Low test

If im not senselessly aggressive and confrontational does that mean im low test? Srs

If Im super aggressive and have a high libido, does that mean I'm high test?

What if I have a small penis too?

No. Acting like that is not a sign of high test at all. It might as well be the opposite, since weak people are often needlessly aggressive and confrontational.

See I have a pretty large penis but my libido is average and im not that aggressive

That's not what high test is...

In fact being overly aggressive shows estrogen is out of wack

>acting like a woman because you have too much estrogen
really makes you think

No it just means you're not insecure

Listen here, boy. I'll tell you how a high test male feels. High test is when you fall asleep fast, wake up refreshed, go out and jump every curb, keep your head up, maintain eye contact, have a good self esteem, are able to laser focus on something, can fuck like 2 or 3 times in a row and most importantly your balls are big.

High test means you feel super energized, and if you're a quiet person it makes you feel talkative. It also means you're not very scared of confrontation or someone harrasing you.

Didn't Pete rubbish say that when he was doing a lot of gear he just wanted to be left alone

>tfw grape sized balls


WTF is wrong with you new fags? The day my balls shurnk, I jumped on HCG and its been all gravy from here

I'm natty


A friend of a friend of mine (srs) start shit every single time when he goes clubbing with his people. He also faps to tranny porn........

You're probably fine op.

I'm 18 with low libido, balding, and i'm a passive little bitch, but buff and have big dick. low test, right?

that’s not how hormones work you projecting queergendered retard

Can i see them? post a pic.

Probably not

Yeah, but out of all of the guys who juice how many of them go out needlessly seeking conflict or act irrationally angry with people? Typically those kind of mood swings are reported by guys who didn't take an AI. Are they aggressive, intense, confrontational? Sure, but high test men don't go around irrationally lashing out at people, they are just ready to escalate conflict with somebody who starts it.

Behaviour is learned. Look more at your diet and other factors such as body hair, depth of voice etc.

don't you have to keep that shit refrigerated tho? can't have my housemates know i'm frauding

To be fair, the more test you have, the smaller your balls are but I agree with everything else you said

Women are senselessly aggressive and confrontational and they are generally not high tsst

Haha no, you ball-let. Your balls are bigger if they are producing more test and sperm. You can pretty much directly asses male health health and virility by ball size and weight, in all animals.

This only applies to natties though, once you start getting exogenous sources of testosterone your balls stop producing, and shrink.

So juicers are less healthy and virile than nattys?

juicers dont produce most of their own test, they fucking inject it you mongoloid.

I'm getting good gains and building muscle with no issues. Also my libido is pretty high (especially now since I'm on nofap) Does that mean my test is normal?

I'm a depressed unmotivated shutin tho so I'm confused


I was wondering if you were going to continue to respond to these brainlets

>frankly they can only learn when they start using testosterone compounds...

Your test is normal?

You must be dumb or something. I don't do anything by feel at all. bloodwork dictates everything, your feelings dont mean shit

they only do that because of gender status in socity
every single woman will shiver in a corner if a man raises his voice

High test is a meme,no one actually has high test,its just a placebo

No, that's a sign of high estrogen. Like women on their periods, or basically all women and most men in today's xeno-estrogenified world.