Fucking shit mETH heads, your god is a fucking pedo apologist

fucking shit mETH heads, your god is a fucking pedo apologist.

wtf is this kind of logic


You can't make this shit up.

>wipes sweat from brow

A normal person would understand the consequences of saying something like that

He's not normal, he's a weirdo autist. But he's not a pedo apologist.

what a retarded reasoning
heroin is for lucifer
child porn is for satan

he's straight up lying there.

he says it's not more radical than heroin, not that he "could argue". he clearly stated that its his opinion.

fucking liar.

Are you sad that you haven't already bought ETH?
Why are there so many posts referencing this?

Maximum autism.

I never been more glad. You meth heads think everybody wants to be a scammer or a pedo

no thanks.

Your logic is faulty.
> Vitalik abhors child porn
> Vitalik wants to keep CP possession criminalized
> Vitalik thinks heroin legalization is not more radical than CP possession legalization

These are mutually exclusive views. Thinking that heroin decriminalization is as "radical" as CP possession decriminalization - whatever radical means - doesn't mean he endorses it.

too late

Why do all autists have to twist everything into some kind of logic problem? And how do they always lack self-awareness about their sperginess?

You just know this faggot is grinning smugly about how smart he thinks he is as the "brilliant" thinker above all the sheep

Can this guy stop using twitter please?

> Thinks with his feelings
> You just know this faggot is grinning smugly about how smart he thinks he is as the "brilliant" thinker above all the sheep

The difference between autists and neurotypical people is that autists, (as you can see from your post) are less emotional and have a more objective view.

They are not "less moral" but philosophize more about what justice and moral objectily means. Not what just "feels" right.

They think different, not better or worse, different.

wrong, logic and ration are undeniably better than muh feels, cuck.

Did he bring up child porn as a complete non-sequitur?

Is this guy stupid? If you compare how the two of those are made. Child porn requires abuse of a child, while making heroin requires growing a poppy plant.
Heroin does less harm especially if the user is a secluded loner.

Vitalik is trying to do a Weinstein and implode Ethereum. He sees all the industry titans getting taken down in sex scandals, and wants to join the fun. He's a fucking idiot.

Why all the fags can't just read and are just triggered by the clickbaits

He doesn't defend CP. He just says you can find arguments for the legalisation of CP

Yup, he's a pedo apologist, it's clear to anyone. He character assassinated himself with his own words, no one to blame but himself.

To possess something, it first has to be made dumbass!