What's the best way to get a big juicy chest like this? Are 3x5 heavy benches enough?

What's the best way to get a big juicy chest like this? Are 3x5 heavy benches enough?

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short answer? roids

if you don't pin you won't look like that

just do some light cardio, a brisk 15 min walk once a week should be enough. don't you dare touch weights, only judgmental meat-heads use that trash, they are bad for you anyway

even the newest of fags can smell this weak ass bait from thousand miles away

Dips, every day.

pushups and chinups will get you that chest you just have to do insane volume like 1000 pushups in a day

chest flies and bench press with dumbbells

this is low tier bait but normies actually believe this

What's the difference between lifting with dumbells and barbell?

wow how high your iq must be

You have more range of motion with dumbbells and you use less muscles for it which means you can use it for isolation

are you on a cut?
I read that doing 3 sets is ideal if you are on a calorie deficit

really, what would they say?
>haha this guy thinks cardio trains chest!

how does this chest work? On a normal chest, the insertions goes from the sides to the middle but on this chest its just all connected together?

it's synthol

how much do chest flies actually do though?
They're in my routine but once I hit 30-45 degrees it feels like i'm not doing any real work

>making shitty bait
>sarcastically chiding others for calling him out


Kill your self.

Dude are you dumb? You have to lift weights to gain muscle! XD

yup it was bait annnd u fell for it

barbell bench flies
dumbbell cable cross overs
smith machine push ups
and plenty of cardio 2 times a week

Do at least 2 heavy cicles and be born with extremely good muscle insertion genetics.

Im the only one who likes a lot more the "flat" chest zyzz type thant this puffy saggy scooby tits?

Same, a swimmer's type of chest looks way better than the tits on OP's pic.

Only the newest of fags would fall for this obvious "get angry at the obvious joke post" bait post.

wow!! i coulndt tell it was b8 you got me haaha!

Do heavy flat bench, heavy incline bench and heavy dips

falling for the heavy meme

enjoy your elbow tendonitis and your blaha body nigger

anything less than 50 reps is for faggots who look dyel and think they're cool cause they can bench 255x5 and look like shit at the same time

As a guy who had a huge chest a long time ago, no.
That's fucking stupid.
Relatively heavy for 8-15 reps
As many sets as you can do.
Go down in weight if you have too.
If your muscle(in this instance chest) doesn't feel like it's ripped from the bone for a week then you're a faggot and you deserve your no gainz.

3-5x5 is for helping you bust through plateaus and nothing else.

Only the absolute, most fresh out of the embryo newfag would fall for the obvious bait response to the "get angry at the obvious joke post" bait post

aka the life sentence in prison chest

high volume high reps

If you do it right, you put your entire chest through a heavy stretch and contraction, this is what will fill up the rest of the chest

more 1234 plate nonsense, from an uneducated high voice black. no thanks

i did 100-200 pushups a day for like three months and my chest got really big.
then i did bench most gym days each week for a year.
it got really disproportionate and looked dumb but even now that my other muscles have caught uo and i dont train chest anymore its still big.
sounds dumb but works. mind yiu i was 16 and naive at the time.

200 iq

Work your legs more. You can gain more mass and get that full and pumped look from it. Training legs=more muscle fibres=more chest gains.

: DDddd


Lol no. It's genetic.

i bet he watches rick & morty!

Think you are the one who fell for it

>Chest flies
enjoy your broken shoulders the rest of your life


long answer? anabolic–androgenic steroids

This, but I still do them

Flat and incline bench press with DBs. Lots of volume. 3x12 minimum for both.

Your chest will explode pretty quickly.

... hun, you're the one who fell for it

I'm doing Greyskull Veeky Forums edition and it's 3x5 everythin ( bench, dl, squat ). Is that not good for aesthetics?

Cable crossover drop sets at lots of different angles.

OR did they get you?