Is there a better beginner routine than Jason Blaha's Ice Cream 5x5?

Is there a better beginner routine than Jason Blaha's Ice Cream 5x5?

i wouldnt call it a beginner routine
id only start doing it if youve at least been following a SS like routine for at least 3 months


How's my routine guys?
I need some input

Squat 3x8-10
Bench Press 3x8-10
Bent Over Row 3x8-10
Triceps Extensions 2x10-12
Calf Raises 2xF

Deadlifts 3x6-8
Lat Pull Downs 3x8-10
OHP 3x8-10
Curl Biceps 2x10-12
Abs accesory



Enjoy looking like you don’t even lift

> he fell for the volume meme

post your routine so I can get a good laugh

>posting my routine

Paying customers only bro lol

M. Chest
T. Back
W. Legs
T. Shoulders
F. Arms

>tfw natty lifter channel got taken down

I don't understand.

Everyone agrees Blaha looks like shit, but have nothing but good things to say about ICF, which is presumably the routine he does.

No one takes Scooby's advice seriously, yet /most/ people will agree he looks terrific

what gives?

also i just realised i reddit-spaced. but i've been doing that since before it became a meme, so fight me

Kek so you do deadlifts on one day and then the following day you do squats? Fucking genius

the reddit spacing meme needs to die. format comments in the most readable way possible. taking pride in being part of the secret, edgy Veeky Forums club is pathetic

people who write stupid routines like this don't understand the point of beginnner routines like SS

*tips fedora*

My sentiments exactly, fine sir. However, I now feel obliged to format my posts in such a way that don't invite ridicule. Alas, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"None of you understand. I'm not locked up in here with you. You're locked up in here with me.
— Rorschach

and what is the point of SS sensei?

Dan John - Mass Made Simple

You work up to doing 185 or 205 for 50 reps in 6 weeks.

watch out there bud, you may actually get something that resembles arms

Literally any of them, none is the best, but that one certainly is the worst.

absolute dogshit zero fucking volume, you might as well, and im being completely serious here, not even go to the gym, just get a pair of running shoes, do some pushups every morning, run and youll have the exact same physique
>3 sets for a muscle group per week
>studies show that for natty lifters anywhere between 15-20 sets per muscle group per week is optimal for growth
fuck me your routine is depressing, do you spend 15 minutes in the gym 3 times a week?

Is that fat fuck still around?

Grey Skull LP for that amrap last set

5x5 is too much volume after a while although decent but including AMRAP allows some autoregulation. Can lift for longer and still make gains

any good routine you recommend then?

>Veeky Forums is flooded with experts.

I do that all the time long before reddit. It's annoying to read shit crunched up. If reddit wants to take credit for that then fuck em.

Is it okay if i do concentrated bicep curls on the edge of my bed. Or am I doing nothing for my workout?

Blahas routine is pretty shit, its basically SL with more volume which is SS with more volume. Personally, i think greyskull is the best beginner routine only because it is the most fun. Thats just my opinion though. Scooby is probably actually the best person to get advice from if you dont have access to barbells, but not that many people here fall into that category so what he says is obsolete on this board.