Stop doing direct lat or rotator cuff work. Hit the traps as a whole + rear delts every chance you get...

Stop doing direct lat or rotator cuff work. Hit the traps as a whole + rear delts every chance you get. Guaranteed to diminish and prevent any shoulder pain.

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Lats really do internally rotate and tighten the shoulders so any person with shoulder problems should ditch the vertical pulls for some time.

These rotational rotator cuff movements won't do you shit.

I have one day a week where I go the gym and do lower traps and rear delts because let's be honest, the large majority of people do way more pressing than pulls. Face pulls, incline Y raises, and dunbbell and cable rear delt flys. Then abs and biceps so I feel like I did something besides work for longevity with healthy shoulders.


Doing lat pull-downs makes my shoulders feel comfy af. Also, those rotations (also done vertically) make me feel great.

idk if OP knows what he is talking about. Lats EXternaly rotate the shoulders.

If you're otherwise balanced there may be no problem doing a portion of direct lat training, but unless you're a bodybuilder there's not much sense.

I googled "lats internal rotation" to be sure and a bit surprisingly it is true, one source:

The pecs also internally rotate the shoulder so the push-pull is not that black and white of a thing.

Sure if you have the time it hardly takes away from other things to commit to shoulder health training.

How do i train the traps as a whole? Do you mean do rows? i know that still hits the lats though

Yeah I basically meant not to ignore lower and mid traps because many people think only about upper traps.

Any row or pull, especially weightlifting types and overloading, stretches the hell out of traps as they stabilize the shoulder. Of course the lats stabilize these movements indirectly.

Facepulls, y-raises and hanging retractions target low and mid areas directly.

how about snatch grip shrugs and rack pulls?

Yes :)

What are the best excersizes to hit all those muscles?

Hate to admit it but AlphaDestiny was right on rack pulls above the knee. I never deadlift or do any type of pulls and gave rack pulls a chance and my traps have been sore for 3 days.


Yes, such an overload. I have not yet introduced straps into my training, so not only my traps and forearms were sore I felt the pulls rocked my whole system, because I never had so much weight in my hands before.

>stop doing pullups and rows
Fuck off faggot

In case of shoulder problems you really shouldn't put any emphasis on vertical pulls for a given time, yes. Rows and pulls with enough weight for a serious stretch really do involve traps, that's not to say lats don't at least stabilize.

weighted chins + rack pulls above knee + t bar rows all you need for a huge back

>hit traps as a whole
What did he mean by this

Ive been training for 12 years now. AnytimeI stopped doing pullups and did (more) horizontal pulls my shoulders would start to feel shitty, and if I do a shit ton of pullups they never bother me, no matter how much weight or volume I press.

This advice is way too general.

Yeah, I get it that what work for some doesn't apply to everyone.

Rotator cuffs and pull ups shouldn't be completely ignored if they haven't hindered your training before.

KB swings good 4 traps or no?

not if you're doing them properly.

the entire momentum should be created by an explosive hip hinge so it mostly just targets the posterior chain (lower back, glutes, hamstrings). also a bit of core, quads, and grip, and a bit of lats and traps but not much at all

i do ohp, and rows while lying down on a bench flat and at a 20 incline

is that enough for upper back?

doing GS style? how about jerks, do they do anything 4 traps or no? thx