
Stop drinking this shit.

If you need the energy, it's because you're lacking something else.

Coffee fucks up with your sleep which is extremely important for fitness, increases your heart rate unnecessarily, AND causes arrhythmia.

There's no fucking reason to make your heart work extra when you're not doing physical activity.

It's also addictive as fuck, you're a slave to be coffee pot and god forbid to the coffee shop.

And it stains your teeth.

Other urls found in this thread:

I drink it because it's delicious. Caffeine has very little effect on me. Also if a little cream is added it greatly reduces the amount it stains your teeth.

Fuck off.

>Caffeine has very little effect on me

That simply means you're addicted.

Caffeine blocks receptors in your brain that receive the "go to bed" messages, so your body ends up making more receptors. This is both why people get massive headaches when they try to quit, AND why they feel less of an effect.

Make no mistake though, it is making your heart worth extra for no reason. Make it a cup a day and no more.

It's tastes good you fucking soyboy


so you're putting milk in your coffee? that's pretty damn degenerate

I need it to be awake and focused for the amount of time that is required by my chosen path.
I know, I know, all you anons make six figs easy working three days a week in a tech startup or some shit. I think your industry is a bubble, but I'm happy you have that right now. Not everyone can, though.

My body and circadian rhythm should be glad I'm not popping addies honestly.

I drink coffee at breakfast. I don't drink it every day, and I don't feel any different if I have it or not

>y-your addicted

Fuck off faggot. You don't know fuck all about anything. Maybe you're some little pussy who couldn't fall asleep one night because you had an extra large coffee at 7pm one night, but not everyone is a retarded little bitch like you. No one fucking cares what you think, and telling Veeky Forums to stop consuming caffeine will be about as effective as if you went to /pol/ and told them to stop hating Jews.

My heart rate never increases with it, and I can easily sleep at night. I've known some people who'd get extremely hyper just by drinking one cup, so I guess it all depends on the person.

anyone with austim or severe social anxiety needs coffee or nootropics or drugs or booze to be able to socialize. all have side-effects. coffee has the least. you can make up the loss of REM sleep with valerian roots and magnesium and the anxiety you can get rid with l-theanine.

I spent years off coffee and I didn't get a single date in that time. it was either coffee with l-theanine or anti-depressants. coffee is much healthier.

used to heavily drink & defend it , trying to stop cold turkey now since i'm fully aware of how fucking shit it is for you long term , didn't had any perceptible effect on my sleep or life anymore but that just because I literally fried my brain with this shit . After not taking it for 2 week Resting Hr went from 65 to 52 , still sleep as much but it feel WAY more invigorating .

>suffers from anxiety
>drink coffee

yeah that will help

>y-your addicted

try not drinking your morning coffee tomorrow.

if you see no withdrawal effects, you're not addicted :^)

>completely stop doing something you're very used to do everyday
>wtf I feel weird
>somehow this proves you are addicted to it

>Don't take his daily dose of drug like the druggy he is .
>He feel worse

I have 1 cup of coffee 1 hour before I workout.
It isn’t so much for the energy as it is about the ritual. I have been doing this for over 4 years now.
Outside of that singl cup of coffee I never drink the stuff.
But as soon as I have that 1 cup of plain black coffee, I watch the clock until 1 hour has past, and then I lift.

I recommend having a ritual like this. Be it coffee or a protein shake or putting on a condom. Having something that specifically tells your mind and body to prepare for lifting weights is a good thing.

well i was talking about headaches, but yeah

Daily reminder that caffeine metabolism (i.e. how much it affects you) is quite literally genetic.

There's a reason finns and norwegians can gulp down 10+kg of ground coffee per year while for example Chinese and Nigerians barely drink any.

Except one cup of coffee is not comparable with a dose of some actually highly addictive drug.

I already told you I don't drink coffee every morning, and I feel exactly the same with or without it. Whether or not I drink coffee depends on how much time I have to get ready in the morning. I wake up at the same time everyday, but some days I have to leave for work at 5:30 and some days I leave at 6. If I leave early, I don't have time for coffee.

Pull your head out of your ass and stop being a smug little faggot. This is why you have no friends and nobody loves you.

>Coffee fucks up with your sleep
maybe with yours. maybe with mine if I were a dumbass and drank a lot of it after 15:00 or so

also, thermogenic and appetite suppressant

also, nootropic

also, longevity:

this strikes me as pretty plausible

Actually I’ve recently found, that 2 espresso shots preworkout does the trick. Better than pwo with dmaa that I’ve often taken for Too long anyway

>this strikes me as pretty plausible
It's not only plausible, it's quite literally true. Europeans in general have faster caffeine metabolism than other peoples, but fenno-scandinavians in particular basically get no effect from caffeine (on average)

Wtf is wrong with you

6 months caffeine free except for a little dark chocolate every once in a while. Life is significantly better.
>less anxiety
>less stress
>deeper sleep
>more energy throughout the day

I'll admit I do still miss the highs from coffee and if you can stick to 1 or 2 cups a day it's probably fine maybe even have me benefits but I always upped my coffee intake over time

i drink a cup daily like 30 min before gym, why? because it helps me to shit.

You're lucky. I don't have the "coffee makes me shit" genetics. I have to add heavy cream to get that effect because I'm lactose intolerant.

Chinese also consume tons of caffeine, just in tea form.

Daily coffee is actually pretty good for you long term. If you have anxiety or sleep issues you probably shouldn't have it, but dont act like a health expert because someone made fun of your coffee order online or something

you're either addicted or compulsive
t. compulsive

it's only good long term because for the majority of retard it's their ONLY source of anti oxidant .
Cut the coffee & add a fucking kiwi and you get ten time more anti oxidant and none of the con ;

>Muh increased metabolism
Implying wasting energy as heat is anything but detrimental long term .

They still on average are most frequently slow metabolizers. Also, how much tea do they really consume? 10+kg ground coffee per capita which comes out to something like ~4 cups a day (on average), fenno-scandinavian coffee consumption really is extraordinary.

The addiction bit is what scares me the most. Plus it makes me anxious as fuck. Like, people drink coffee to NOT feel like shit in the morning but if you don't have it you feel even worse? Yikes. I feel for people who have jobs that don't match up with their circadian rhythm. I just don't get up until 10 am. If I had to be to work super early every day I don't know what I'd do.
Coffee increases anxiety why the fuck would anyone with social anxiety want to be themselves but FASTER instead of drunk or high.

That is also genetically determined.

Adding cream makes it stain your teeth more actually.

Let me finish quitting booze, porn, and over eating before you take away my damn coffee and cigarettes you shitty copy pasta. One thing at a fucking time you celebrate monk piece of shit.

Not him, but I am 100% addicted to caffeine now because of coffee, I can’t sleep for more than like 4 hours and that’s maximum. Fortunately I have the willpower to stop cold turkey and just deal with the 2 weeks of feeling like shit no problem. Definitely fucks your teeth coloring up though, I have to get my teeth bleached so often

Didn't say it wasn't, just stating my personal experience.

Everyone I know who drinks it feels like shit if they don't have it and develops a tolerance so they have to drink more and more to get the same high. That sounds like addiction to me. I hear you on explaining that it will effect people differently and that some people can have more than others without feeling I'll effects but when you get down to it caffeine is a psychoactive drug and a stimulant and we'd all be better off just waking up when we're no longer tired but society makes that impossible.

Drinking a cup of strong coffee in the morning is a heavenly taste, but I can just as well go for weeks without any and see no difference in effect. I think caffeine as a drug is vastly overrated.

I get weirder when I’m high, all of my insecurities that I can sorta curb or take away consume me when I’m high and I get even more anxious. I’ve blown so many dates withgirls because I go from funny guy about to get laid to the awkwardly anxious fuck sitting on their couch, it’s not that way for everybody I’m sure.

I never got the "coffee is addictive" meme. I drank coffee for 10 years straight, 2-4 cups a day, then decided to quit it to see if my sleep would improve. Didn't feel any cravings whatsoever.

Honestly someone with really bad social anxiety won't be helped by any of it. Weed can cause anxiety, it's a narcotic and a hallucinogen in addition to being a depressant. It was just an example to highlight that it would be stupid to drink coffee to combat anxiety not me advocating weed lol.

People with no self-control like to put fault in external things.

One or two cups actually help because it makes your mind work better, helping you keep away from the train thoughts, which are what ends up causing the anxety in the first place.
t. someone with anxiety and has suffered panic attacks

I also have anxiety and panic attack and find what I said to be true. As a general rule, people with anxiety shouldn't take stimulants but whatever works for

oh, gotcha, my bad I misread ur post user.

Yeah, sure, I'll just wake up to a nice energize cup of kiwi, maybe if I'm in a rush I can go to the drive through at the kiwi restaurant, thankfully kiwi is cheap and available everywhere. Haha, who needs coffee? Its not like I like the smell and taste of it or anything.

coffee can actually be considered anti-nootropic in the long run because it decreases BDNF, way beyond the scope of OPs post but jus' saying.

Stoners also love the smell of their trashy plant but if you ask anyone who never smoked it he will find it disgusting .
Nobody like his first cigarette or alcoholic beverage .

>tfw I casually drink coffee as I find it relaxing
>Never thought much of it, don't get cravings, don't feel any different if I haven't had coffee in nearly weeks.
>Drink anywhere from 1-3 cups a day, no sugar, no scream. Just a dribble of light milk.
>mfw I see this thread

What the flying fuck is in your coffee's. I just french press some light brazil, and thats only if I've underspent that fortnight. I usually drink fucking freeze dried blend 43.

Stop buying shit with cocaine in it, damn.

Mexicans get their caffeine from soda.

>Nobody like his first cigarette or alcoholic beverage

>no scream
Screaming is literally the best part of drinking coffee
Screamlets, they never learn

These people are probably skeletal manlets that get affected easily by chemicals

>no scream
wtf user, ALWAYS scream with your coffe

Yeah bro , you LOVED it , totally not peer pressure because it was the thing big boy do :^)

I'm glad you understand

>good for appetite suppression
>good for digestion
>good for quality of life


Caffeinefags are as bad as fatfucks. Enjoy being addicted to a drug that is making your life demonstrably worse, because you have no willpower and are stupid. Fucking burgerworlders.

>he gets addicted to things
>he has negative health effects in reaction to caffeine
Caffeine is really only an issue for fat people and anxious betas so maybe you should hop on that treadmill and chill, friend

>Coffee fucks up with your sleep
Not if you only have it in the morning

>have coffee like 3 or 4 times a day
>no jitters
>great cardio health
>sleep like a log when I intend to
>can kick coffee without any signs of addiction/withdrawal
Are you sure its coffee that messes people up? Wtf are you guys doing to get all these negative effects?

Your almonds seem very activated over what other men consume, friend

Literally genetics

>the chad water sipper
>the virgin caffeine slave

No need to lie on the internet

I drink one cup in the morningand one pre-workout. Mainly because I don't want to build up tolerence and diminish the effect. Coffee is likely healthy, that's the direction the science is leaning. Positive effects on the brain, like reduced risk of dementia and somewhat protective or neutral in terms of cancer and potentially protective against cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality. Mainly one shouldn't drink the coffee very hot since drinking very hot beverages can cause throat cancer.

Also, caffeine along with creatine is one of the few scientifically legit legal performance enhancers.

>Coffee is addictive
That's such fucking bullshit. I worked at a cafe for the last 10 months, my shifts started at 6 am and I would usually get 4-5 hours of sleep a night. I basically lived off caffeine, I had a double espresso once an hour.
I quit a month ago and haven't been working since, I don't drink anymore coffee, and I don't feel any need for caffeine.

This user knows what's up.

>tfw you fuckin love coffee but can't drink it cause it gives you palpitation and makes your neck veins tense as shit

>no coffee
>no alcohol

If you can't enjoy these kind of things at least a few times a week then what's the fucking point? You should be lifting to enhance your life, not have lifting as your life. Coffee is a must for me, it's the essential spice of life. What, do away with something I love so much so I can get 10% more gains? Not worth it bra

>I had a double espresso once an hour.
>I don't feel any need for caffeine.
You're such a fucking liar if you claim to have had no withdrawal effects.


coffee drinkers are notorious liars.

Work ~50h/week, train 4x/week, sleep roughly 6-8h, in a stable relationship, happy and in shape.

Yeah I'll have some coffee too please. OP is a fucking peasant who masturbates as often as I go to work, has no friends and has a massive surplus on energy due to his boring ass lifestyle.

This is the same shit as people who vehemently says no to grabbing a beer with some friends or family "BECAUSE IT IS LITERALLY POISON". I guarantee there's about 10 other things you ingest daily that are far worse than coffee. Calm down.

>a massive surplus on energy due to his boring ass lifestyle
That's not how it works. You'll be more fatigued if you are sedentary.

What the fuck did you just say OP? You little bitch

Druggy always lie to defend their substance abuse .

I wouldn't mind admitting it if I was addicted, why would I? I'm not justifying my caffeine consumption, because as I said, it stopped. I just honestly didn't feel any withdrawal.

Bugz is gonna fuck himself up drinking multiple pots a day, it's not possible to sustain

Good thread OP.

Heres an interesting link:

I've also had better joint health since quitting my coffee addiction.Drugs are bad :/

second for the joint .
Even if you can "sleep" correctly while taking coffee during the day doesn't mean that it don't fuck with your sleep and your recovery capacity .

>REEEEEEEE nobody can like something that I don't like

Hey boyos

I drink it to sate my appetite.

I used to hate it because it tastes like shit. I drank some in court the other day since I'm too autistic to socialize. I ended up drinking two tall cups of it in like 20 minutes. I like coffee now. I didn't add sugar or dairy since I didn't want it to fuck with my stomach or something. ^_^

I drink 4-12 cups a day cuz it's provided by my work, most weekends I have zero, with no little baby bitch headache. I think you're just a fucking pussy.

It tastes good my man.

Drink 4-5 strong cups of coffee per day

>Sleep 7+ hours per day and fall asleep within 15 minutes of going to bed
>Resting HR Don't have arrhythmia
>Don't mind having a mild addiction to something cheap that I enjoy

Enjoy drinking water, phaggot.

I go days at a time without coffee, then seamlessly hop back to 1-2 cups a day for an average span of a week and a half.
Your average cup of coffee has ~100mg of caffeine in it. Compare that to the overdose threshold of roughly 200mg per kg of body mass (although that's a little dependent on individual tolerance), and it's really not much.

Also, the real key idea here is that caffeine tolerance varies from person to person. If you're so #str8edge that you think coffee is Satan, don't drink it.
Nobody's going to shit on you for being such a puss unless you try to pull this exact type of self-righteous bullshit.

Caffeine addicts get pissy and defensive even easier than porn addicts. I unironically think these fags don't even lift.

>0 sources listed
Well you're either a dumb motherfucker, or a troll. Either way off topic, stop spamming fit with trash

yup. Black or you have to go back.

por que no los dos


mother's side of the family has a caffeine sensitivity, and the crash sends me into a depression spiral

tfw too mentally weak for the most mainstream substance of all time

nigger you are retarded

coffee/caffeine causes/promotes insulin resistance, Not good for those who are in risk of diabetes.

I am not an avid coffee drinker, they give me anxiety/jitter and messes up with my hormones.

it's funny because my parents drink coffee everyday, but for me I am sensitive to all kinds of stimulants. Takes very little of every substance for me to feel any effect.

FPBP. Coffee dehydrates like motherfucker so drink like 1l of water hour later.

I love coffee and cigarettes, dude.