Not interested and completely clueless about history

Hey Veeky Forums, what do you think about people clueless about history? I'm talking about the kind of person that you can see on any YouTube video, being asked basic questions on the street and failing miserably.

I never understood how knowing what the he'll happened before us, what made us what we are and what took us to this point can be such an expendable kinds of knowledge for so many.

I fail to understand. How can people live from job to netflix with no basic understanding of a greater scheme of things. It's terrible. Is there an explanation for such a phenomenon? Do you think most people fits this description?

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They don't care. It doesn't effect there lives overall and don't need to know to live their lives.

Case and point, I'm British and my sister didn't know how the U.S came about, that we used to own them or why they celebrate independence day every year. She has almost no understand of how the world has come to be but she just accepts it regardless. She doesn't know why there is a continent sized island that is populated by white people who speak English, Shes just accepts the reality given to her and doesn't question anything.

>She doesn't know why there is a continent sized island that is populated by white people who speak English
But at the same time she probably has an opinion on immigration. An ahistorical opinion, but an opinion nonetheless. And she probably votes.


Well I guess most people really dont give a damn about anything other than their day to day lives.
It is how it is. Dont bother with it, unless you become a politician and force a better curriculum, you'll just be upset.
Use your own knowledge for your own improvement, and screw the rest. I also wish often that ceople would understand better
context, rather than just know facts or not know anything at all.

Obviously she can understand that there are different countries in the world and that people move but generally she doesn't care or really know where they came from or their cultures. Anything is just "they're foreign or whatever".

And no she didn't vote in the election just gone (2017) or the EU Ref because she forgot and didn't care.

Actual cancer, politics and their history are possibly the most important factor painting one's life. I will never understand why people shut themselves off from them.

It obviously isn't the most important factor when you can be ignorant of it so easily and it will generally have no bearing on your life.

I know plenty of people whose life's just resolve around working/school, friends and having fun. This is the normie way and I think that people here are spending too much time online on websites like reddit and Veeky Forums and forget that most people couldn't give less of a fuck.

You might not be aware how important it is, but most of your surroundings are the way they are for a precise historical and political reason.
Ignorance usually isnt the option chosen by humans.

This is why democracy is a bad idea. The vast majority of people are retarded and should not be allowed to influence policy.

Because people have far more immediate concerns such as work/family/personal problems.

Which are also politically influenced to some degree, theres really no way to escape it.

This so much

Democracy is ultimately a government fit only for small localized bodies such as towns, villages, and maybe cities.

I blame part of it on the new left.

Traditional commies always were historically minded and well versed. Their whole theory was based on a historical analysis. Then the new left came, somehow we had to stop talking about history because white people ruling is bad, empires are bad, wars are bad, so let's just talk about nice and environmental hippie tolerant therapeutic shit.

Consumerism doesn't help either. Neither the fucking nazis, reaching an unparalleled level of evil, which helped rotting an entire civilization with guilt.

It's quite complex. By no means a new phenomenon. There was always a sizable amount of ignorant fucks. But the pre 70's school curricula gave the average citizen a somehow solis knowledge of history. That's gone.

Blaming a failed marriage on "muh society" requires a lot of venn diagrams really.

In additiot it implies the problem is not solvable at a personal level between affected individuals.

Yet again why people do not care much.

>Traditional commies always were historically minded and well versed.
Anyone who espouses the Marxist historical model is no better than a Millenarian preacher.

They do a lot of revisionism and remaking ancient and non-western societies to fit their mold.

You can see the absolute damage those fuckers did in China. You have young idiotic students hating on traditional Chinese culture because "it was feudal" when feudalism in China died 2 millenia ago.

>Anyone who espouses the Marxist historical model is no better than a Millenarian preacher.
I didn't say they were right. They weren't. But somehow they tried to understand what happened around them and had an interpretation, however blurred, of human history.

I honestly think this is deliberate.

I think governments deliberately erode the study of history because of it's impact on nationalism, tradition and culture. They want a new globalist cast of consumers who have a monochrome identity and buy the same products.

I think some of these people genuinely believe in ther actions out of the greater good, as they see nationalism/tradition as creating wars, but most simply want to make people more compliant. This is also why 'cultural studies' will UNIVERSALLY focus on foreign cultures, to the point where studies of national culture are mistrusted as rascist/'ethnocentric.'


But I think you're 100% right. Knowledge of history alone changes most people's worldviews considerably, and the self-centred type that doesnt care about anything outside his immediate doing is much easier to manage in a large scale society.

Yeah, the thing is I'm not even racist - I just think there's something to be said for a fucking national culture instead of 'today is black tranny day, in remembrance of all the black trannies who were persecuted #NEVER FORGET.'

You could make the same argument about a lot of stuff you personally don't give a shit about. The truth is that if it's not immediately relevant, it doesn't really matter.
We study history because we enjoy it and sure it helps us in certain facets of life, but studying other stuff would have helped us just as much in other facets.
In the end, people have limited time to spend on learning, and they optimize based on interests and needs. History is dry and remarkably complex, so most people won't bother.

>But at the same time she probably has an opinion on immigration.
And you have an opinion on vaccines and economic policy. An opinion based on a shit tier understanding of medicine and economics, but an opinion nonetheless. And you probably vote.
We can't be all experts on everything. Your high horse is getting tired, step down.


This is why republics seem to work kindof... But there definitely should be pre-voting testing.

Revisionist history is still caring about history, no matter how wrong it is.

But you're right, communists and their ilk try to justify some of the worst human suffering in history and then claim they're being altruistic in their ideology and goals. It's amazing how wrong some people can get it.

>I'm British
with English like yours, I highly doubt it Abdullah.

It does affect their lives, they just don't realize it. When you know your history, watching moderns is like watching one mouse after another fall into a -of-water mouse trap and drown.

You don't have any influence on actual medicine, and it's not concerned at all when you vote. But thanks to democracy you do have influence over your country's Politic so yeah, having people knowing absolutely nothing about history or Politic but still voting is scary.

>You don't have any influence on actual medicine
You have influence on public health policies user.
Not to mention that there's plenty of research that get axed or helped by specific policies and support. Stem cells means anything to you? So yeah, you have influence on actual medicine.
And the same shit goes for everything else.
Why aren't you mastering statistics? Do you know how much fucking bullshit gets by you because some fucker decides to present some factual data in certain misleading and disingenuous ways and you don't notice because you can't tell the difference between mean, median and mode?
Why aren't you mastering environmental sciences and sociology? Why aren't you mastering x and y and z?

I do know about economics, and I'm very interested in the natural sciences. I wish I could study genetics, and get to know more about prehistoric stuff and human migrations. Perhaps some day in the future.

Anyway, the topic is not about me shutting your butt off. Nor is it about not being specialized in history. Go back to the first post again. It's about completely fucking clueless people. I'm not clueless about biology. And I bet that most people in this board aren't either.

When I vote, I take part of a geographical and historical political body. It might be useful to know astrophysics, or being a rhinoceros gastroenterologist, but it pales in comparison to knowing how the fuck this country where I exercise my political rights came to be.

>It does affect their lives, they just don't realize it.

It's the perception of what matters in ones life which dictates their interests. For many working class and stuggling-to-make-end-meet types an education on geopolitics and world history really isn't a priority for them or their daily lives.

Also, I would like to point out that you too Cletus have several grammatical errors in your reply just as you seem to have pointed out for the person you replied too.

>For many working class and stuggling-to-make-end-meet types an education on geopolitics and world history really isn't a priority for them or their daily lives.
Working class people are absolutely capable of knowing the basics of western civilization history.

They did 50 years ago. But not anymore. The reason is that back then they had to sit in the classroom, and they had a teacher in front who forced them to learn. And most of them did, even if they didn't care, out of shame of being the class dumbass and avoiding dad's punishment.

Now if there's something slightly less interesting than what might appear on a phone screen, kids are entitled not to give a fuck about the old fart in front, and if the teacher says something, there will be an accusation of psychological abuse, and the pussy principal won't stand up to the parents. Or the mothers. It's usually the mothers.

That's why there are retards like that user sister who as a Brit, doesn't know that her country colonized parts of what became the US. Some decades ago society made an effort to force you not to be a complete stupid. Not anymore.

Oh is this another 'kids now days' post?
Yes, absolutely everything has gone downhill in the past several decades.

Because apparently White British people are incapable of making spelling mistakes ever, even if they’re in a rush.

>I never understood how knowing what the he'll happened before us, what made us what we are and what took us to this point can be such an expendable kinds of knowledge for so many.

Nigga, most normies don't even now about the current world
Like, you ask the average American, French or British normie to point Argentina or Indonesia on and blank map, they literally cannot

When you know that, them not knowing about the past seems less incredible

Like, how do you want these people to know about the Hussite Wars, the Battle of Leipzig or Tenochtitlan...

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>Referred to as 'Other Spain' or 'West Spain'
Portuniggers on suicide watch.

>Britain is famous for being an island
>England and Britain are often used synonymously in American English
>"ENGLAND IS HERE SOMEWHERE" written on continental Europe
Even by the standards of your typical American's understanding of geography, that guy's retarded. Shit I'd give him more credit if he at least pointed to fucking Ireland, but he thought that the UK is on the fucking continent apparently. Like holy shit you have to be almost actively, willingly ignoring information to not know that.

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I got close to naming all of them. I know all the names, but the balkans I always forget where the names go, same with the Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. The main problem I have is when maps of history bleed together so placing the names becomes a little harder.

Maybe I'll memorize the locations today, just so I dont look dumb for not getting all the countries right on my first try one day.

>Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania
I taught myself this when I was younger, to help me remember on those quizzes where you had to fill in the blank maps;
>Estonia wants to be nordic, so it's up north.
>Lithuania and Poland used to be united, so it's the one closest to Poland
>That leaves Latvia in the middle

No. It’s about the adults. Not the kids. Do you disagree with the post content?

I already put it into my head as EsLaLi from "top" to "bottom".

Should do the job. If only I had done this when I was 10 years younger.

>mfw France and Spain are more recognizable than Britain to Americans

Can this finally put a end to bongs delusion of relevance?

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>I never understood how knowing what the he'll happened before us, what made us what we are and what took us to this point can be such an expendable kinds of knowledge for so many.
Ask yourself how much better your life is than the person who doesn't know these things. Are you living a more fulfilling life, are you happier, than that person because of this knowledge?

That person is probably doing something far less stressful than posting here worrying about what other people know. There's probably a few people near you right now who're being driven crazy at the thought that you don't know anything about their favorite subjects either, but have you ever spared them any thought?

>Ask yourself how much better your life is than the person who doesn't know these things. Are you living a more fulfilling life, are you happier, than that person because of this knowledge?

No way to know this. I can't measure everyone's happiness and associating it to historical knowledge. What I have observed is that ignorant people, on average, live more miserable lifes. But it's a subjective observation based on my sample.

I can speak for myself, and say that studying history has given me an enormous well being. And even if it didn't, I can't imagine myself trading it for any ignorance is bliss kind of "happiness". Perhaps the Sentineli are "happier" than me, but I certainly value knowing what lies 15 miles beyond my present physical location.

>That person is probably doing something far less stressful than posting here worrying about what other people know.

Probably, but he will eventually give some thoughts to other people, as everyone does. It's ridiculous to pretend otherwise.

>There's probably a few people near you right now who're being driven crazy at the thought that you don't know anything about their favorite subjects either, but have you ever spared them any thought?

Again, there are degrees to it. I'm not really into how the Pearl River pollution affects the white dolphins living there. But that is not a direct part of my existence. The history behind me and my society is. I don't expect anyone to be interested in obscure academic subjects. But to know what I am, and what am I doing here, at least a very basic knowledge of history is mandatory. But well, I guess those basic existential questions are not important for some or most people.

People on these boards underestimate how clueless and incurious normies are in general

I die a little inside everytime.

Berkeley college students are not communists despite what they say. And some of the greatest commie leaders (Xiaoping) acknowledged the past mistakes and actually took a road that wasn't soviet or american to model their country. Nobody that says deaths by Mao or Stalin were necessary shouldn't be taken seriously because there's no way you can put any sort of arguments in defense of some blunders that killed millions.

Why must we live in the worst possible timeline I just want out.

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the only one I can't name is that shit to the SW of Ukraine, not Romania. I am pretty surprised Actually.

It's a gypsy country in which each town has a designated rapist

Kek. My favorite Moldova fact is when somebody stole like half their GDP from their national bank or some shit. Fucking hilarious.

Thats pretty cute and funny desu