How much alcohol do you need to drink before it starts seriously affecting your body...

how much alcohol do you need to drink before it starts seriously affecting your body? I'm 18 and drank my 3rd six-pack this week today (not a usual occurrence) and I was wondering.

>I'm 18
Holy shit you're so cool you drank BEER and also UNDERAGE
Wow you better be careful, those sneaky dangerous alcohols might ruin your gains!

No beer will not cause you to become a fat shitlord just keep working out.
Wait until you get to college pussy then you will see how much you can truly ingest without getting fat

Ill answer on the off chance that this isn't bait kiddo.

What do you mean by "seriously affecting". If you continue to only ever consume a 6 pack/night then drinking probably won't have any effect on you unless you do that for more than say, 3 nights a week.

The only negative effects are gonna be due to hops (strong as fuck phytoestrogen) and calories, but you can just count those into a diet like regular food.

In my based country the legal drinking age is 18

thanks man. my cousin got fat as fuck the year he turned 18 so I was worried

wow you're a really weird dude

what kind of beer are you drinking?

this is the difference between taking in 600 calories in a six pack and 1200 calories

almost always black label which google tells me is 171 calories per can. I don't track my calories but I don't eat a lot because my meds have a big effect on my appetite. I go to the gym regularly though

>I'm 18 and drank my 3rd six-pack this week today
1. If you're underage and drinking then you need professional help
2. If you're drinking that much in a week, underage or not, then you've probably got a substance abuse problem (i.e. alcoholism) and definitely need to seek help.

What is it you're drinking to escape from? You don't need to answer that question here, but you do need to be honest with yourself about that before you do serious harm to your long-term health.

In response to your original question: You're SABOTAGING your gains by drinking alcohol that much all the time, and you're also making yourself fat if you keep doing it. Alcohol calories are good for nothing in your body other than making bodyfat, and what's worse is it'll make your liver fatty, too, which over the long term will make it diseased.

in south africa we have a think called "walk out day" in our last year of high school which is the day that we have our last real day of school before we have 2 months of final exams where we write on average 1 test a week and aren't required to go to school in between. this week there have just been a lot of celebrations because of it. don't know if you're baiting but this is why I've been drinking a lot more than I usually do. also I'm realizing we probably have a very different school year than most countries (january to december).


americucks are so retarded

exactly what I'm scared of

there is literally no benefit whatsoever to alcohol - that shit is straight up poison. you're better off not drinking at all. if you drink a 6 pack every week, you're doing your body a disservice. it's beyond me why people drink shit they know is killing them.

This is hardcore liquor alcoholism for sure. 18 beers in a week is kind of a lot but pretty much all college students do it. Your youthful metabolism will keep help you out but if you really think it’s a problem, try to cut back.

A few six packs a week will not do that to you unless you come from a genetic shitpile. That's hard liquor and consistent blackout drunks. Add in shitty nutrition and you look like dopey on the left. Dude has gin blossoms ffs.

I legitimately enjoy beer but I get why people don’t like it. It’s an acquired taste.

Adding to this, I like higher quality beer instead of guzzling down hundreds of calories in light beer like the average frat bro.

6 pack a week is literally nothing

and Amerifats say we're cucked...

U.S. drinking ages are actually state by state. For the most part it’s 21 but there are still some where it’s 18 or 19.

Drinking, like smoking, isn't a problem in moderation.

Count your calories and remember alcohol has no nutritional value whatsoever. 18 in a week isn't the end of the world but def on the high end. As long as you don't keep this up you'll be fine.

My personal target is 15/month.

1 bottle of red wine has me in the sweet spot. A second bottle and I'm over the edge.

Chill you fucking Melvin

>everyone lives in america
imagine ACTUALLY being this daft

I usually drink around 24 beers a week, is that excessive?

>He needs to be 21 to legally drink alcohol
That fucking place, I bet you can buy guns at 18 in Shitmerica

>18 is underaged for drinking
the fuck 3rd world country are you from? is that what sharia law does?

>thinking about gains
>muh muscle

I hit my natty limit after 2 years and instantly started drinking, i realized after some months i wasn't getting bigger so i stopped eating so much protein, dialed back and just ate to maintain

I drink 1 or 2 beers a day, and a six pack in weekends and i have most of my muscle still going

although the days i drink my sixpack i use to just ate lunch that is just meat and then drink the rest of the day, that way i balance the calories a little, i haven't lost strength yet

honestly once you have been lifting for some years, you can be very slack about your habits and still have most of your muscle and frame, you just need to be intelligent about it, for example i mantain bulking most of the days i train upper body, i give a rest day without drink, and then drink the days i do lowerbody or rest

>drinking liquid carbs
>Not drinking vodka sodas

Not gonna make it

It's borderline but typical in your late teens and early twenties. Don't do that to yourself all the way into your late twenties or you will regret it and likely find out what dependence is.

>if you're underage and drinking then you need professional help
this is how americans think

Is my beer made for chinlets. I pulled this out just now

OP, I'm 33. First drink I had was a screwdriver at a college party when I was 23... so roughly 10 years of drinking. It's shit if you turn it into an addiction, some people are prone to addiction. Drinking six packs just because puts you on the road to addiction, which is a shitty place to be... so you should stop now while you can. I drink socially on occasion... once or twice a week at most, or none all week... but I'm not prone to addiction so I can manage it like a responsible adult. If you've never had relatives die of liver damage, or drinkers who smoke getting breathing problems where they can't heal themselves because alcohol fucks your gut and immune system let me tell you... it's not an easy or honorable death... it's just pitiful. Manhood is about being able to plan long term, and you know down the road how this ends because we see it every day.

ive been drinking about a bottle of red wine 5 nights a week for like 2 months. alcohol definitely makes u get a gut

Frat bro reporting in, I do indeed guzzle down shit tons of light berr

if anything wouldn't that be for people with larger chins?

>black label
Based Saffer. What my Uncle said about black label when I was over there: "20 million kaffirs can't be wrong "

I stopped drinking on lift days, and I noticed a slight uptick in gains. I'd probably be a little thinner if I didn't drink too but it's fun and I enjoy it. I work in a creative field so I very rarely get drunk because trying to create good work hungover is hell.