Dropping out

As a 18years old with severe depression, is it worth it to continue school?
I'm okay with living in one tiny room, only eating ramen and working the whole day a job with a shit pay.
I just don't see the reason to not just drop out and start doing that.

go for it, follow your aspirations.

So don't do that and get a degree first you're literally months away. I also had extreme depression at that age and made it worse for half a decade after by becoming a stuttering pothead. Got my shit together and started a business and now life isn't always easy, but I enjoy waking up each day.
Depression sucks dick, but you can turn it around. It is possible and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Dropping out of school isn't a problem if you start doing something productive.
Considering you have a depression you won't start doing something productive, so you are better off finishing school.

Besides that, you will probably live another 50 years. What you might be fine with now, might not sound so appealing when you are 35.

You'll regret it one day. I wasted 5 years of my life not being proactive because I was really depressed and everything felt miserable and hopeless. Those 5 years set me pretty far back and it's been even more of a struggle to keep up because of it. Even though it sucks you should try and get through it, you'll be helping out future you a LOT.

assuming you're talking about high school dont be a faggot and finish it

fuck college though

It's true, that I'll finish school in less than a year and have been goong there for almost 3 years now. In the worst case, I can live my shity life with a degree as well.
Thanks for the motivation!

I highly doubt I'll live that long. I have a lot of health problems and I don't really want to live anyway.
But you're right, that I may regret dropping out in a few years..

We have a different school system here, but ye, I'm talking about high school.

> Asking life advice on hentai board

Turn the depression into money, how? you figure it (thats the Darwin part), if you can make it, you might still be depressed after having money, so it's really a 0 sum game. Volunteer for organ donation and stuff k.

Or get drugged up to your tits and do crazy shit
Alternatively Gym, the cuck way.

I actually tried visiting gym, as many people said, it made them feel happy and whatever. It's shit. After 2 hours I was exhausted and that was it. Just spending 5$ a day to be exhausted wasn't really worth it.
Drugs are fun though, but doctor said, it could really fuck with my depression in the long term, so I'm konda keeping my distance.

It's highly unlikely your health or suicidal tendencies will kill you.
I'm pretty sure half of Veeky Forums has been depressed and suicidal. I know I have been.

Statistically speaking there is pretty much no chance you will kill yourself.

I don't really care about money though. O don't spend it at all. I'm either in school, or in bed and sometimes on Veeky Forums. I only eat frozen pizza and ramen, no real need for a lot of money.

And what's the other option? Living like this for another ~50 years? I'd rather die to be honest. But I guess, that you're right. I probably couldn't kill myself. I can just hope for a car to hit me or something..

I sound like someone from tumblr, fuck me

You conviced me to stay in school.
Thanks? I guess.

You have only been really aware of your surroundings since you were 14 or so. So that's like 4 years.
When you are in high school you think life ends once you become an adult, but the opposite is actually true.
You gain freedom to do whatever the fuck you want without having to explain yourself to anyone.

For me it helped to do something I enjoyed to get over my depression. Because chances are your bored out of your skull while you feel your becoming a disappointment. So it's best to learn some skills. Martial arts for example can be lots of fun. It gives an adrenaline rush. While learning to build stuff with IT skills will both keep you occupied and teach you some marketable skills.

I highly suggest watching 'Mamamax' on YouTube. his 'life sucks' videos are the best. yes I know, it may sound a little weird and stuff to watch YouTube but it helped me going through some of the worst times in my life and im almost sure it'll help you.

if you feel like you have nobody to talk to, face to face or it's just hard to do, just know there's a whole community on the internet ready to listen to your problems and would do a lot to help. I really hope you graduate and look back when you feel like giving up to see you know what you've got

High school is like a free excuse to waste time and NOT work.

GED is easy, min-wage jobs suck so bad that it's almost not worth it.

You also need more nutrition than ramen for feelz. You'll be healthier too.

Go to college and fuck off or start a business I guess

Theres your problem, you believe in doctors, you actually believe some paid shills in a robe know shit about depression. Unless you have clinical D. then you are fucked and only pharma can save you.

I'm 18 and dropped out when I was 15, I've been a NEET since. My parents are wealthy and I have zero expenses and plenty of money to buy any vidya or pc parts I want, I'm naturally pretty frugal though so I don't need to worry about money. I was extremely depressed while going to school and my I.Q is too low to ever get a good job or go to college/trade school so NEET or min wage job was my only opinion, I don't really need the money and I couldn't move out comfortably on a minwage job anyway so NEET life is the best for me. I made about 40k from January on BTC alone, and have some stocks that are doing well also. I mostly just play video games or watch anime. Id suggest the NEET life only if you're okay being alone, parents that are supportive and won't kick you out, and you're frugal. Some of us were doomed by our genes and can't go to school becuase of our I.Qs, if you have a genuinely high I.Q don't waste it, and go to school.

>low iq pleb telling me what to do

Youtube is actually a pretty good form of escapism for me, thanks, I'll check hom out.

And yes, not being alone always helps a lot. Just knowing, that there are other people like me and made it out always makes me feel a bit better.

It's not my fault for being low I.Q and I doubt you actually have a high a I.Q. everyone here seems to take online tests for I.Q.

I'm pretty sure, that I don't have clinical. I can search for the papers, if you want.
But you're saying, I should just not visit my doctor anymore?

You don't need to be particularly smart to learn a trade. One of my childhood friends is a welder and he is unironically dumber than a rock. He is indescribably stupid. Unbelievably incapable and just fucking retarded. But he learned a trade and makes okay money nowadays. If he can do it, an autistic monkey can.

A doctor can be an aid for you. But in the end only you can decide to stop being depressed.

I have a bit higher IQ than the average, but I still feel like I'm pretty stupid and never studying probably doesn't help.
My parents don't like me and told me multiple times, that I was an accident, so this probably isn't gonna work. But you keep doing you

I tried to decide, not much help there. And other than 4 chand and my doctor (and I don't think that Veeky Forums really counts), I do that have anybody to talk to.

IQ doesn't represent how clever you are as well.

if your asocial, just drop out, if not try to finish school

I'm antisocial, but people don't bully me or anything. Just sort of ignore me

I often listen to audiobooks in the train. With headphones on. When I don't feel like doing shit.

You could listen to the audiobook of Marcus Aurelius - Meditations if you have nothing to do. He's the King of not giving a fuck. It's even on YouTube, but I think better quality versions exist elsewhere.

It only takes like 7 hours. You can do it in a lay in bed session.

I'll listen to it on my way to school today, thanks

Looked him up and clicked on the first video. The first thing he says
>when are guns going to get banned? i am sick of this!!1!
Why the fuck would you recommend this numale beta soyboy cuck to anyone

I.Q is the biggest predictor of life success. And I.Q determines how well you do in school bascilly. What's your I.Q? Mine was tested at 109 but I also have other learning disabilities that screwed me up.

153, but that was at start of the school year, so it's probably a bit different now.

What the hell. If it was actually tested by a professional and not a LARP become a doctor or something. I don't know if I believe you, though. School would come extremely easy for you. And it seems like everyone on Veeky Forums is somehow in the top 5% for I.Q

Dropping out of HS? No. College, yes. If you dropped out now and started an apprenticeship somewhere (plumbing, hvac, etc), got the real job and saved your money, you will be so far ahead of any of your fellows who went to college and then realize their social anthropology degree is worthless.

I was tested over the course of 3 days when I was about to drop out. I had an IQ of 136 so they gave me another chance

But 109 is a fine IQ though. Quite a bit above average. There is no reason why an IQ of 109 should set you back in life.

Tested by a doctor (not a internet test or whatever)
I'm studying IT fairly good at programming (I think) but I just don't enjoy it anymore.
If you are a doctor, you can't just stop being a doctor as well. I don't want that kind of responsibility.

HS. I was offered some programming jobs. But I was thinking about just delivering pizza. Already did it as a part time job. Lostening to podcast the whole day and not having to talk to anyone (other than saying the total and where you're parked).
I don't really care about other people, as long as I can rent an apartment and have money for food and wifi.

I agree. 109 isn't bad. But he said he has some other learning disabilities as well?
But IQ alone shouldn't stop people from doing what they like and want to do.

What do your parents do? Surely atleast one of them must have a high I.Q since you do. Are they wealthy?

My dad does something in a bank. I think it has something to do with IT security?
He has multiple diplomas (I don't know how American school system works, but here you can finish college multiple times and each time learn somthing else)

My mom didn't even finish high school, but she's really good with people.

We're upper middle class, but my parents don't like me. They put all their money into my sister (who is 8 and wants to become a cook).
I'm gonna have to leave this house anyway, as soon as I finish school (or drop out)