Nothing is stopping you user, do it.


Can you kill yourself by attacking a bunch of conservatives and claiming to doing it in the name of liberalism?


Tell us what is making you sad user.

So I can have a good laugh

We all feel that way, but being alive is a pretty crazy thought to grasp and you should try to appreciate it. Just ride it out till it's over. It's all an illusion. I just kind of stand back and laugh at the things that used to bother me because who fucking cares? Get a backbone and fuck everyone else because who cares what judgemental wastes of space, who have been conditioned to judge people for the way they talk or look, think? Like, literally, who cares? They're just void, negative vessels. Pity them.

I have chronic back pain and I'm lonely

sort yourself out user, you are only a small fraction of what you could be

I feel like helping out a fellow user today.

user, what are you currently doing?

You should go get a stem degree. Considering you are on Veeky Forums you might enjoy Computer Science but any stem will do.

Start lifting & running. Start with maybe 10 minutes of running everyday and find a routine in the sticky for lifting and follow that for 3 month then report back.

>Clean up your room
>Do your bed as the first thing in the morning.
>Get a proper sleep rhythm
>Dont get up later than 12 pm.
>Do dishes as soon as you are done eating

Do these and I promise you will start feeling better again.

>start running
that's precisely the thing I can't do, and I'd like to
t. not OP but also health problems

Get a cycle/recumbercycle or something.


You should strongly consider killing yourself. Life doesn't get better. It just gets worse.

Go back to fucking incel

I don't know how

Can you kill yourself and make it seem like protein powder made you do it?


do a flip user

>I came here to complain
>no nothing will work for me, just complaining
Just let the guy vent so he can kill himself or get over it. Don't give him advice. Don't worry about him.

well I do though I used to be better at it, but swimming is boring

I consider killing myself but now an additional consideration is coming over to your place and making you a cripple before I go

Then drown at least you’ll feel better

We're all lonely mate. You need to love yourself and you won't mind your own company. You aren't depressed, but your body is telling you that you are. You're spirit inside you is not depression. Feel it, meditate, speak to it. Embrace that energy in you and realize what you are. You aren't just a human being, you're a miracle and it's sad that people don't see life that way. Our world is sick but that doesn't mean you have to let it infect your spirit. Fight it and love yourself. There are still great things out there. Make a change that is doable or save money for one. When bad shit happens, it's okay to want to lose your shit. But why not just make a change? Or maybe smoke weed and move to a populated area and put yourself out there. I know you fags can do it.

stop injecting creatine get your mind right

you haven't addressed his health problems
meditation won't fix it


Well I have chrohn's which will never go away and from the time I was 16 to the time I was 21 and I didn't get to go to high school and part of my colon was removed because steroids didn't work. I found my grandmother dead when I was 9 and there are things that will never get out of my mind, but a lot of people have been through real pain and sorrow. I can't eat most foods, which sucks. Meditation helped me. I didn't choose to be diseased, it's just the vessel that my spirit manifested into for whatever reason. Seriously, smoke weed. My body and heart hurts too, but you need to live.

>well I do though I used to be better at it, but swimming is boring

Fucking nigger.

you dont even know pain you edgelord. get back to the gym you fucking nigger

I'm sorry user, but everyone else is right. You don't know what real pain is. I've seen some crazy shit and I haven't blown my face off as a result of it. Stop being a pussy.

Someone tell me what the fuck this was before it got deleted please

respect ma nigga.

lmao you are retards. How can you tell he doesn't know pain? What problems do YOU have? See, this guy has it fucked up and he isn't condescending.I can never breath properly while swimming even though I can manage my breath better when doing intense shit on land, and I can't get the frog kick right

Seems like a scat-loving girl. For what I reckon those pics look like her arms and panties covered in literal shit