Who's selling their

who's selling their

l i n k i e s

for a cool profit?

and who's hodling?



good boys, as you were.

bought in at .20 once available on ED. holding till I've made it

Sell this piece of shit and then go make money on BCC and BTC. If my ARK would go profitable I would.

Holding 25K @ $.165 Long.


Kek why am i not surprised that most of the LINK hate is coming from Arkies? Jealous that LINK has corporate interest while Ark doesnt?

Everything about that post screams what a shitty investor you are

Holding of course

Selling half my stack at $1

Losing money on bcc as we speak. Bought at 0.23 Is it going anywhere near 2k soon or should i cut losses now?

Why are you trying to guess which way this btc vs bcc shitshow is going to go? Its just gambling

But link and hold you adhd millennial

bought last night at .16 cents

sold at .20

this was my first trade ever

newfag here.

easiest 500 bucks i ever made,

will buy again when its at .17 or .18 to increase my stack

am i doing it right guys?

Lol you think its stoppes growing? Check the buy walls and volume. Sell at .3, buy back at .25

>will buy again when its at .17 or .18 to increase my stack
yeah you make the small profits here but you risk being left out when it rockets to $1 or whatever

I wouldn't feel comfortable being out of this market right now

holding bought @.25
let it be 1 usd and I'll be happy

>bought at .35
>bought more at .37
>bought more at .24

Probably going to buy more soon. Holding for a while. Maybe will sell like 10% at around $1

bought 200 at .23 cents
i mite grab another 200-300 but i feel other coins have more potential

Alright, I'm a retard, so please bear with me.

My bitcoins are stored in a cold wallet on Armory. Armory kinda-sorta support BCH, but the dev/maintainer doesn't believe in it so he never bothered to implement proper support; instead what you do is you run a separate BCH node on a completely separate copy of the blockchain, and point armory to it.

So obviously I was like "fuck this", downloaded Electron Cash, and imported the private keys from my Armory wallet into it. The expected amount of BCH shows up.

Now, after having done this, is it completely safe by now to send coins from either wallet? I've heard about accidental double-spending after forks, but I'm assuming that's due to the blockchain state and that by now it should be safe with no need to do any esoteric tainting or anything, right?

Link is cool but what other JSON parsers are on the market nowadays?

>JSON parsers

i see pajeets got a nice little piece of new fud, cute. it's refreshing to finally see something new instead of the usual "it's just an ethereum token".

eh, the 100% safe way to do it is to first send your BTC to a NEW wallet, then import the private keys from the old wallet into electron cash. you already imported the private keys into electron cash, as i understand, so the best thing to do right now is to still send the BTC to a new wallet first.

haha ive been reading this json meme today aswel
where does it come from?

like with all memes, if you keep repeating something long enough, it sticks.

How many 1,000 Links do I need to get my portfolio up to 100,000 USD by 2018?


100,000, means this coin is a 5x+
RCN is better gains, that's set to hit 20x+ by 2018, should be trading around $2.50+