Is meat really carcinogenic?

Redpill me brahs

I ain't losing 10 years of my life for this shit

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Eat white meat and fish. Cut back on red meat.


Check out "What the health". Deals with health aspect of meat, dairy and eggs.

As if every single thing we eat isn't a living organism susceptible to disease. Vegans are fucking retarded

Get your meat from small-time farmers you trust. Someone you know for sure keeps them in spacious places and doesn't pump them full of antibiotics and hormones.

It's pretty hard to do in america, unless you grow them yourself i suppose. You're pretty fucked in that sense.

how does that change anything

Because meat isn't unhealthy or anything, it's the chemicals that they force-feed the poor fuckers that's bad. It's the main reason why vegans are fucking retarded - they're right in the sense that how we currently "produce" meat is bad, but the answer isn't not eating any meat, it's changing how you raise your meat - frankly, meat that's produced this way is also much, much tastier.

Also, don't buy processed meat because that's just a disaster as well.
I really liked how this series tackled the issue. THIS is the answer to this issue, not this faggotry called veganism.

If you don't hunt for your own meat or at least buy it from local quality farmers you might as well eat trash-.

That image is stupid.
It even states that the diseases are removed and clean from the meat, and then sold.
So why should I care? The food is disease free.

still contains heme iron etc. I don't know why you think how it's raised is going to make a difference. If someone ate me they'd be eating my hormones.

mind linking me to the study you're basing this on?

Oh for FUCKS SAKE, are you really so goddamned naive as this? Humans have been eating meat for THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF YEARS, and there's 7 BILLION of us on this goddamned planet now, do you really think it's so fucking poisonous as all that? For fuck's sake use your brain and stop listening to the faggot vegans and their bullshit propaganda! WE COOK OUR FOOD TO KILL PATHOGENS.

Or are (((You))) the veganfaggot, trying to scare us? If so then FUCK OFF.

Pic related for one.

Look, I'm basing it on common fucking knowledge. We've been eating meat for literal milennia and we were just fine. Now, all different types of bowel cancer show up in as early individuals as 20-30 and we have no clue what causes it.

My money is on the chemicals and hormones we pump our shit full with, because that's pretty much the only thing that has changed in our diets.
I mean you can cherry pick your studies and pretend that somehow meat causes cancer but you'd be wrong. Truth is, noone really knows what's happening, but we know it's happening. I think it's not 1 thing in particular (like red meat or something like that), it's _everything_ together. We use a lot of processed shit, most people don't know how to cook for themselves so they eat out where god knows what quality ingredients they use (mostly whatever they can get for the cheapest and still get away with it).

Most of the ppl living in cities (especially anyone on welfare) ought to move to the country and start some small self-sustaining farming/animal project. You can sustain a family of four on a suprisingly small garden/property, really.

I worked for a butcher for 3 years and never once seen anything like that

That image is also bullshit.

You're telling me that it started leaking that when there would be nothing to even cut that would leak that, let alone that much?

Plus it's under the assumption that even if that happened, that it was somehow packaged up , and not thrown away? These vegans realize the meat is inspected right? It'd be like posting rotten vegetables with maggots and saying the maggots are cleaned off and removed before sending it to stores.

Forgot the pic, naturally

Back in the day meat was the biggest source of calories for us. Now that we thrive and live in a society where everything is at reach, meat has become a product of no need. Meat quality is consistenly going down, the production rate goes up and destroys everything on this planet.

Just don't eat meat if you dont need to. Do it for the planet bro.

why does our ancestors eating meat mean it can't be carcinogenic?


may saint ahnold of the gains bless you

noticing a bit of trend there with beef brah. Overwhelmingly causes cancer

nice chart there, tomatoes cause cancer in some studies.

Wonderful, lets all go by this. If 100.000 would come out telling you that cock sucking would increase your testo, would you blindly believe it without even reading couple of that studies?

how about you just buy meat from high quality sustainable sources

>I ain't losing 10 years of my life for this shit
Who wants to be hopping around when you're 90?

You cook that up yourself in Excel or something, VEGANFAG? It's BULLSHIT, it says EVERYTHING CAUSES CANCER.

Just FUCK OFF. People eat what they eat, FUCK OFF.

lol meatcuck logic

>ancestors have been in the sun for thousands of years
>sun cant cause cancer
>skin cancer is a myth

>plants don't get diseases, growths, parasites and fungus
Really activates the almond

There are no sustainable meat sources bro, I wish. I really like my chicken and bacon but goddamn its not worth killing out other animals, jungles and the earth.

easy on the autism kosher boi

Sure there are, plenty of fish is and polyface farming. Work still needless to be done but if you're all about the environment buying local grown items will trump buying products from south america

You fucking nigger how much would it cost this earth if you would start raising a bunch of stupid rabbits in your stupid garden?

Jesus christ would you get your heads out of your ass for a moment here? Let's say you eat like 200g of meat every day, which is quite a lot, actually. That's 1.4kg a week, ~70 kg a year. You could EASILY produce that much in your back yard without "killing out other animals, jungles and the earth". Hell you could just buy a fucking sheep or two and let them graze on your lawn. That's the "horrible resource wasting that's meat production" that we're talking about.

Just start thinking for a moment before you start spewing your globalist nonsense, wouldn't you?

You're only losing it if you die from cancer. There are infinite other ways to die

We don't need to eat meat more than once a week.

Meat is hard to process, which takes our bodies' energy away from general upkeep. I guess that is how illness happens.


>Wildschwein, Maronen
Mein Neger.

go home to /pol/

Wow, what a fucking argument.

- Processed meattrash lowers sperm count

- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man

- Casomorphine in milk is addictive

- Milk gives you prostate cancer

- Milk gives you acne

- Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer

- Meat gives you colorectal cancer

- Eggs increase cancer risk even when adjusted for intakes of macronutrients or for other food groups

her hair is going grey lol

don't pretend you don't want some brah

I'm a quality checker in a meat factory
Any meat that has anything wrong with it is rejected
Even if the colour is off its sent back to the supplier

Cause most people are brainlets

i mean i'd fuck her but i wouldn't get her malnourished ass pregnant

Your quality of life will be lower than a vegans for much longer than 10 years. Unless you're man enough to blow your brains out when you hit 35 you're still being a fucking dummy.

It's the same thing as cutting off the bad part of a fruit

The "bad part" won't magically appear in the healthy parts of the food

>even animals get sick
We’ve known this forever that’s why we cook our meat you mongoloid.
Processed meats are carcinogenic at a level that could be considered problematic. Eat lean meats and enjoy a balanced God given diet.

>Meat is hard to process, which takes our bodies' energy away from general upkeep

Wtf, we literally ate fatty meats because it was such an easy, energy dense source of food that helped of meet our metabolic demands and grow larger brains. Actually cooking the meat denatures the proteins and makes them even more easily digested.

get it sorted boi

'Some of it goes into snacks such a burgers, pies and pasties, while some ends up as pet food.'

terrible, inaccurate film

Not just that but organic grown plants are more likely to be riddled with carcinogens than conventionally grown since they are harder to protect.
t. agriculture engineer

There are 2 vegans in my vicinity, both of them recently married. One is a feminist so she doesn't want children, the other has been trying for 2-3 years but is having serious issues.

This whole vegan fad is designed and pushed to make women infertile.

Pic unrelated

when did Veeky Forums become /pol/?

>that guy
>not on steroids and protein supplements
pick 1

ask ur mom, she know all about eating meat, lol

Uh well, it's only when someone goes long stretches away from the sun that sun can harm you. Someone who spends a lot of time in the sun regularly has less cancer risk than someone who goes to the beach once a month.

> The weak should fear the sun

What kind of fruit is that hippy dude holding? Never seen it before.

>inside is yellow
it's a peach

Ahh yes, but what the hell did he do to it?

it's a mango bruhs

This film is really annoying. You can find any doctor that will call ANYTHING we eat deadly. I'm done with these health films.

If man never ate red meat we wouldn't be here today.

Eat that redpill, faggot.

greger is no ordinary doctor

It’s just a vegan receruitment film.

>trying this hard

Is that faggot the one in that movie? Because you know that the only thing he continuously cites is like a study from 1980 that was done on a good dozen ppl or so?

It's beyond pathetic to anyone who actually has done work in a scientific field. Veganism is a cult.

Trying for what?

I'm not sure what that picture is even trying to say
>WOOOOW did you know animals get SICK and there's PUS AND PARASITES in them!?
>they REMOVE it and then SELL it WOW

Meat doesn't cause cancer, except maybe processed meat but the effect size is basically non-existent. Cancer is caused by refined carbs and industrial oils, i.e. plants

'heme iron can catalyze endogenous formation of N-nitroso compounds, which are potent carcinogens'

'Our results suggest that high intakes of heme and iron from meat may be important dietary risk factors for esophageal and stomach cancer'

if i wanted to avoid everything that gave me cancer I'd live in a bubble

>it is removed, cleaned, and sold.

so what's the problem? vaginas have blood and piss come out of them but i still put my tongue on there when it's clean

this is why you COOK the meat

why are animals made of food?

desu not even that would stop the odd oxygen free radical causing some cellular damage

mfw even our body is carcinogenic

Natty with a pump

you think hunting down an animal and eating it the same day is the same thing as putting thousands of animals in a small ass place, pumping them with anitibiotics and shit to make them grow faster, killing them, leaving the meat to age for weeks so it gets "tastier"
if you eat meat today, you are not a predator, you're a scavenger

>it's another amerilards assume the entire world have their standards of living episode

I'm all for healthier meat but there simply isn't enough land to grow all of these animals for everyone. Either you care about your body/the aminals we eat......or you care about the native wild species of plants and animals that inhabit the land you need to clear cut for a massive grassfed beef farm. Catch 23 senpai.

if the US converted all its existing farm land to graze animals free range organic style, it could feed around 500,000,000 people. Triple that if all passable land were used for grazing.

>leaving the meat to age for weeks
Citation needed for this.
>Inb4 you pulled it out of your vegan ass.

>not wanting to eat beef with tons of testosterone
Found the numale.

Why are antibiotics bad again? Last I checked I didn't want to eat diseases.


It makes bacteria resistant to them thus rendering antibiotics less effective and in the long run potentially completely useless by creating a super bacteria.

This is also why anyone who doesn't complete an antibiotics treatment is a massive cunt and should just kill themselves. Like anti-vaccine cunts.

Meat is a class 1 carcinogenic. That's a fact

>Drinks latte from Starbucks with iPhone in hand.

imagine having a backyard that has 10 differend kind of rats in it. They have to compete for the same food.

Now imagine you putting up certain traps that only kills 8 of these 10 rats. Now these 2 types of rats have way less competition and can now grow very easily

Now since these rats are resistant to the traps they grow beyond their limit and spread to otherbackyards. Now everyone has a rat problem that cant be killed with traps

The backyards are then heated on a grill until they reach an internal temperature of 350°f for 15 minutes and all the rats die.


Not without some rats escaping those backyards into others backyards that aren't going to be grilled anytime soon, or at all, being an alltogether different kind of backyards.

Now to stop with the dumb analogies, overuse of antibiotics can lead to super bacteria. Of course if we progress far enough with solutions like CRISPR or nanobots this might become a moot point, but until then, we have plenty to worry about.

I don't understand, are you implying that antibiotics kill 100% of bacteria, and that you'll never create bacteria who are resistant to the antibiotic you used?

>not having milk tea with your buttered steak for maximum cancer gains

meatcucks killing themselves with food


when will they learn

>It is removed, cleaned
Ok then?

>alcohol prevents cancer

You know you fuckwit, raw milk consumption was 300 liter per capita in 1950. It's like 80 liters today.

If milk was really this dangerous, don't you think that ppl in the 50s would've died from esophagal and stomach cancer a lot?

It's wine that's healthy, really. Probably because of how healthy grapes are. Red wine is especially healthy - one glass a day (2 dl) is even recommended, lol.


Unless you live in a 3rd world shithole, you'll never find diseased meat on a marked.
The FDA exists for a reason.