What would this look like in real life?

What would this look like in real life?

Vidya goal bodies thread?

>What would this look like in real life?
What the fuck is wrong with /fit lately?

Imagine some who is roided up to the gills but never did conventional weightlifting in their life, only obstacle courses,athletics, sword fighting, gymnastics and calisthenics

Except you want to look like fucking Letho. Guy probably did 8 hour arms every god damn day and additionally sipped dat dere Swallow, Maribor Forest, Tawny Owl and Thunderbolt like it was water

>that alchemy tree /fraud/

So basically, a cardio bunny with a huge amount of testosterone

>tfw I used to be confused why people called Michael fat
Franklin has a good goal body though

He's fat maybe when compared to this hot stuff. For a 45 years old normie he's okay.

I want to be as ripped as Grigori.
Also a dragon, but I don't know if I can be a dragon natty.

Kinda. But you also can't forget that he has a physically demanding job that he does basically every day (except when he is cheating throughout winter while in Kaer Morhen)


> Eight massively muscular limbs.
Hitting his macros must be one hell of an effort.

So, could he do 2/3/4/5?

Goal Body


Are you counting his dick and his tail?

His wings you retard

Hard to say. There are plenty of fitness models that have attained a similar 'look'.

Getting a lean muscular build like that isn't that hard though. It just takes time. Build some muscle and lose some fat. Thats all ya gotta do.

You know there are plenty of steroid users that have 'bodies' that are attainable without drugs right? Steroid users in sports oftentimes do not look like they're on steroids, but they are, they just take them for performance benefits, not to look like bodybuilders.



You play on PS4? Hire my pawn

what I wonder is why they never showed any of these Aen Seidhe sex gods without their armor