important in the long rung

You're still of by at least 15 kg, user.

For comparison, this guy is in the 83kg weight class

It was 80kg, not 85kg I made a slip on my calculator. Yes I've x1.2 the original calories that my base metabolic rate is at which comes up with this amount of calories.

What scoops are the best user? ukfag here.

I'm not this time and this calculation is backed by my tests done at the hospital which measured my lean body mass, fat percentage etc. and my lean body mass was measured at 12stone 9lbs which is 80kg rounded down.

there's no way you are 80kg lbm and asking these retarded questions

What's your bodyweight and how long you've been lifting?

I'm autistic so maybe it's retard strength.
117kg at the moment. Not long, only sorted out a proper plan recently for both exercise and diet.

>260 lbs
>hasn't been lifting long
>thinks he's close to 180 lbs lbm
>worried about protein intake
>going on a "cut" when he has no cuts to show
lol fuk off

I'm not asking you to believe me user, I'm asking for advice.

unironically try the water fasting meme
if you're 120kg and haven't been lifting long you probably don't have any real muscle mass to lose
it'll make you feel like shit but the body stores fat for a reason, and it's the quickest way to your goal

Found my recent results from late September here


water fasting is a meme user, it's pretty much temporary weight loss for competitions rather than permanent