I really want to lift but im literally obese and im super self conscious

I really want to lift but im literally obese and im super self conscious
i dont think anyone i know would go either
wat do?

homegym if you have the money for it

i dont have the money or space for that

Go lift.

If you can't muster up the courage to walk into a place LITERALLY designed to help people in YOUR exact situation how the fuck do you expect to overcome any substantial challenge?

It may not be easy brother but it's either that or give up, and remain the same forever, which won't even be that much longer anyway. Probably just a few short years.
A few short years of walking into clothes shops wondering if things will fit you.
A few short years of getting anxious before you take on a set of stairs.
A few short years of feeling those eyes pierce the back of your head as you walk around the grocery store.
A few short years of doctors saying "I'm sorry user but...."
A few short years of having to take breaks every 15 minutes because your feet hurt to move.
A few short years of looking at babes and knowing you won't earn their love.
A few short years of pulling your dick, which is less effort than taking off your pants in the first place.
A few short years of literally living a 40% life.
A few short years of saying "I'll go to the gym on Monday. Make a start on a fresh week"
A few short years of wasting your life away because you're scared someone might look at you in the temple of self improvement.

Pro tip: people will NEVER stop looking at you, and even the shredded dudes are just as, if not more, self conscious than your tubby ass. Why do you think they are even there?

Get your ass in the gym and start living life brother. You can do it.

Lose weight first until you reach an acceptable level, then start running and lifting weights

Where you at? I'm sure some Veeky Forumsbro would be happy to go with you

just got to the gym the moment it opens brah

>LITERALLY designed to help people in YOUR exact situation

They are not designed to help anyone.
They are designed to get a bunch of people to go into the place and lift heavy shit or run on a hamster wheel or do syncronized dance routines till they get tired or bored or time runs out then go home.

Lose weight first then worry about getting fit.

Lookit this 15yr old edge lord over here

why not just spend 20 minutes a day lifting so he can at least feel muscle under his blubber

yeah sure but its very hard to loose weight in my situation
i know that just sounds like an excuse and alot of bitching but its somewhat true
it would be so much easier if i just went to the gym


I think this mentality helps a lot:

Look at body building as exactly what the name implies, body building. It doesn't matter where you're starting from. 300 lbs, slimming down, and then bulking up? Yeah, you're still building your ideal body.

In a perfect world people at the gym aren't lifting because they're in shape, they're lifting because they like lifting and want to be in better shape than they were a year ago.

So, regardless of where you're starting at, you're at the same exact place as everyone else at the gym, i.e. you're at point a and trying to get to point b.

>I really want to lift

Doesn't sound like it, if you did you would. Stop coming up with reasons why you "can't" do things and just get started. You're not doing something because of a hypothetical scenario in your own head. You're literally inventing excuses to stop yourself in a way where you don't feel lazy. You're lying to yourself m8

Join a gym, have a few consultations with your doctor regarding diet and excercise, hire a nutritionist and pt to get you started. By simply eating correctly you'll stop being obese, and the exercise with speed things along. Start slow and steady though, each year I see out of shape people join the gym and go crazy for a few weeks, then never show up again as they burn themselves out. You want to establish a regular habit, something sustainable. Gradually you make progress and set another goal, then another and another. After awhile things start to fall into place.

This is awful advice. People that cut without lifting look like shit. Every single fucking time. Only do this if you want to look like a skeleton dipped in molten ballistics gel and molasses at the end of your cut.

The hell u just say M8? Fuck u mean u can't lose weight just stop eating so much. Drink more water too

He is completely right though. Gyms are made to make money by getting people into the gym and then forget about it or stop going but still paying the monthly fee.

No one gives a fuck about you you fat shit
Do your lifts and go home

How are they designed that way at all? That's solely on the person that doesn't commit. The gym doesn't advertise shit but "hey come get that body you always dream of" which is straight up what a gym is for if you wanna put in work. The only gym you could make your arguments for would be like planet fitness or some shit that sells pizza and unhealthy shit in it to completely negate the workout you just did

Hey look this thread again.

No gyms are made to make money by offering equipment and a place to use said equipment for a monthly fee. It's the same principle as Spotify, world of warcraft, basically any fucking subscription service. Pay money and get access. It's completely on your own faggoty behalf if you forget or stop going.

thats the mindset of mediocre people. nobody ever achieved anything great by being mediocre. of course the gym relies on fat, bored out, unmotivated people who keep paying, but who says you have to be that guy/girl?. you have the chance to go to the gym as often you want, theres no limit for you monthly fee, only the ones which you set yourself.
so if you wanna bitch about it, that "everyone" does it like that, its fine, but then youre not allowed to cry about your misearble life.

So they're right, but you don't like how they presented the answer.

user, there's a reason why planet fitness is doing damned good business.
You think they care about a bunch of hardcore lifters, gearheads of both sexes and all sexualities, crossfit tards, or neckbeard fucking losers who memorized SS?
Hell no
They make their money by being a place where normies CAN go workout and eat crap food and fuck around if they want and if they don't who cares.

The gym as a sacred ground where you have to go or all is lost in your life is retarded.

>You think they care about a bunch of hardcore lifters

who cares what they think? the gym is your place if you make it your place.

No one actually cares and if anyone gives you shit report them to gym staff.
As for actual advice I'd say do some really simple shit.
Simple back2runnin routine. My PT gave this to me when I sprained my knee during football.
>Jump Downs 3 x 10
Stand on a 4-6" step or stool. Jump down onto the floor making sure your landing is as soft as a feather, toe to heel, with hips over knees over feet. Absorb the shock by bending your knees. Concentrate on landing quietly, with your weight evenly distributed.

>quick feet. 4 sets for 30 seconds
Stand facing a 4-6 step or stool (treadmill). Step up with your right foot, then the left. Quickly return to the floor with the right, then left. Emphasis here is on the smoothness, quickness, and agility. Start slowly, until you get the rhythm, then speed up the pace, moving your feet as quickly as possible. Start the next set leading with the left foot.

>Run in Place. 3 x 15
Stand in front of a mirror in "ready position". Leap lightly from the right foot to the left as if you are running place. Concentrate on landing softly on each foot, absorbing the impact with your hip,knee, and ankle.

forgive the spelling and grammatical errors, I was copying it from a piece of paper.

As for diet, follow the sticky's guide. I probably can't explain it any better than that.

Once you get to a comfortable weight and have a little more mobility you can start a basic program, which is in the sticky, I think. is a good general guide.