Note to everyone: dont use your phone while on treadmill

Note to everyone: dont use your phone while on treadmill.




Is it broken?

it fell from my hand

I can't even begin to understand what could have gone so wrong that resulted on that

how? did a car run it over?

>using a treadmill
post tits

it's absolutely obliterated, did it fall into the manlet pit?

That's because you're a brainlet.
It fell, got stuck between the edge and the end of the roller.

restarting it might fix it

>What are cell phone armbands
Confirmed for retarded cheap idiot. Even a pocket would have been better

it's not it just curled up and went to sleep

ur a dumbass

Dunno what really happened, it just fell from my hand and disappeared

Should have went on the elliptical instead.

good, one less iFag in existence


kek u deserve it

why was it in your hand, and not in your pocket?

> broken phone
> vertical picture
Do you have multiple phones?

Throw that bitch in some rice

>a grown MAN (or rather "man", you fucking soyboy) using Apple products.

You're a disgrace