Why is this Veeky Forumsizen tired all the time and what can one do for a consistent reliable increase in energy?

Why is this Veeky Forumsizen tired all the time and what can one do for a consistent reliable increase in energy?

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You're low test. Get more test.

Lose weight
Cut back on stimulants and sugar
Get a good nights sleep, 7-9 hours, in the dark, naked, under covers, no wifi or phones close by.
Learn how to deal with stress

I don’t drink coffee, I barely eat sugar, I always get 8 hours of sleep. I’m still tired all the time with little sex drive. Should I see a doctor? Aren’t they just gonna tell me I’m low test and not do anything about it?

Damn. Hoping it wasn't that.

Good advice, am probably 15% bf and don't take caffeine or sugar. Sleep is ok but probably could be improved.

>testlets, when will they learn

Depression senpai

have you checked your thyroid hormones levels lately?
if no, do, thyroid is a common casue or constant tiredness.
have you thought if thats psychosomatic?
do this test, maybe you are depressed and need therapy or antidepressant treatment

I’m definitely not depressed. Just tired and no sex drive

check out thyroid then. TSH, fT3, fT4

oh, and maybe vitamin D when you're at it

Vitamin D-levels? Take D3 supplements regardless, unless you spend 8 hours or whatever in the sun daily.
Take Zinc - you can't really measure your levels, but it helps in many ways which makes men manlier.
Eat fats. Brazil nuts, avocado, olive (oil is OK).

Does your head race when you try to sleep? With lots of worry, stress, and intrusive thoughts? Not Intrusive as in "kill them all, Johnny, kill them all!", but rather "I should eat better", "this thing at work", "I didn't go to the gym today either, damnit!".

As for testing testosterone, you will almost guaranteed have a low value in relative terms (compared to the previous generation), while still be within the normal level.

Other vitamins you can consider checking is vitamin B-variants, B6 especially, and B9.

I'm tired a lot and recognize the same things as you OP. Had low B6, probably back to low since I stopped taking supplements. Vitamin D is in check due to supplements. Thyroid levels are abnormally normal, as in right below what is considered high" and it fluctuates around that point.
Not much to do desu

Top advice. Munching brazil nuts as I type. Will take some zinc supplements with a b and d complex for sure. Mind 100% races, I try and get around it by passing out to podcasts.

Ftr the dude with low sex drive isn't me. My sex drive is ok as in when with my gf I can bust out 2 in a day but yeah could be better so the test theory is looking likely. I will need to up my fat noticed that being a change recently as I've tried to emphasise protein in my calories.

>Mind 100% races, I try and get around it by passing out to podcasts.
don't do that, time before bed is when you should hush your brain, not give it any extra stimuli. don't use any elecronics for an hour before bed time. also look into meditation, start with simple breath counting, do that before sleep to calm your mind. and drink lemon balm tea before bed.

Do you spend a lot of time doing nothing constructive at the end of your day? The last hours. I'm guessing yes, due to low energy already. It's fucking hard, and for me, the spur of energy I occasionally get, ends up going to watch porn and fap and make me tired and return to base zero. I also consume a lot - while I don't enjoy it, it brings enough stimuli to waste time and distract me from actively being (call it anti-meditation) in the moment.
There's always a (mentally) good excuse not to do something constructive and boring. My clothes are in the wash, I can't go to bed and read a book for an hour now. If I do, I will grow so tired, and fall asleep and forget taking the clothes out.
While that's a rather lame and stupid excuse, it's sufficient for me to sit here with 12 tabs of assorted Veeky Forums threads open browsing through them and not really reading most of the posts, but the excitement seeing (1) or that someone responded is sufficient to keep me going.

Aah, ok, thought it was one person based on how they responded to another post. Anyhow. Symptoms differ and the cause can be wildly different. Same questions goes to you since the general response to "low anything" is tiredness, depression, low emotional response or a variation of those.


Well, cats naturally sleep as much as 20 hours a day. It's just what they do.

your cock and balls need to be able to flap around all night.

Oh I totally get those feels bro.
I hate porn so much too really want to stop it but always end up using it when bored in that dip post-workout

Does watching boxing/MMA raise test?

>Learn how to deal with stress
how ?

cute kitteh
