Historically, why has the American South lagged behind the rest of the country in pretty much every way?

Historically, why has the American South lagged behind the rest of the country in pretty much every way?
>inb4 black people
States with far higher 'white' populations than the national average don't do any better than the rest of the southeast, and contemporary observers as early as the late 18th century noted something seriously backwards about the South.

Attached: usstatescomparison.jpg (2832x1510, 656K)

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Getting invaded and burned down in a war of aggression tends to have long-lasting consequences.

Retained a mostly agrarian economy until the 1930s while the Northeast and Midwest were industrializing.

All of their revolutions were way more violent than the American revolution
One of the nations had something like 70% of its male population killed off in the wars

why though?

State policy was to fuck with the blacks as much as possible int he south.

The ones with the

>The ones with the

DC is also a >6.0 and is 44.6% white. Whenever somebody shits on the South people will invariably bring up muh blacks as a cop out. It's pathetic.

Because they're fucking retards

Attached: south.jpg (3060x2340, 2.41M)

Virginia is boosted by all the federal agencies and defense contractors located in NoVa. The rest of Virginia is 3rd world tier.

Aside from WV and Kentucky, it's only the nigger states that are light green on this map.

Attached: A_map_of_the_American_Human_Development_Index_rating_within_the_United_States,_2013-2014_report.svg. (1600x1008, 179K)

>states with far higher white populations than the national average don't do any better
Except by the charts you're showing, the huwhiter Midwest, Northeast, and the Wyoming/Utah area are doing better

The Jews are keeping them behind because they resist their agenda.

All of the south is comically pro-Jewish. It's where most of the zionist Evangelicucks live.

Attached: EDUCATION INDEX by STATE for ALL WHITES.png (1206x622, 117K)

The ones that aren't light green are also full of niggers except Texas and Florida

It's because "white" Southerners are not really white.

Attached: southerners are niggers.png (800x773, 40K)

You can't have sunbelt industries until the advent of air conditioning.

Top 10 HDI:
>New Jersey
>New Hampshire
>New York
Curiously enough, only Maryland has a significant percentage of niggers.

>New York
>no niggers
Despite its reputation Connecticut's black/Hispanic population is near the national average

>DC is also a >6.0 and is 44.6% white
Yeah, I wonder why the fucking capital city would be unique. Please don't forget to get a vasectomy.
The best way to go about this would be to look at HDI by race in each state, if such stats exist. If not, there certainly exists a group of stats to be used as a proxy.
The method of comparing appalachia to the other states is stupid, as they have their own unique economic problems.

>Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Henry, Randolph, Marshall, Taney, Lincoln,
>Franklin and a bunch of pseuds

CT is 15% whiter than the national average

>California has an iq average of 95
>but our education standards are great! We can name two european countries intead of just one


the south is literally the birthplace of America, y*nKoids are butthurt freeloaders.

You what

Kentucky is northern, sweetie.

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 37K)

Lincoln is from Kentucky. y*nkoids were literally lead by a southern master race for 5 years.

And now the South overwhelmingly voted for a literal New Yorker. You've been cucked to oblivion.

Actually, it's almost astounding how incompetent a place can be without a real gentry. After hundreds of years and population increase by the millions the North still hasn't produced more than two or three first rate politicians.

>but our education standards are great! We can name two european countries intead of just one
hey only France and Germany matter internationally

>France matters
Nice joke Jean-Mamadou

Knowing only important things is peak Philistinism

we voted for FDR too, sometimes you have to make compromises with the y*nKoid.

y*nKoids are not civilized enough to understand this.

but user those are only things that actually matter

You don't matter so it makes sense you have no friends.


Attached: 1521509170022.jpg (588x823, 109K)

Anti-nazi posters are turbovirgins raised by single moms. Everyone knows this.

user how do you know that I'm anti-nazi?

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont?

File name you fucktard.

Half of those are inflated because they're university states ie Maryland and Massachusetts.

Black population percentage (12.6% American)
Maryland: 30.1% (4th most blacks of a state )
New York:15.18% (13th)
New Jersey: 14.46% (15th )
Pennsylvania: 10.79% (20th)
Connecticut: 10.34% (21st)
Massachusetts: 8.1% (25th)
The remaining states have 4.57% and 31st or below.
So half these states are in the upper half of states by black population yet excel beyond such states as
Idaho: 0.95% (48th) 41st lowest hdi
West Virginia: 3.5% (37th) 48th lowest hdi
Montana: 0.67% (50th) 39th lowest hdi
New Mexico: 2.97% (39th) 40th lowest hdi
>This is according to U.S. census data and American Human Development Report)

Attached: 1520046896674.jpg (487x789, 152K)

I found some stats by race measureofamerica.org/maps/

>So half these states are in the upper half of states by black population yet excel beyond such states as
Because they're also in the upper half respecting infrastructure and white accomplishment, which is why blacks flocked there from the South to begin with.

Not defending shitty aspects of white culture, but lets be realistic here.

9% black.
12% black
>>New Jersey
15% black
6% black
31% black
12% black
>>New York
18% black
4% black

All of these states (except MI, which is 6 points below, CO which is 8 points below, NY which is 6 points above, and Maryland, which is 19 points above) have black populations roughly in line with the national average of 12%. Why do Cletuses outright lie about publicly available data?

>) have black populations roughly in line with the national average of 12%
Because they are industrialized and that's how they got the black population to begin with. What point are you trying to make? That prosperous communities still have good numbers even when 1/10 of the population is black? The only real anomaly there is Maryland.