He cuts and bulks like an autist instead of just focusing on improving athletic performance

>he cuts and bulks like an autist instead of just focusing on improving athletic performance

you're not an athlete, you're some skinnyfat nerd

prove me wrong with a picture or fuck off

>you're not an athlete, you're some skinnyfat nerd

prove me wrong with a picture or fuck off

The burden of proof is on you.

>he cares about atheltic performance in a world dominated by narcissism

>dumb frogposter LARPing as an athlete
>not autistic
kek, thanks for the laugh sweetie

>The burden of proof is on you.

I'm not an athlete the point is increasing your lifts will improve your body composition regardless of your diet. Counting calories is for autistic people with OCD or eating disorders. Idiot.

>i'm not an athlete

yeah we can tell, have a sage geek


>increasing your lifts will improve your body composition regardless of your diet.

*likes another Athlean-X video*

>he claims to be an athlete
>he doesn't do Bulgarian lunges
Post how much you lift or stop larping.

But athletes cut and bulk too you fucking retard.

Wrong. They only bulk, and that's rarely.

No, they just eat healthy and exercise, only /gym/ tards bulk/cut.

No, lmao.

is that photoshop or...

>be athlete
>already fit
>eat healthy
>only care about athletic performance

I've seen Ray Williams and other fat fucks in person and let me tell you, when their guts are not spilling out of their lifting belts, they look awesome. Not sure if women will want to fuck them but to me they looked awesome. Literal fucking giants.

Wrong. The do both. Why are there so many people that dont lift or do sports on this board?
Go shitpost about your anime videogames or something shoo shoo

To gain muscle density you moron. You cant get faster or stronger beyond basic bitch levels without getting fat.

Maybe if we keep replying his stock of frogs will end.

i cringed seeing this post ... this is who is giving you advice on this board