What's the best natty physique a 5'10 boxer could have? Heavy cardio, constant conditioning etc

What's the best natty physique a 5'10 boxer could have? Heavy cardio, constant conditioning etc.

Tyson? Trying to think of others that peaked

tyson was in no way natty. He was popping halotestin before every single fight

lol okay have you seen pics from his teen years? at least source this claim.

the dude was broad and had anger issues


You realize this doesn't validate shit right?

Depends on your genes.
Bloodwork of natural dude.

Idk about 5'10 but Hitman Hearns has the ideal physique

>professional athelte

t. weak white faggot

I'd also say Tyson. Especially his neck was fucking unreal. A shame that he is the biggest waste of talent in boxing history.

It's true that most heavyweights in the 80's and 90's juiced (hi Holyfield). However, for young Tyson it is very unlikely, at least as long as Cus had been alive.

>had anger issues
how does that affect his physique? are you retarded?

Mike Tyson is a good boxer but not so good because his arms are short against a longer poor opponent he has no way of striking him on the cheek just as if he had any longer arm

kys juicing nignog

Admit to using them.
They don't just spring random drug tests on them, they probably used a questionnaire

What's hard to fucking believe?
A race of people with astronomical crime rates and drug use obsessed with sports because they're too dumb... using illegal drugs to get better at sports!
who would ever have thought!?

Ah, you're not stupid.
You're just pushing the narrative.

Cus probably put Tyson on roids, he wanted to make him the youngest heavyweight champion of the world whatever the cost. Also it was normal back then for coaches to give young fighters roids without telling them(VITAMIN PILLS)

Are you stupid? Tyson knocked out loads of guys taller than him.

Even Jack dempsey a manlet knocked out a giant weighing 60lb more than him.

man, he took the neck pill, huh

Tbh, getting punched in the face as a job from morning till' dusk must do wonders for strengthening the neck

Actually, replace >Tyson with >any elite athlete