I'd really apreciate some help with my routine. 3 days a week, based off of GZCLP.
Red is 5x3, if fail next wo 6x2, if fail 9x1 to deload and cycle. Last set AMRAP.
Orange is 3x10 to 3x8 to 3x6 to deload.
Yellow is 3x15, last set AMRAP.
I'm novice-intermediate.

what do you need help with? what's your problem?

I can't do the close-grip push-ups, the second workout of the week is killer man. I need another exerise to isolate pecs, and I have no idea which one.

>No diddlies
y tho

I had diddlies instead of squat in day 1, but I'm really afraid that I'm gonna hurt my back (bad form) because I'm the most advanced lifter there and I can't get advice from anyone (small gym, old people who only do cardio).
I changed DL to squats, and introduced forearm isolations (farmer walks).

Don't fear the diddlies friend. Start with just two 45s on the bar and work solely on your form, don't even worry about adding weight until the motion feels correct. Correct form is going to look different on many folks due to differing proportions and whatnot, bu if you're keeping a straight low back/neutral spine and locking out without overextending, you're probably doing fine.

OK so I need some help - I have a weak left side due to a shoulder injury that put me out of training for a long while, and I need to fit some unilateral work in to an ULUL split. Should I add the unilateral work to one of the upper days in a second session, or should I sacrifice a rest day an add another day of work to the split solely for the unilateral work?

I'm doing GSLP, but have no idea what to do on tuesdays/saturdays. I do mostly cardio though

Any ideas?

Who came up with "3 sets of reps" rule anyways? Seems silly with one second extra think.

Abs but no arms

What do you want to look like? Lenny?

Could someone please give me some feedback on this routine? I'm lifting 6x per week.

>Two T1's and two T2's for days 2 and 3
Not GZCLP. Protocol is 1 T1 MAX. Just have a T1 day for each: DL, Squat, Bench, OHP. T2's should mirror and add in T2 pulls on T2 push days. Add in some more pulls in your T3 (especially facepulls).


bench, rows, farmer walks, pullups, dips... no arms?

Extensions are redundant with barbell squats, just hit the squats more or harder. Drop the hamstring curls for some medium intensity deads.


I find that to be really low volume of training.I prefer to end the workout exhausted (i only have trouble finishing the close-grip pushups in day2). Could you recommend another pec exercise?

If you want to finish exhausted, add conditioning in at the end. Two T1's means sub-optimal results for both. Incline DB bench, dips, flies are good for chest.

Will deadlifts hit the hamstrings enough to take out the hamstring curls though?

Definitely, if you're using 60%+ of 1RM and doing meaningful volume.

I need some help here, my routine used to be

M chest and triceps
T cardio
W back and biceps
T cardio
F dl shoulders and legs

But i fucked up my ankle and finally got it out of the cast, but i cant squat, run or dl and don't know what to do for the other 3 days.

Any recommendations?

get some rest?

Why not lift on all five days you're going and do cardio afterwards. Better gainz brah

that guy's advice to swap extensions and curls for something else is probably a good idea, but to just do more back squats and more conventional deadlifts is pretty dumb
try including a more quad focused squat variation like front squats and a more hamstring focused DL variation like an RDL or a GHR if you have access to one
both at a similar rep range you have already prescribed for the extensions/curls

Nah doc said i can hit the gym, i was already on a 5 week hiatus and want to look good for the summer, i can't afford to lose the time
Cardio after my workouts?Ye bro i'll definitely try it when i can run again, but i don't know what to do in place of the cardio, any recommendations?

Opinions on coolcicada ppl?

Do some core exercises.

can you do kettlebell swings? can use a plate if you don't have access to kettlebells
30sec on/30 sec off for 30 mins is pretty good cardio

Not bad 4 aesthetics,but it's definitely not for beginners

>naturally low e2 but easy to build muscle

what do??????

why not?

i'm a beginner doing this, opinions?

nah i don't mind taking a break from cardio plus the gym is like 3 km away so a nice distance
So core instead of the cardio?Tnx famlam.

Wheelbarrow is 63lbs

6 sets, trying to hit 25 reps each set.

So far I'm at 25, 25, 25, 19, 19, 12.

Heres my routine:
Monday Legs
Squats 5x10-12 SS1
Reverse Barbell Lunges 4x 8-10 each leg SS1

Jump Squat the turf and back 60Yd’s

Giant Set (4x workouts back to back)
Kneeling Triple extension in smith machine 4x10
Side Kick Leg Press 4x15 each leg
Hack Squat Good morning squats 4x10
Explosive plyometric squats with leg press machine (Narrow push and explode, land wide push and explode and thats 1) 4x15

Calfs (Standing and leg press SS) 4x25 (2 neutral and 2 duck)

Abs (any 100reps)
Cardio 45min
