Does anyone have experience Phenibut or other (legal) nootropics?

Does anyone have experience Phenibut or other (legal) nootropics?

I have this event coming up where I`ll have to socialize and be relaxed/not being a sperg for a hour or two. Alcohol is not an option. Will Phenibut do the trick? Anything else i could buy from a supplement stores?

Thank you guys.

Phenibut makes you feel like you had one drink. I never noticed music feeling better anything.
I stopped using it because even twice a week screwed up my discipline and made me apathetic

phenibut helped me in social situations for example one day i took 3 uber rides on phenibut and was able to have a great conversation with all 3 when normally i would be autistic and silent in the front seat. but it does make you feel depressed and lazy the week after

Thoughts on phenibut for sleep?

Right now I use meltatonin + l-theanine, but shit man, I wake up in the middle of the night and grab my axe because I think my stepdad is about to murder me.

Also, any good sources for phenibut in the US?

Anyone used modafinil to help them study and would recommend it?

Sort out your problems from the root, not the symptoms

liftmode is the cheapest and their product is good.

using phenibut to sleep is kind of a waste in my opinion and is difficult. for one, you can't eat in the four hours prior to administration and it takes another four hours to begin working. that's eight hours out of the day in which you can't consume any calories if you want phenibut to work.

furthermore, you can't use it more than once or at most twice per week. in my opinion, you should use doxylamine succinate to sleep and save phenibut for Friday or Saturday night.

l-theanine with caffeine is the only one without side-effects

I just checked last night and they don't have it on there. Just curious, did you buy it recently?

Thanks for the tip too, looking into doxylamine.

you have to log in to see it. they have several different types of phenibut too that most vendors don't offer

You're the man, user. Thanks!

Whats it like?
Can anyone tell me the benefits you actually noticed.

by itself, l-theanine gives you a flat calm where you feel like nothing can bother you. that's it. no sleepyness, no making you focus, just an indifferent calm.

if you combine it with caffeine, though... you get all the benefits of caffeine WITHOUT anxiety, without jitters, without loss of sleep, without loss of REM time during sleep. so, instead of being overactive or undecided like when you get the coffee kick, imagine being in complete calm focus.

it removes all my 'autistic' social issues and also allows me to focus in one single thing with intent instead of making me go all over the place like I usually do on coffee.

and I don't stay up until 4am anymore nor get any post coffee crash or anxiety.

Try picrelated, most drugstore will have it in the vitamins section. Take like 3 pills at same time and see how you respond. It does make me feel more relaxed and happy

Thanks for the response
How much do you take of each?

ive been taking 200mg theanine with 100mg caffeine, every morning on an empty stomach, and i dont feel any different tbqh

what dose do you take?

I've tried different brands too

Never could get a perscription for modafinil but adrafanil is it’s lesser form and I would recommend. But it’s not adderall, don’t expect to “get in the zone”. It’s a focus booster, not a focus creator.

Thanks brehs

Armodafinil is my choice

300mg and Phenylpiracetam and a cup of coffee


if you're already a coffee drinker and coffee has little or no effect any longer on you, find which ammount of caffeine will give you a kick, then take that with double the theanine. some people only feel the effect of caffeine if there's sugar or carbs in general involved. find that out before you add the l-theanine.

if a person already takes 100mg of coffee every day and barely feels any effect, 200:100 will only give them a vague calm that they would barely notice. dose accordingly in 2:1 fashion.

I tried everything brother
>quit drinking
>quit smoking
>lifting heavy
>8 hours of sleep everyday
>perfect diet
You name it.
Im still feeling like shit most of the time.
I have exept my faith of a miserable human bean. Its Just that one time I realy need a boost.