ITT: post pictures of your private key

ITT: post pictures of your private key

Other urls found in this thread:

just sent 100k btc to myself

It's empty :(

Kek if you follow the transactions you get to wallets with >2k BTC in it, I guess money flows from the poor to the rich

nice just put a supercomputer on my city to find those keys

Don't forget to tip me 50% for the hint bro

More like supercomputer on my Jupiter and compute for 3billion years

If you post your public and private key on Veeky Forums it will only show the public key.

Public: 1ksfu5ixndnd9dbbdnjx63kei89
Private: *************************************


oh cool, let me try that:

public: 1Cey5ixndnd9dbbdnjx63kep99
private: *************************************

Public: 1JLM6GJwaPdNv4dM8K5KkcFHeziXXXMGKT
Private: *************************************

Is it okay if I post my ETH wallet?

Public: 0xd6f9D9b2B73AD326579528f4C52158fD80029E2F

Private: *****************************************************************

holy shit it works

Public: wEmUStSeCurEtHeEXisTeNCEoFoUrPeoPleANdaFutUREfoRWhiTeChiLdREn88


Omg, it totally works guys

Public: 12p9SN8SJD9msalmMCKAp8123

Private: hunter2

>Is it okay if I post my ETH wallet?
>Public: 0xd6f9D9b2B73AD326579528f4C52158fD80029E2F


Public : Fuck
Private : You Niggers !


Public: 0xd6f9D9b2B73AD326579528f4C52158fD80029E2F
Private: 1ksfu5ixndnd9dbbdnjx63kei89

wtf how do I delete?

Nice just won 100k

Is this for real?

I have 11 k USD worth of tokens.



This can't be real.


someone beat me to it god damnit


I think it's so you can't get scammed on Veeky Forums.
>Public: nd9dbbdnjx63kei891ksfu5ixnd
>Private: 2d3kdf4ktm5kxx9fos3fago459

did you just get jacked? you're 32k MNE just mvoed wallets. Holy shit I tried to snag it but someone else did a ssecond before me

LMAO you guys are autistic I'm watching you all send ethereum to his account to pay for gas while his contract just moves it out as soon as it enters

This takes like 20 lines of solidity, don't be retarded,
he's already made like $50 hahahaha

nice could you share some with me?
public: ****************************************************

holy shit some tard send him 0.1 eth

scam wallet if you send eth to it he auto dumps it in another wallet


lol autism

The absolute state of Veeky Forums.

You idiot! Delete this post retard

Does this work with qr codes?


i can't believe ths guy is gambling his 12k

sent ;)

It isn't gambling. The fallback function on the address literally transfers the message contents out. Any eth sent to him gets moved before anything else can be done with it

It's still a little risky because he has to wait until nobody is trying to steal it before he can move it out himself, but like, everyone will give up after the thread is gone so

wtf senpai....

Haha holy shit this is almost as good as the ZRX bait

What's going on? Did you guys really take his $12k?

Be fast and earn 100usd worth of btc!

LOL it's real

i need some trap code like this

How do you check what's in this?

got it fags

get jacked retard

>everyone will give up after the thread is gone so

He obviously doesn't know me then :)


People are still sending him Eth holy shit he's earned like $200 at this point

Why are they sending ?

How to watch?

P&D with us, countdown in 1hr

Imagine how easy it must be if you can code
Make a fake wallet and steal peoples keys
Write a contract like this or the ZRX dude

Here's the wallet on Etherscan. People are sending ~0.01 Eth so that they can pay the gas fee to transfer his 12k in Minereum out of his wallet to themselves, since we all have his private key

He has a script that transfers ethereum out of the wallet into another one of his wallets as soon as any arrives. You can see how fast it does this- each "in" transaction is sent "out" in the n+2 block and done at a high gas price (90 gwei)

no fucking pajeets allowed


I can write this, but its pretty autistic. The hard part is to get people to actually send, only Veeky Forums is dumb enough I swear.
Start a Geth client, make a wallet, write some node.js to do this automatically. You can do it even easier with a contract, by making the fallback function transfer the eth directly, so that there is literally 0 chance anyone can ever navigate around it

The ZRX guy didn't have to code. He exploited a badly designed decentralized exchange and tricked someone into thinking that a field called "order total" was the price PER coin, so they paid 50,000zrx for 0.03 eth TOTAL, not 50,000zrx for 0.03 eth per coin

I'm not an ETH fag so can someone explain this to me? How is no one able to take the minerium out? Is it because there's not enough ETH to use as gas?

>tfw you recognize those numbers

Any chance you'd share how to implement the script that immediately sweep ETH without network confirmation? This is genius


I'm too much of a brainlet to understand all this stuff

Yes. He keeps too little Ethereum in the wallet to transfer the tokens, and catches any incoming ethereum and sends it to a different wallet right away

>when it's real

capcha = real SILAO

BUT at some point he will have to cancel that contract to get his MNE out, right?


Yeah. The other thing you can see him doing right now is transferring stuff with such low gas price settings that it CAN be paid for by the piddling amounts of Eth in the wallet. Most people can't figure out how to pay 0.0001 gwei for a transaction because MEW only lets you slide it down to 0.1, and the way to get MEW to let you send slower (or faster than 60) is literally by changing the price in inspect element, its very autistic

yeah but it could be programmed to automatically send it to a specific address after it sends out a certain amount of eth

What resources do you know of for learning to write contracts?

All this work to make $37, good effort but poorly executed.

Solidity readthedocs, OpenZeppelin, /r/ethdev, reading example contracts is important

the educational resources for Solidity are all really bad from a beginner perspective because they are written for people who are already good at software development and Java/JavaScript in particular. They are all written by people who know Java very well and assume their audience does too. You can't learn about classes and loops in Solidity for the first time, because no Solidity guides are written for the purpose of teaching these things. So if you are a true programming beginner, the unfortunate reality is that you are better off learning Java for awhile and then switching to Solidity once you have experience with object-oriented programming and the concept of classes, methods, etc

If you have experience with OOP, then the above resources are good for seeing how Solidity works.

Big things are:
>classes are just renamed contracts
>all operations are done as transactions on the blockchain with a payload, each operation has a gas cost
>therefore all methods have associated costs based on the data they manipulate
>methods are external or internal, meaning they can be called from anywhere on the blockchain (other people's contracts)) if they are external, or whether they can only be called from inside the contract. This is similar but NOT the same as public vs. private in traditional OOP; public vs. private exists in Solidity too
>All variables are public at all times because it is imposible to hide information on the blockchain

Bro he made a few hundred, one guy sent him 0.1 eth in one transaction alone

Thank you
Maybe I'll get a job now

Mfw minerium was once worth $10 a coin

Bounties are goat. I've made 20k this year by doing bounty campaigns. Most projects "Soldiity devs" are just Java codemonkeys that read some guides, so they fill their code with mistakes and these companies literally pay you hundreds of dollars to catch their own devs' sloppiness

Hory shet
I'm a guy with a CS degree but not extensive xp in javascript or any crypto programming. How long would it take for me to gain the experience to do "bounty campaigns" for companies?
How exactly do you find these jobs? They are short term one-off things or what?

They are one-off things that don't even require communication. Most ICOs now have bounty campaigns where you can look over their github, open an Issue, and get a bounty if they end up implementing your change. That is most of the 20k, I found critical errors in 4 or 5 contracts and each one would pay me up to 10 eth. I got another 3k from doing '18 hours' of contracted work building someone an ICO contract to their specifications. That was because my full-time crypto dev job got me some interest from these kids trying to do an ICO so they hired me to do that.

Protip if someone offers to pay you to write an ICO contract for them, you should be charging a lot more than $3,000. I only gave them that deal because that's basically all I could get out of them (kids trying to get rich quick) and it honestly takes me 2 hours max to do the work

Took me 4 months of solidity work to get good enough to be better than the average project dev (so I can see things they miss in their own contracts, sorta the baseline of skill for being able to consistently make money from bounties). Before that I had learned Java in uni and done a ton of work in Python for classes and my job (I have a physics degree then worked as a data scientist for a bit and then switched to crypto fulltime)

Also the most important thing to learn for bounty campaigns past basic solidity syntax and principles is understanding in great detail all the security flaws. There are some fucking DISGUSTINGLY complicated ways to hack shit in Solidity; start with reentrancy (DAO) then go through the major hacks that have happened (Parity round 1, Golem short address attack, Parity round 2) and look at examples of intentionally fallacious contracts, I think they exist on the OpenZeppelin site.

Also remember that the most cutting edge information will always be found around the ethereum project devs themselves, so get familiar with the official ethereum githubs and gitter channels

yeah that $12k was once nearly $150k

Thanks mate. I was actually training up to do data science type stuff and machine learning to build a yuge system for interpreting public sentiment on markets and stuff like that, but I'm starting to think I should just learn crypto


Wtf this shit sends to an address with 500k

Fucking pajeet scammers

Haha it is sending anything in the wallet to a known hackers address

Hope this guy rots desu


Yes, through a pretty wide network. But I traced one of his transactions to his Poloniex account and reported that account to them. They don't go after scammers themselves, but they do flag the addresses so that if there is legal action, they are prepared to come forward. This is how you fuck scammers- you wait until they try to cash out, and nail them on an exchange that has their info. Unless they are using a forged passport, this will come to bite them eventually

Also sidenote, someone is testing by sending small increments of eth too low to trigger the auto sweep. You can see they sent 0 and saw the sweep didn't trigger, then again at 1 wei and 10 wei. They got trolled because some idiot sent a large amount and triggered the sweep, but my suspicion is that the guy hunting for where the threshold for the sweep is is eventually going to find it and send just enough to pull the funds without triggering the auto forwarding.


Yeah yeah I was spamming the send when someone was doing that and it changed from saying "not enough ETH" blah blah, to "Try a different amount" or some such shit.

Either way, the guy is a hacker, google the address and people are all over complaining of him

Update: 100 wei didn't trigger the sweep. I am going to enjoy this guy getting raped out of his minereum

Also if anyone is bored, try looking through all the addresses he is forwarding the eth to. They are all weird as fuck, just transfering a few dollars of eth and fractions of minereum inbetween themselves and a few larger wallets. All very strange

i dont think the people sweeping the money have anything to do with it, they're probably scraping websites/forums for keys and looking for balances.

the private key posted here never had any money in it, it was a public key released as part of the minereum advertising, according to the bitcoin forums, and the 12k worth of minereum can never be moved, only a small amount extra on top of that which is worth basically $0 today.

0x0ddd is the hero we need

hit em with those triple Ds

I don't actually think it's possible to send the MNE though

It's basically just a fishing net for people sending ETH thinking they can make a quick buck

>the private key posted here never had any money in it, it was a public key released as part of the minereum advertising, according to the bitcoin forums, and the 12k worth of minereum can never be moved, only a small amount extra on top of that which is worth basically $0 today.

What? Do you have a link to this

>hero we need
he's just throwing his money away into a now public ethereum account

i dont think it's worth it to throw money at scripts like that

its just a bunch of different bots fighting over a public private key, there are hundreds of them out there i bet

sure, look up the minereum contract and find the transfer function, it only lets you send a certian amount over a base balance, you have to keep at least 37k minereum in your account that can't be sent

talk about the public key releases here