Can you be fat but healthy? At what point does excess bodyweight hinder health?

Can you be fat but healthy? At what point does excess bodyweight hinder health?

No, when you're fat.

you can be fattish at 20% depending on your body comp so i guess yer, but >20% you're just a fat cunt

some studies show that bmi is correlated with health. excess weight, be it fat tissue or muscle tissue is unhealthy when over a certain amount. people with large amounts of muscle (bodybuilder tier) have similar health issues as obese people, like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, etc.

she not fat she healthy


High blood pressure isn't healthy.

Every time your heart beats, it pumps blood through your arteries to the rest of your body. Blood pressure is how hard your blood pushes against the walls of your arteries. High blood pressure (hypertension) usually has no symptoms, but it may cause serious problems, such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure.

A blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg (often referred to as "120 over 80") is considered normal. If the top number (systolic blood pressure) is consistently 140 or higher or the bottom number (diastolic blood pressure) is 90 or higher, you are considered to have high blood pressure.

High blood pressure is linked to overweight and obesity in several ways. Having a large body size may increase blood pressure because your heart needs to pump harder to supply blood to all your cells. Excess fat may also damage your kidneys, which help regulate blood pressure.

There's no such thing as harmless obesity but OP's pic's obesity is supremely healthy for my boner so I guess it's pros and cons

>not noticing her gunt

Technically, you can be in cardiac arrest and still be considered healthy if you're confident in your self-image. Excess body weight only becomes unhealthy when it makes you feel bad emotionally, and even then it's really not the body weight which is unhealthy but rather the images in magazines that make people self-conscious.

you can be fat and live a long life without any health problems but you can be a smoker and be able to do that too. but it's a detriment to health and that's something that can't be changed. however, we all do plenty of stuff that's detrimental to health the main reason to not be fat is not to do with health but attractiveness.

lol, have another brapphog

nigger thats her panties

and attractiveness isn't just about people you want to fuck. being fat or attractive effects your interactions with everyone. even your own parents.

anyone trying to persuade someone they don't particularly know, to lose weight, isn't doing it out of health concerns. they just want them to be more attractive. and the reason women are promoting fat-acceptance if a corollary of that, they don't want other women to be more attractive.

it's definitely her gut that she's sucking in

if you're fat and there's a famine youll probably survive longer than thin people but a famine is unlikely


When riots break out and people have to fight over food, I don't envision a fatty surviving all that long

Consult a BMI chart. If you have no muscle ie are a woman, the chart will be very accurate.

by this (incredibly reductive) logic, isn't this accurate?

>Can you be fat but healthy?
No, those are polar mutually exclusive opposite. It is like saying light can be dark
>At what point does excess bodyweight hinder health?
Above 15% bf for males most of the time, above 20% bf for females most of the time.

thanks, this is the kind of answer I was looking for. can I get some sources? How bad for health is it for a man to be 20% vs 30%? Is fat mass the only factor, or does overall mass (BMI) impact health? What bodyfat percentage would it be unhealthy to go under?

have another slampig for your contribution

I don't have sources, mate, but I read one thing here or there, and read reports from people across all spectrum. One research I remember from the top of my head, is that past certain point you start to gain fat more easily. Once you reach this point you can notice abnormal behavior from your body, it starts to function differently, the same happens if you get too thin(less than 10%).
>How bad for health is it for a man to be 20% vs 30%?
Very bad.
>Is fat mass the only factor, or does overall mass (BMI) impact health?
Factors important to take into account: Height, body measurements and proportions, age, sex, genetics, lifestyle, health and fitness. Also hor how long you have been at certain weight, body fat and physically active, for instance being 18% bf for a sedentary man(skinny fat) during the majority of his life may lead to to health problems past his 40s, this factor increased in the later stages of his life.
>What bodyfat percentage would it be unhealthy to go under?
For a man below 10% already causes some problems in the short term, it is pretty unsustainable in the long run without causing problems.

What if I'm 5'11 and 240lbs but only around 18%?

A lot of muscle, is this unhealthy?

If you are a muscular individual, you can lose some fat without losing muscle. No it is not unhealthy more so in your case, I can assume you are fairly physically active, right? It isn't related exclusively to bf, even in your case genetics and environmental may have effects on your health. It is all about the best we can do to avoid these scenarios. Also mind your aerobic/cardiovascular health, the tango between cardio and strength training will greatly improve your body.

Doubtful that you're not a higher bodyfat, unless you're seriously fucking huge, i.e. defined abs and everything. Either way that's pretty heavy for that height. I know bmi isn't everything and all that but you're 33.5 which is considered obese. Consider cutting.

This is why I don't jog.

because you're fat?

Yes, everyone knows bodybuilding is a meme. Bodybuilders aren't fit. They all have health problems:

>when bulking, their heart has to work 2x as hard to supply blood
>when cutting for a show, they look like zombies because they literally are on the verge of death

Fitness =/= Bodybuilding

You shouldn't bulk unless you're underweight. Anyone that disagrees is retarded.

Nor is strength training, or powerlifting, or long distance running, or the bulk and cut cycles, or the pseudo food being pushed for bulking around here.
None of this shit that's being pushed to people who just want to look good, be more fit, and live longer healthier lives is healthy or fit.

We should make an effort to make Veeky Forums about actual fitness (again?)

Can try, but there's too many shills here and too much money to be made in lying about basic fitness and health

Look at the board for fucks sake. Look at how retarded the sticky actually is and how it has a clear agenda to push.

There are like 4 fucking vegan threads up right now.

The only thing to do is make a few basic Veeky Forumsness info graphs and post them in threads. If they're good they'll grow beyond fit and go elsewhere.

I say when you can't sprint one lap around a track course you find in your high school.

Maybe I'm underestimating the average poster's stupidity, but I'm fairly certain that most people on here understand their goals and do what they need to. The core beliefs of this board are fine:
>cico is the basis for everything
>lifting is for everyone
>do some fucking cardio
All the semantics is just autism, but it's all in good humor.

You can't be fat and healthy. Apparently a study came out recently that showed even fat and active people aren't as healthy as skinny and active people

They are in fact as healthy as the skinny and active people.
The problem is that they aren't active for very long and they don't live very long either.

CISCO is right but it's not correct
Lifting isn't for everyone and telling them to lift or do nothing is just fucking retarded and deeply irresponsible
Cardio is not as important as just being active but this is generally correct...if it wasn't for the fact that people push hiit on people who are oft overweight and undertrained. Which will lead to injuries and at worse death/heart attacks

It is impossible to be fat and healthy. Any cardiologist can explain this to you. Stop lying to yourself and stop trying to get everyone to believe your lies, please.

Yeah i guess swimmers aren't healthy either because of the high amount of blood they need to pump and their enlarged hearts.
Fucking moron.

>dont live as long as these other groups
>same health


but the difference lies in stroke volume. Athletes who actually have to have good cardiovascular system will have more blood pumping per beat versus more beats over time. Cardiac output can be equal but the difference lies between stroke volume and heart rate.

Starting small, just making a fitness/health qtddtot type general thread and giving advice can already make a difference. Also, just giving advice in other threads even if it's a little spammy/repetitive can have a beneficial effect on the overall board mentality. There's already pretty regular cardio threads and the like. This board might cultivate a negative conception of what fitness is but it's far from hopeless to try and change it any way we can. If you really do think it's hopeless you're better off leaving and doing your own thing (not a judgement) but I want to help people better themselves.

Bitch if u were a car ud be a mini Cooper
I'm cultivating mass

Bitch I'd be an 80s Countach, you'd be some gross ass minivan

>18% body fat
You wot m8?

Someone who has no idea about the matter trying to educate people. thanks!

My mother works as a nutritionist and when I developed an eating disorder (thanks projecting and low self-worth), that was the topic a lot.

For females, the "ideal" range is between 20% and 25%. Like that, you'll have a firm body that still has a feminine shape. Anything up to 30% is still acceptable, but worth looking into your diet.

Between around 19% and 22%, you're starting t show muscle definition as a female and you're starting to lose your curves. Depending on how sensitive you are to hormonal changes, you might already get some issues. Females should not permanently go below that. When I first went under 20% body fat, I stopped having my period and lost a lot of hair, so I actually had to start taking estrogen.

240lbs at 5'11 18% you'd better have some abs or you're a filthy liar

Those aren't my stats but seriously I've never seen anyone with abs at 18%

me neither, but the amount of muscle you need to have at 5'11 240lbs and 18%bf make it possible. pic related

Enjoy ur hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Mr. Athlete.

Ur not a woman. Stop pretending. No one cares about the problems you have with your mother. You sound just like her.


Here’s your (you) I guess
