In Dune, Feyd was described as an example of human physical perfection. Did Sting nail this?

In Dune, Feyd was described as an example of human physical perfection. Did Sting nail this?


Thanks for clearing that up

Dune is all about endurance and hardship, not strength and big muscles. With that in mind it makes sense that Sting looked like that.

Funny I watched this movie for the first time yesterday. It's a blast to watch drunk. Anyway I was thinking how he wasn't really impressive but was still probably high tier for his era, when everybody smoked cigs and fitness/nutrition wasn't as big. He got that cigarette hairline. To answer, no he's not even close to represent perfection.

I dont recall him being discribed that way

That's the Fremen you're thinking of, Feyd is an aristocrat

He's not a fat cunt, which is the worst a human can be.

Look burger we know obesity is in 9/10 people in U.S. but being twigglet does not mean perfection

How do I achieve this mode?

Feyd was in the care of Vladimir, he knows endurance

tell hitler you are jewish

You beautiful boy, my sides are split upon the sands

bring all the pretty boizzzz


Absolute mad man

Do you think the body builders on Arrakis found a way to put whey in their wet suits?
Or would they just take the water out of the suit and make a protein shake?

Brainlets pls go

Its a movie you autist

He's being a nerd about the book it's based on. I read it in highschool and aside from the duel in the fighting pits on Vlad's planet it's kinda so-so.
The funniest thing about reading it is all the interesting names for things in the story's universe there are but the main character still has the most boring name in the galaxy; Paul

Pecs are a bit lacking but the average man with this whatever it's called morphotype can and should feel good about himself.

If it were made today the actor would have had 18months of intensive personal training and hit the juice

That fucking movie
>hur dur the baron is waging this war over a fucking ring
its like used the stupid kids book report for the intro
>voice boxes as a feard weapon my name is a killing word
I guess this kinda shrinks down the time they need to explain the real reason the whole thing with the emperor but while at the same time addressing how paul feels about his carnage in his name sweeing the galaxy but still its a kind of retarded literal interpretation again
>fucking tacked on love stuff with the princess
fuck you just fuck you

In the book Feyd Rautha is dark haired, manly and muscular as fuck. Like ripped muscular. Sting was a terrible casting choice.