"Hand over the wallet and keys"

>"Hand over the wallet and keys"

Reminder that gains doesn't make you bullet proof

Why do you need the keys tho?

Makes you less likely to be targeted for a mugging in the first place


Shit I'd just give it to him. I don't carry any cash and chances are he can't drive a stick. When he stalls at a light and the cops catch him I'll flex a 'cep to let him know who's boss ;^)

*teleports behind you*
*stabs you through the heart with katana*
nothing personal...

>*suddendly grab his gun violently and seize it from his hands with my overwhelming strength*
>*point it at him*
>"Heh... Nothing personnel..."

Honestly I'd just run. Bitch probably can't aim for shit.

> robber is white
Nice fantasy OP

You clearly underestimate the meth epidemic lol

east europe

>here's my wallet, it only has $20 dollars in it a 3 condoms that expired in 2012
>oh I don't drive but here's my bus ticket

No, but it teaches you krav maga

Tbh Ithink it should be fully within your right to shoot one of these degenerates in the back if they are stupid enough to take your shit and turn their back to you as they get away.

why is he speaking in English then?

cyka blyat

Wait, how did I end up in a third world country?

there are no real guns in easter europe


nothing to live for so i fucking go for it and see how it turns out. if i die, whatever. if i kill him, i get to regret that for the rest of my existence

>Reminder that gains doesn't make you bullet proof
Maybe if you lift like a bitch
>flexes muscles into a bulletproof density
>crush the robber's skull with one hand as bullets bounce off of my impenetrable pecs

are you cross posting from a parallel universe?

>deflect bullet with pectoral
>slap pistol away
>flies off into the distance and takes out trade center south tower
>grab mugger
>take to gym
>gain gym bro

There's nothing gains can't do user

Except in your case give you a brain.

i can deadlift 4 plates, scram kiddo

>he thinks I have money
>he thinks I own property of any sort
LMAO don’t quit your job, mr. robber

>not catching bullet between your pecs and flexing them so hard it shoots back towards him at mach 5

>using projectiles
No, user, dyel?

>Reminder that gains doesn't make you bullet proof
>mfw I've been building up an immunityto bullets for years
>Shooting myself in the arm twice a week and now the bullets just slide off
Never gonna make it.

Instant reaction is pull the trigger. You're now missing 4 fingers and have a hole in your kidney

This OP. Non lifters are just bro you havnt taken to the gym yet

Luther Strode was an hell of a comic book


Bulletlets will never make it.


I got mugged once, in Brazil. I was walking to my nutty buddy's place at midnight, so all I had on me was some condoms. The lil' nigger took them, but it gave me a great excuse to go in raw, so overall a pretty good experience.

Now I CC all the time, though. It's winter, so I'm carrying my SP101 in a nice little High Noon. Need to work on the draw, but +P .38 is really beautiful out of such a solid little gun.

>implying some robber is gonna go after the fucking jacked guy
Like they'd take the risk over choosing some scrawny guy

>Superior fast-twitch muscle fibers from years of lifting
>Quickly push slide back on gun
>Move out of firing path
>Trap weapon / disarm

Now pull down those pants faggot and spread that boi-pussi

I left a little surprise in their for you :)