Get hired at a software company

>get hired at a software company
>expecting everybody to be a turbodyel or a fatass
>at least half of the guys are Veeky Forums

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Not surprised devs understand the value in powerful hardware

Computers are Chad's field now.

Culture has shifted. Those that were once considered geeks and nerds are now lifting and the popular guys have turned into cucks.

Wealthy people with low stress jobs have the means to lift.

>low stress
thank fuckin god cause I'm getting my ass whooped by mountains of coding assignments. I can't even enjoy vidya cause I already soend all day staring at a computer screen

Majoring CS half my class are all 6’2+ Aryan chads whole other half look like smelly neets

Havent you learned from this board

Autistic people like lifting

Same except the ratio is more like 3/4 stinky neets and 1/4 chads

>get hired at a software company
>there are many girls in the company
>4 of them going to the gym with me
Didn't expect.

Hey OP ive been looking for a career in IT, i have 2 years of experience in software and web design and have to schedule spring semester classes in a month

Programming work is even easier than school, and if you start to peform poorly and think you'll be in shit you can just switch jobs.

any tips on what looks good on a resume? Interview tips? Where to intern? I've got one more year so I really need an internship this summer

be careful of girl drama

>Interview tips?
Don't """prepare""" for interviews, just be smart. Read books, do some programming regularly.

>my uncle is a programmer for like 20 years
>he's also ripped as fuck for at least 15 years

What do you mean?

Everyone lifts now thanks to lifting memes.

>Everyone lifts now
>Streets are filled with dyels and landwhales
Where do you live? 3rd reich?

Become a trans muslim.

There's more truth to this than you'd ever imagine.

this makes me nervous especially since I grew up in a small town that only hired girls because "girls don't steal as much as guys"

effort feels like a waste when laqueefa xur can get a job because we need to fill our laqueefa xur quote

At least there's something good about living in Russia - I don't see such people. Like, at all.

Did computers turn into a Chad thing, or did Chad turn into a nerd?

>CS starts to bring a lot of money
>Chads love money
>Chads occupy CS

I've worked at 3 different companies with in house devs on the east coast. This is such bullshit. I've never seen anything like this. The last place I worked the two incredibly awkward, weird, chubby Indian women were also pretty damn good coders. The hateful old guy even said "well they know their shit."

I have yet to see a woman who met any of these stereotypes that didn't have the firing process started by month 4 and either leave willingly by month 6 or be fired by month 8 or 9.

Well, I think it differs from company to a company. I think it's more prevalent in companies like google, yahoo, apple etc. If you work for a no-name or enterprise company they more likely won't give a shit. Although I don't live in the US and can't say for sure.


I've started lifting and watching my diet to achieve Chad mode, I love the attention from the girls it gets me. So the former rather than the latter.

t. Comp-Sci major

Yeah or businesses, functioning transport networks, roads, the right to vote

I live in Moscow so it's kinda ok here, although people somewhere in the Netherlands for an example have it better, yes.

>the right to vote
I have the right to vote, I just don't have anyone to vote for. That's the problem in this country.

Programming jobs are easy to get. Everyone from big companies to startups is desperate for talent. If you can't get one it's not because you're white it's because you suck.

Lmao this so much. If you're even slightly competent you'll land a job and then cruise from job to job as recruiters chase you.

>go to college
>expect nu-male fags who cant be bothered to lift
fuck guys

>Get that turned on by a joke

Is this really true? My friend is finishing up a 1 year programming course and says he already has a couple decent jobs lined up...Seems like my ticket out of minimum wage slavery but sounds too good to be true

Same in physics and math.
At my uni departments it's that almost everyone that under 40 is Veeky Forums

>1 year programming course
Sounds doubtful 2bh. Although I know some guys who've actually gotten a job after courses but basically they're for greedy goyim.

We're not allowed to flip desks anymore

working at Big4 tech company
all co-workers are DYEL asians, indians, and white people
>saw a black guy once, he was actually not bad, but got help much more than others his level
>Indian co-workers would make fun of me for going gym, call me "Playboi", but in a good spirit

user means be careful of them developing stacyitis and trying to either destroy your career because you didn't try and hit on them, or you hit on them and they accuse you of rape.

It's at a pretty respected "programming institute" and I've never known him to talk shit...Are you doubtful 'cause of the experience level or it being a course?

Is it possible to become a programmer without a comp sci degree?

My current degree is in chemistry.

Nah they're chill girls, some of them actually helped me with my career a bit. And only one of them is single.

I have a cs degree and i work at a big tech company, but i know people with other random degrees who just took those programming bootcamp things and got programming jobs at startups and such. They usually don't get paid as much as people with cs degrees but still comfortably above the average income in the area.

im yah, a lot of people at my company don't have a CS degree. DESU you only need about 3 courses from school to do what I'm getting paid 140k/yr for.

Now getting them to interview you? that might be tough. Probably company referral is the only way, unless its a small company you can talk your way into.

Rather second. Afaik many companies want you to have a CS diploma. All my coworkers have a diploma in CS. Maybe you'll be able to find a work, especially if you're smart, but it won't be easy at all and you'll need to work a lot by yourself. Just don't expect to complete some courses and make a lot of money working in google instantly. Also, some jobs require math skills that won't be given you on courses, not by all at least.

I honestly think it's a meme. I just have a hard time imagining a dev team that doesn't produce real work and everyone is okay with that. And nearly all development is done in sprints. How can you look at months of meeting notes from stand-ups and the sprint plans and be like "yep, Tim McWhiteGuy and Pajit Doesnottalkaboutlifeoutsideofwork did all his stuff and Imaginary Strawwoman did fuck all, let's not adjust this at all and pour money down the drain when we could instead shift these women to other departments where they can't hurt productivity."

Well, there's definitely some truth in what you said but companies like google can easily afford some shit like diversity overseers.

Spergs can do really well at lifting because they will obsessively do whatever routine they researched to be best.

Most people just show up and do a few exercises until they're tired. The end result of a years work is that the sperg looks more like Chad than people with a Chad mentality do.

I'm a coder and studied bio.

>pay for the semester of CS classes
>perform very poorly in the math classes
>which is most of the classes

3/10 not for brainlets

I never went to college, I've just been repairing machines for a decade. Got fed up with rotating shifts and started to learn programming online. Do self taught coders ever get employed in the field?

I'm Veeky Forums, in CS right now. And that's great to hear, I was afraid I would stick out too much at work place. My class on the other hand is full of skinny fat and obese dyels

A bunch of retards on /g/ actually believe that

Convince a startup to hire you. Once you have one job it's easy to get another.

>Did computers turn into a Chad thing, or did Chad turn into a nerd?
Neither, the former Chads got married and turned into cucks. The old nerds became the new Chads.

How does one into Polygamy in 2017? If I were rich enough for it, I'd want like a dozen kids.

is programming a worthwhile hobby to pick up?

Thanks, I've been working towards that as the plan. Tbh, I'm not even interested in the big 4 at the moment.
I think it's a better way to spend extra time than gaming or watching sports. You're more productive and can build yourself an app with custom features.

True, got bored/apathetic at my first job and switched to a different one after 1.5 years and am making 30% more and it's even easier.

What languages do you use most often?

This isn’t true for the most part. I’m currently in comp sci undergrad and not to be a dickhead but I’m probably the most attractive and definitely most Veeky Forums in all my CS classes with a little less than 1 year of lifting and a solid 7.5/10 face.

I also work in IT and while some of my coworkers lift there are no true chads.

It is a highly paid field, why wouldn't educated individual with high self esteem and drive aspire to chase it?

IT != software most of the time. Out of 150 people I’m the fittest yet have 15% bodyfat. IT is filled with poojeets, soyboys, and >20% bf people.
t. server engineer w/ associates in comp sci. The coding I do is technically scripting.

Junior comp-sci here, I got an interview with just saying I had drive to learn a language because the company was in need of Ruby coders. Sure enough I got an interview, wasn't even asked technical questions. Just more of "hey man so what have ya done?". Got the internship, definitely pays a hell of a lot more than minimum wage, and this is going to give me enough experience to get another position if I don't stay with the company after the next two summers.

TLDR: go for it.

>Do maths and eng at uni
>Get data science job
>Chad of comp sci related jobs
>Chad of jobs (sexiest job of 21st century)

The bioware or guild wars 2 devs spring to mind. All the big positions are sjws and all the work is done by unpaid interns or newbies. And you can forget about promoting, you can't. The only people that climb the ladder do so because they're ideologues or have connections. More often than not both.

Bullshit, you need to prepare for the fucking retarded questions like "do you know what other services our company provides?" "Do you know how our HRs department members farts smell?" "Did you listen to Depeche mode latest album?".

Interviews are a fucking joke. MAKE ME DO STUFF!!!

How the mighty have fallen...

Nerds are becoming Chad's since they have money and freedom to lift.

I also work for a major tech company, but all my coworkers are middle-aged indians with a couple white people and chinese people mixed in. At 28, I'm younger than everyone else by at least 15 years. Nobody bothers with the gym but me.

Despite Veeky Forums's claims. Going to gym is one of the most normie activities that exists. It's the stereotypical fratboy/sorority girl activity. Programming has become normie in the last 10 years because it's seen as one of the most reliable, lucrative careers.

I've seen a mix of dyels, fatasses, and fit bros in tech. I still remember one guy who would start panting after walking a single set of stairs and had the most disgusting feminine hips even though he wasn't turbo obese. Motivated me to get fit and not let a sedentary job turn me into a fat pile of shit.

>get a data science job
Feels bad man


this is really only a thing in gaming companies. bioware is a prime example. in regular companies this shit doesnt fly. but "game devs" are the bottom of the barrel.

Bloody hell I hope this is a real trend. I'm studying IT next year and just started getting Veeky Forums
Beta uprising soon

>tfw good language skills but terrible mathematical skills
how to math boyz?

Every fucking guy in CS who isn't a total neet is the only class Chad according to himself

Study a lot. Turn your Virgin brain into a Chad one.

Will do my nigga, about to go on break and will try to spend it learning maths, learning programming and eating mad surpluses brah

Play to your strengths don't try to shore up your weaknesses
You'll never be as good as math as someone who's got the head for it
But they won't be as good at language as you no matter how hard they try so do something with that

I hadn't thought of it like that, thanks man. It would be a waste of time to coddle my weaknesses when I could be exploiting my strengths.

What is the context of this pic?

I was tryna play CS at a LAN party but my gf Stacy kept distracting me :P

What courses are those? I'm about 6 credit hours in to my CS degree, and I would love some guidance.

>tfw biggest guy on my EEE degree course

I'm bio too. Did you take an online course?

>black baby
>no black dude on picture
Hell no

A single person lifts in my 40 person office apart from me.

Another guy recently started some functional training or some shit and someone occasionally does crossfit?

They all, and I mean all of them, look like shit.

And you ?

>me beeg me stronk!

>the right to vote
Yeah it's nice having a choice in who will fuck you in the ass.

Same here. I switched my last two jobs after just under two years. I've been at my current job about two and a half years and I'm too bored to do any work. Really need to gtfo

Software dev here

Find some open source projects that you can contribute to, it looks good on resume. Also build out a halfway decent portfolio of your own work.

As for interviews, a common question we ask is what you do if you get stuck on a problem. Lots of NEETs will say Hurrdurr I check the documentation and try to rebuild the code but the answer we are looking for is "I Google it". Why would we want to hire a tryhard who is willing to waste two hours on something Google will tell them in two minutes.

Also, be prepared for stack questions. Lots and lots of questions about implementing data structures and stacks.

Hi Mac
What part of all of them look like shit didn't you understand?
It's almost as if coalburners aren't high quality women and blacks don't stay around their family

Do you even know anyone who works at Google/apple? Yes, they take diversity into account, but that is a separate issue. As far as I know, the diversity has not led to any increase in problems with new hires' coding ability.

Any smart person can learn to code in a year or two (and get quite good), and have your own projects n shit. Getting a job at a top place is still competitive and stressful but it's easy to get a job as a programmer for a more niche company and still pull at least 6 figures with better work life balance than Google or fb.

I find that my friends in physics and math academia (younger dudes though) take VERY seriously the idea that a strong body helps keep your mind sharp. Almost everyone lifts, runs, or does some form of intense physical activity (lots of half/full marathon runners). People who eat unhealthily and are fat are usually noticeably lower energy and less sharp.