VEGAN GENERAL - less meat, less heat, more life

Less Meat, Less Heat, More Life - Arnie

Vegan starter kit -

- Vegan diet healthy for all stages of life

- Vegan B12 in traditional fermented foods & seaweed e.g. tempeh, kimchi etc. - Tempeh - Traditional Korean fermented foods provide adequate B12

- Loads vegan products fortified with B12 (produced without the use of animals) - Cashew Milk - Corn Flakes

- USDA 40% of US population flirting with B12 deficiency due to modern farming

- Processed meattrash lowers sperm count

- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man

- Casomorphine in milk is addictive

- Milk gives you prostate cancer

- Milk gives you acne

- Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer

- Meat gives you colorectal cancer

- Eggs increase cancer risk even when adjusted for intakes of macronutrients or for other food groups

Other urls found in this thread:


Land of Hope and Glory (2017) -

Seaspiracy (2015) -

Lucent (2014) -

Earthlings (2005) -

Since we know meatcucks will defend this

>inb4 meatcucks triggered by altruism
>inb4 meatcucks triggered by science
>inb4 naturalistic fallacy
>inb4 might makes right fallacy
>inb4 appeal to futility
>inb4 amoral autists who think not caring and standing for nothing is a virtue
>inb4 faggots larping as hunters
>inb4 faggots larping as farmers
>inb4 amerifats who think shooting something at 200m is testosteronous
>inb4 telling someone to behave ethically is inherently unethical
>inb4 free market is inherently moral
>inb4 muh canines
>inb4 everything gives you cancer

vegans are stupid

highly intelligent insight

Except that Arni isn't a vegan

Even if he only cares about the environment he should still go full vegan. This half measure shit is pathetic, though I guess it makes his message more appealing

I haven't gotten high in 5 years. Holy shit it hurts.

it's not amerifats eat too much meat
amerifats eat too much
if they eat like normal human, amerifats will be healthier and less burden for the environment too

who cares about ethics, it's the human privilege as one of the earth's apex predator to consume animals

Man vegan subhumans are really fucking desperate, grasping at the straws and shit

Man, meatcucks are really fucking desperate, grasping at the straws and shit.

Man vegan subhumans are really fucking desperate, grasping at the straws and shit

Vegan Revolution when?

When trying to incorporate a diversity of vegetables in my diet, should I try to fit them all in my meals or spread them through the week?
is nutrition like lifting where what it matters is what you do at the end of the week instead of per day?

I was making lentils with a shit load of vegetables and it was an absurd of volume so I ended up puking everything, sadly.
Doesn't help I can only fit 2 meals in my schedule, maybe a third one if I force feed myself but I hate that and rather have a piece of fruit.

for example

some kind of lentils, beans, brocolli and carrot stew one day
some sauteed mixed peppers with onions, garlic and cashews the next day
the third day maybe some beet soup
etc... instead of all of them in one or two meals

hope I made myself clear

It won't happen anytime soon. Why? Because most vegans are leftist cucks unfortunately. I've been a vegan for a few months and I'm automatically associated with SJWs which infuriates me to no end.

but I am 95% whole foods vegan already, what should I do?

>being a cuckold

That's the problem, most of the vegans like to showboat or bully whoever isn't with their shenanigans.
Like dude, just shut the fuck up and eat however you like.

I eat meat, mostly fish, some poultry and like once a month red meat but my diet is 80% vegetables, fruits and nuts. I do vegetarian and vegan days sometimes(which is why I popped up in this thread, to try and always catch some neat recipes or new info despite all the shilling), don't do it more frequently because lean bulking this way is too hard and after research I feel the benefits of my diet outweight the negatives

I'm in for better animal treatment, less meat consumption and more vegetables,legumes and nuts intake worldwide though
At least where I live the milk, meat and eggs I get are from animals that are properly treated and aren't exposed to a shit ton of hormones like in the US

This doesn't make me want to eat less meat, it makes me want to beat these sociopaths asses, which weak faggy vegans can't do.

Quark here is 68¢ for a 0.5 kg tub with total 45 g protein without fat. The closest vegan analogue is soy yogurt that costs 1.30 for 20 g protein.
I have cut out every single animal product except quark. Give me a reason to cut out quark too.

meatcuck right wingers are so autistic and have lack of talent holy

>taking roids, hgh, insulin and painkillers
>worrying about possible negative effects of meat

>taking things that may only harm yourself

>eating things that definitely harmed/killed others

Still confused?

So is it ok to hunt and kill lions because they've hunted and killed wildebeests and stuff?

i hate white people, love communism and my father is currently burning in hell for eternity
-arnold schwarezenegger

Are you retarded?

>ruining your health is strong

lel, meatcucks

I guess estrogen really does take over when you get old.

He either lifted first on animal products and then switched to vegan, or took ten years to get those muscles.
Unless you've been vegan from birth, your musculature can never be entirely animal-free because your body was formed on meat and milk.

What app is that, shits slick.

>Unless you've been vegan from birth, your musculature can never be entirely animal-free because your body was formed on meat and milk.

Here we see another example of meat eater bro science.

do you have downs cunt?

It's true user.

He's not vegan by choice.
He's vegan because his lifestyle absolutely ruined his body and heart.
He has to go vegan to help fix the damage and extend his life.

1g of vegetable protein is inferior to 1g of animal protein due to time taken to digest and inferior quantities of amino acids.

Even if you were okay with eating very high calorie plant-based sources of protein, you are still not going to make the gains you want to because your body will shit out a lot of the plant protein before it has been fully digested, and that which you did absorb doesn't have a full range of aminos like all meats do.

The only plant-based source of protein which has even close to a full range of aminos is soybeans. But that's not organic - therefore not vegan because soybean farmers use pesticides.

Literally fucking kill yourself, you stupid pussy

Will you vegtards eat artificial stem-cell meat though?

Probably wouldn't eat synthetic meat, because of the health issues

>biceps bigger than triceps
>no chest
>no traps
yeah, 'lifter' right there

he's like 70 now and i bet he still outlifts you

Why are vegans always ugly autistic cunts who try force their shit on you?

Here literally every single one is a faggot hipster who has legit bowl cuts (trying to be alternative?) and wear those pants that show their ankles while wearing dress shoes with no socks?

Mentally ill.

>nose ring

point proven in my original post.

you know what would be a better way to push your agenda onto people without seeming invasive? Providing proof that you yourself have progressed in lifts with no uncommon problem had your diet consisted meat. Along with proof that your schedule was not affected or even got better.

This is like the Truth company trying to get people to stop smoking. Everyone knows its bad shit but you aren't going to invade in on how people live

sources please



Still haven't received a reply, veggiefriends

Homosapiens are clearly, objectively, and scientifically PROVEN to be evolved into omnivores, and no 'moral choices' or bullshit claims from brain-damaged vegans can change those GENETIC FACTS, so how about you take your meme trolling thread to where it belongs, IT DOES NOT BELONG ON A HEALTH AND FITNESS FORUM.


stop being poor. there's your reply, faggot

I'm not poor, I just can't justify spending more money than what is absolutely necessary on food. I basically eat lentils, oats and pasta all day every day,and I need an equally cheap protein source

Meatcucks need to die.

dehydrated soy mince then. I get it for 0.7€/100g and it has 50g protons. you can probably get it for cheaper in a civilized country...

>Homosapiens are clearly, objectively, and scientifically PROVEN to be evolved into omnivores

Partly but mostly no. Yes we are omni but only for about 5-10% of daily calories (or a single big meat based meal a week). People eat way too much meat and animal products nowdays.

Most of our diet has to be around nuts, seeds, veggies and fruits. Besides anything meat can do for you, legumes, grains and beans can do better and are more protective against certain type of cancer.

You have to be in idiot to not believe/know we are mostly frugivores. We are as far away from real omnivores as an shark from tuna.

>no intervention studies or clinical trials

take your pseudoscience elsewhere

large scale trials of increased plant matter in human diet have found no reduction in cancer recurrence

>intervention studies or clinical trials

most vegan friendly diets are interventions or clinical trials and most of them are also peer reviewed to back off with your low grade knowledge

ok i want to be vegan but how can i bulk easily?

oh man, just ride into your own doom.

eat more calories than you

Unless all animal on earth go extinct (including humans) I'm not going vegan.

>Besides anything meat can do for you, legumes, grains and beans can do better

I really can't see how any of these can rival the pleasure of medium rare 24 oz steak.

I would really rather not. Soy protein isolate is very unhealthy. Here is a famous vegan doctor on SPI:

Listen, I really, really want to be vegan. But in order to hit 150+ grams protein with 2500 kcal, you have to literally only eat boiled lentils, Lima, kidney or black beans with no oil. Fruit, oats, chocolate almond milk, bread, pasta, occasional junk food, everything is out of the question.
Pea and rice protein isolate taste like puke
Hemp is extremely expensive
Soy is unhealthy even according to vegan doctors

Or I can just eat 90 grams top quality protein for just 1.36 € and just 590 kcal, which means the rest of my calories can be cookies and chips and I'll still make gains

Sue me