Veeky Forums probably gets this a lot, but there's nothing in the sticky about it...

Veeky Forums probably gets this a lot, but there's nothing in the sticky about it. How do I regulate weight loss so that my skin can adjust and I don't end up with sagginess?
I'm in this for the long play and fine with that, not looking for fast results. I want good results, and good things take time.
I was thinking that increasing muscle mass would be a good way to 'fill it out', but wouldn't that increase my weight loss speed? I have a feeling there's going to be a difficult balancing act.
Any tips welcome.

>any tips welcome

/fast/ is that way

the only worthwhile thread on this damn board

Thanks, man.

There is nothing you personally can do. Losing the weight slower or faster will have no effect. I am a medical faggot. Your only choice will be to get the skin removed surgically. Luckily, there are a lot of really nice surgeons who would be happy to do a pro bono operation and write it off on their taxes. Alternatively, you can get your finances in order if they aren't already. You'll be better off just losing the weight and then, when you're closer to 14% bodyfat, deciding how you want to sculpt.

Fuck off, /fast/ cultist.

water fasting does the same thing

haha (((medical faggot))) trying to push (((surgeries))). Ok so what would you say about autophagy? Why would the body leave shit hanging it can recycle. Why dont the jews in the concentration camp pictures have heaps of hanging skin, they were rich and fat before they went OFF FOOD. Dont eat, anything, i mean anything at all, just drink water, see all these low calorie biggest loser losers with their hanging skin. It has nothing to do with luck. "medical" kids haha.

there is 0 scientific evidence from this and the entire assumption that water fasting solves loose skin is based on very few anecdotal results

Yeah because they were 500lbs like the modern americans are. Get real.

Evolution didn't prepare us to be that big and our bodies don't really know how to cope with a situation like that.

Your skin is already stretched.

The only thing you can do is wear suspenders clamped on your nipples and attempt to position them on the pecs as you lose weight.

>Why dont the jews in the concentration camp pictures
>Implying this ever happened
Nice try Goldberg

you're going to have loose skin so you may as well get used to the idea. You'll still feel a million times better than you do now

regardless of how retarded the rest of your post is you do realise the rich fat jews got the FUCK outta mainland Europe asap starting from the early 1930s

Go back in time and don’t let yourself become a pathetic fat fuck.

Yes I know because most of them came to America hence the absolute fucked state of this country.


Oy vey, the larger chosen ones where used a fuel to power the electrical floor.

My grandmother told me so, she survived six gorillion gassings with Zycklon B in fake shower rooms. The fatter jews where used there too to heat the Zycklon, you see ZB doesn't work at colder temperatures so by stuffing the pellets into the rear of fat jews those evil natzees where able gas the millions of us.

Your autism is off the spectrum. Do tell me how you propose people "naturally" and non-surgically eliminate massive folds of hanging skin.

Is this a troll? It's a weird one.

Check your IQ kiddo. Look up autophagy. Wonder why the pictures with people left with no food have no hanging skin. Yes im autistic btw, better than being completely retarded like you.

Most people don't start at 300+ lbs though. The loose skin only really happens when you have a gigantic starting point. I doubt any of those Jews were as big as modern Americans

If I was like that I'd go full roid monster desu. Good luck bro.

Where are you finding bro Bono plastic surgeons? I have terrible loose skin and surgery is well over 10k