ChainLink has a working product confirmed

>we're currently REIMPLEMENTING the core pieces in golang
>and you can build against the current implementation's API, we'll carry that forward with the golang version

How can you reimplement something that doesnt exist. Why reimplement? One good reason is that they are indeed working with SWIFT GPI and other enterprises so they have to adjust the working product they have been working on for years to their client's needs.

Checkout the new Gitter lobby for ChainLink

Usually you re implement something after it is broken or proven not to work in its current implementation... otherwise why re implement?

This should be faster than what fudders expect. Reimplementing something is done faster than coding something that doesnt exist. 2 years my ass.

LINK FUDers BTFOed, as usual

Didnt you read my post? Software developers dont reimplement just because its broken, there are various reasons. If its broken then why was the PoC with SWIFT considered successful you retard?

>2/5 steps completed
Yeah sounds real successful.

well i said or proven not to work. could be that their tests are successful but their current implentation can't scale correctly.

they are probably re implementing because go is a better language (especially for concurrency) than what they were using.

why so hostile?

good lord. is anyone seriously falling for this FUD?

buy LINK and be rich in 2018.

Wait a you talking about this? holy shit you retard those check marks are not referring to ChainLink's implementation. If you visited when it was up and clicked on a different transaction you would see the same thing with 5/5 check marks.

You LINK fudders are retarded as usual.

Without SWIFT confirming a partnership nobody will care.
Enjoy bagholding until April.

Enjoy being a sub 10k faggot.

>Without SWIFT confirming a partnership nobody will care.
Kek nice response after being BTFO. If any cryptocurrency has a chance of a SWIFT partnership, you know deep inside that its LINK. In fact, out of all the low marketcap coins only LINK has huge corporate interest.

>Enjoy bagholding until April.
I'm happy that you realize we will be rich as fuck by 2018.

That was proven fake retard


>That was proven fake retard
How many times do people have to tell you that was really up and that picture was legit? Fucking retard

Hodling 8400 linkies. 2018 Toyota Camry or 2018 Escalade?

Saw it with my own eyes online you fucking faggot, kys

>If i didn't see it it didn't happen
nice meme

you guys think link is at a good price to buy rn?

no one cares about this stupid shit stop posting this garbage coin that will be barely used because the average person does not fucking need oracles or smart contracts

nice json parser

Anything under 3k sats is a great price.

Average person, no. Businesses who transact millions of transactions a day, yes. Stay poor retard

Then what altcoins do you hold genius?

If you want to pull out 10x what you put in in a year or so, yes.

like who you stupid fuck? banks don't need this you morons, they can use normal blockchain technology just fine

lmao this has to be FUD because that is the worst argument of all time

something tells me you're not very intelligent.

>banks and corporations dont need smart contracts and a decentralized oracle
>brainlet who is smarter than multibillion IT companies that totally said the opposite

Heard of smart contracts you brainlet? Know how they work and why decentralized oracles are so important? No? Then take your weak FUD elsewhere

guys I think I found the best response for these trolls

next time you see someone FUDing LINK, just ask them what coin they hold. They will NEVER answer you

Kek yeah, they will probably only respond with BTC and ETH lmao.

Do you even understand the concept of bags, you fucking dunce.

Just so you know, SmartContracts were supposed to be ETH's lil baby.

Now the only way they work is through tokens, which makes us have all these shitty PnD's.

Link is moving it to the next level, ya fag.