It won’t fucking flippening but it far away from being dead

Hope you bought the dip or HODL.

If you have weak hands or ADD you shouldn’t make investment.

Don’t be the guy that bought at 0,4 but neither the guy that sold at 0,16

Other urls found in this thread:



There’s literally nothing holding this coin up. It has no direct value or use case other than muh flippening.

I wouldn’t feel safe sleeping on this coin even if bought at 0.05


what value or use case does corecoin have exactly?

If you're agruing technical superiority and use then there's a fuckton of alts that do this better than BTC and BCH

>Don’t be the guy that bought at 0,4
too late m8

.5 by tonight kiddos

It will go back to around 2x the previous holding price, if it follows the patterns that other failed imitations do, so about $600

What a retard

All part of the plan, you think Roger Ver didn't talk with them in advance?
"Disable the exchange when I dump, so that they don't have time to cancel"

The thing altcoiners don't understand is that Bitcoin is the medium of exchange of all crypto exchanges and there's just not enough advantages to BCC relatively speaking for it to be replaced. Right now, it's mostly people with lots of cash or younger people, neither of which are the type to make a big deal overall about $7-$10 transaction costs en masse. There are other coins that are much better for transfering but right now the price of Bitcoin is low enough that the problem with the fees is not a big enough issue yet for the masses.

Plus, you think Bitcoin core devs aren't upgrading it soon after this BCC event? You'd be crazy to not think that. Too many major parties are involved to allow that now.

It might take years before Bitcoin is even legitimately threatened as the #1 value holder. As long as Ethereum exists, we have our inexpensive to transfer valuable crypto asset.

I think there is a few proposals for a PoW change? but I don't know much about it

desu I think you're right, I went in $560 AUD (Poor fag I know) at .16 and I was pretty happy to see it go up to .39.
30 minutes after I left for work, I was pretty happy to see it go up to .39 It dropped from .42. I never sold and I'm just planning to hold the sheckles I had in it until I go on holiday in February. DESU I'd be fine if when I cash out in feb I get $500 AUD

Arise chickun'

its gonna pump right now you dumbass

I think I'll sit this one one, I don't trust this fucking fluctuation...

kek you actually think you can go against the jews, in 2017, its sad really

dude this is all of crypto

Is the hard fork tomorrow. Someone answer me pklox

basically what happening is round 2

they were DDOS attacked last night and bitthumb crashed so no more BCH orders could be deposited/withdrawn.


30 mins

what does this mean

im experiencing too much anxiety to think clearly right now


thanks g,

i been looking for this i knew it was out there somewhere


buy bch and hodl or youll lose all your bitcoin

it means you needed to buy into BCH 20 minutes ago because in 17 minutes it will moon

it meas get the fuck in bcc quickly before it moons tonight. It's 2-3 am in Asia, when chinkoreans realize PBC shilled this thing and the fork went thru fine we're mooning harder than last time.

>it meas get the fuck in bcc quickly before it moons tonight. It's 2-3 am in Asia, when chinkoreans realize PBC shilled this thing and the fork went thru fine we're mooning harder than last time.

I like this guy.

Look, we all thought BCH was a pump and dump. If this was true it should be trading at 300 to 500. Since its at 1500, the possibility of it being a Pump and Dump alt coin can be eliminated. So the question now is what is BCH then? If it is a replacement for BTC, look for quick move to 7k or 8k

BTC at full hashpower and BTC network is not making any recovery progress. Once people realize this they will abandon ship all at one time