Lifting Straps

Are they a meme? I was thinking about getting some. I’m 5x5 set of around 300 on deadlifts and notice I spend a lot of the lift struggling with grip.

You guys use them?

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yes, and theyre great. if you use them make sure to do farmers walks too so youre not completely ignoring grip

i've gotten them really recently and they seem to allow me to actually target erectors and hamstrings in the deadlift, since my grip is shit and was the thing that failed first
btw you might not realize that your grip is the thing making you miss a lift, but it often is with the deadlift

Wristlet here. I was stuck on my deadlift because of my shitty grip. After I put them on, I could go up in weight again.

OP here. Thanks for tip on the farmers walk.

What brand you all use?

the one in your OP pic

get chalk and learn to use a hook/mixed grip faggot

>Using Mixed grip
>Calling someone a faggot

Only retard who think 8 reps is a lot can seriously think this.

Good luck doing 15 controlled reps with a fucking hook grip or trying to actually build a back while mix gripping your shit up.

Hook grip and mixed grip for competition movements, straps for mass building, double overhand for grip work, double underhand for being a fucking contrarian and getting your kicks out of people's horrified faces.

>build a back while mix gripping your shit up.

so you're saying i'm not building my back when i go for 1-5 for >300 with mixed. i ought to stay

i think he's saying you should stop limiting your back, hamstring, glute, erector, and trap development by what your little bitty fingers can hold because that's fucking stupid

just strap up and do grip work later if it's a concern, DOH static holds

>Double underhand
If your grip is limiting your lift use straps. Just wait until you can't grip the bar normally before you start to use them. If you want to avoid being a griplet do some static holds for time after your deadlift work.

Why the fuck are you doing deadlifts for sets of 15 you braindead mouthbreather

OP, don't use straps. If you can't hold it double overhand use chalk and a hook grip. Hook grip hurts waaaaaaah suck it up faggot.

heavy rows can be done for sets of 15 too user

If your grip is failing on rows you're an excellent example of why never use straps

You ought to pull >500 mixed and use straps to pull 400 with a controlled, 3 second eccentric movement.

You ain't building shit if your point of reference is 300 fucking pounds.

>Why the fuck are you doing deadlifts for sets of 15 you braindead mouthbreather
For back off sets after squatting for 20-25 reps with 250-270lbs,
For weak point assesment
For defecit deadlifts as accesory
For fun

Also, for outlifting your pencil-necked, bitch ass.

My neck is 17.5 inches, I pull 495x3 with a hook grip and 405x5 double overhand.

You are weak, and you are stupid. Stop using straps.

He's not me, but if you actually think that you can maintain proper grip on your 5th set of high rep row/bench supersets with 220-240lbs, you're either some kind of mismatched Ed Coen clone with the proportions of a toddler at 5'5" or a fucking weakling who thinks it's impossible to do strict rows with more than 1pl8.

My neck is 18.3 inches, I pull 510 with mixed grip and 405x8 with straps.
Also mensa member.


but except for your neck your stats are worse than mine because you use a mixed grip and straps

I'm 60 pounds off without straps and my grip has never been an issue in my progression though so what's your point big guy :^)

that your opinion is utterly and totally worthless

Go ahead and take another picture of your max pull without straps. I'd love to see how your grip strength compares.

Not sure why straplets always get so defensive. You mean if I go out of the way to use crutches rather than train my grip, I'll need to continue using crutches forever because my grip will never be

i'm dyel, so 400 is a year away

I've only seen DYELs use them

>I've only seen DYELs use them

DYELs such as the strongest man of all time.

Then keep getting better at your deadlift and stop worrying about inane shit.

Your deadlift sucks ass regardless, it's not like anybody cares what you use.
Unless you lift in a competition in the IPF, nobody gives a fuck if you use unlicensed underwear, illegal knee sleeves, wraps, straps, suits, roids or a fucking forklift. Do what you want.

Also best deadlift with straps and a forklift was 5176 lbs.

That's not Bill Kazmeier OR Eddie Hall.


I have the straps in OP pic. I'm glad I got them. Mixed grip will make you Quasimodo mode, and hook will crush your thumbs. I don't give a shit what OLY and PLG say, putting 400lbs of pressure on your thumbs is not normal and prolly fucks your nerves up. It's the only way to train deadlift with double overhand without bad shit happening imo. Mixed grip for PRs.

yuh, due to a broken wrist last winter my grip is shit so they helped me continue dead lifting heavy

>b-but muh world record powerlifters use straps therefore it's okay for me to use them while lifting 3pl8

There is literally nothing wrong with using straps if you aren’t planning to compete