Thoughts on him Veeky Forums?

Thoughts on him Veeky Forums?

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he used to make fun videos.
now he doesn't make fun videos.

Meme game is on point.

he's a coward who parades himself as this ultra cool public figure but whenever someone criticizes or trolls him back he just gets all offended and goes after them at a almost stalkerish manner.

tldr - guy who talks tough but is a whiny butthurt bitch

He's somehow managed to be in worse shape than Blaha


He bullycided the only YouTubers worth bullying
I think his channel has run its course and he knows it

his videos were legitimately entertaining, but over time it seems like his putting out less and less quality content and his script is starting to sound way too overthought in order to avoid redundancy. His jokes are very witty but at the same time you can tell he spent way to much time to think of clever metaphors in order to reach a punchline. Also his stoic "no-nonsense" persona is really what kills his potential for growth because it creates limitations within his content. He can't respond to certain situations appropriately due to the risk of "breaking character."
Overall he had a great channel that's now in its death throws and it would be better for him to let it die. Not that that's a bad thing. But it would be better for both him and his audiences to pursue different avenues. ZEROOOOOO

So what you're saying is when someone talks shit about him or tries to get his content removed like a bitch he doesn't roll over and take it like a whipped dog? you must be fiercely beta if you think that's a bad course of action. Not to mention doing shit like that is fucking with his hobby and his secondary income and the guy is a lawyer. What did you expect him to do?

he is the definition of beta bitch. he puts himself out there, parades himself as this troll master. But he's nothing but a lonely beta bitch. Guy leaves a basic comment on a video that says "this video sucks", beta bitch boy has to 1)stalk the person online 2) find out where they work 3) inform employer, family and friends 4) then post it all online. He's just as bad as all the other YouTube weirdos. Elgin, Blaha, Cassidy - there all the same beta bitches who feel it's ok to rip on others but how dare anyone have a negative opinion about them. That's haram. Ohhhh and he's a lawyer, it's just his hobby. People who talk like that are the most insecure fucktards. Can't wait til the day Elgin and the others get fucked with just like Blaha has.

did his job too well.
not much left for him to make fun of that isn't the same low hanging fruit.

>all that shit
Citation needed. I doubt he'd go after some random nobody, literally not worth his time. The closest I've seen is him addressing people trying to shit on him and he does it in his usual stoic fashion. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I'm by no means an expert on this topic, but it seems like you're just being butthurt for the sake of it.

I'm laughing at the fact that you think Elgin would be beta enough to email someone's friends and family that they said mean words on his video. Lol prototypical projection right there.

His Facebook is riddled with him doing this and bragging about it

His dead pan delivery style makes me want to die and every video is formatted the same way. It's just reference after reference to popular then not so popular media. Then he post THAT photo and goes innnnnerrrr cittttyyy then his words trail off into mumbling. More references with no proper jokes and then the rich piana voice. No video actually stand out from another one and they all get bundled together with shit thumbnails. Anyone that watches him is new lifter and probably rewatches the broscience videos constantly. Congratulations you just gave a man another source of income for basically doing almost nothing.

holy fuck i dint know he did this, what an immense faggot

>when you can't lift away being, deep down, a weak, spineless gook

What a fucking faggot holy shit

lmao what a loser

> (OP)
>Meme game is on point.
Dont ever post again, fucking normies

what a fag

Somehow manages to be a holier-than-thou fitness youtuber whilst simultaneously being in worse shape than blaha. Insufferable if I'm being honest.

Also looks like some sort of human frog.

Has he ever accomplished anything?

Law School

LMAO what a dumb chink

this is my first time on here and i really expected y'all to be fans of him, i'm pleasantly surprised.


So completely devoid of any applicable fitness/strength knowledge. Got it.

What a fucking pussy

Based. I would do this too a million times over.

That's a pretty fucked up thing to do. For someone that bases his whole personality around trolling others he should try not to ruin someone's career over a comment.
But if this teaches anything to you is that you should leave the racial slurs to Veeky Forums instead of your personal social media.

>can't quote someone properly.
Uhh you're the one that needs to go.

Elgin pls go

Benches 4 pl squats 5pl8 diddys 6pl8
aka stronger than 99% of fit
he has a shit bod but it's because of those chink genes
overall funny and he shits on crossfit which I like

Unfunny, autistic, repeats the same joke. He's Veeky Forums alright.

The real lesson is to bit be fooled into thinking some dyel chinaman is a decent person just because he makes a few jokes you like

*not be fooled

>What did you expect him to do?

Stop shilling your channel and defending it here, maybe. It's pathetic.

He seems like a sociopath and an asshole, so a perfect lawyer. But it's fun when he makes fun of fitness vlogers.

This. He's just your regular powerlifting big 3 cuck that shits on anyone that doesn't do conventional.

looks like his credentials mirror Saul

i actually enjoy the overthought jokes and lawyer style personality since it's a nice contrast to the overhype and simple jokes of most yters

I've caught him at least twice posting what appear to be witty comments on other people's pages only to find out that he edited the screen image and either never posted it or posted it and immediately deleted it.

What he thinks of himself is way above what he actually is. He's a nobody who gets off on being followed by other nobody losers.