Why do people think that vegans can't be fit?

Why do people think that vegans can't be fit?
Its actually the case that people who are vegans are better able to gain muscle in a healthy way. Does anyone actually have any research to back up eating meat or protein to be "big"? or is it all just a massive circlejerk?

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didn't he die of a heart attack in his mid fifties?


It's impossible to not have too much carbs without supplementation on a vegan diet. I try to eat black beans, lentils, peas, and the best vegan protein sources available but you'll hit your daily carbs need quicker and faster than anything else.
150g of proteins without supplements is impossible on a vegan diet.

Don't even get me started on soy.

Why would you go vegetarian though?
What is the real purpose behind it?

If it is to save the animals, you're fucking delusional. Thats the complete wrong way to go about it.


Going straight vegan is challenging for most people, starting off as vegetarian and giving up dairy and eggs is more feasible. I agree though, you can't claim to have any ethical high ground if you support the dairy and egg industries.

Answer this you shit-for-brains. Why is it that I only poop once a day even though I am eating around 60 grams of fiber? I thought cucks that ate a lot of plants were supposed to poop more than once a day? You idiots told me I'd poop frequently and it'd be healthy in preventing cancer. So why aren't I getting the benefits with this high fiber eating?


Are you drinking a lot of water? Fiber won't work proper without a lot of it. Are you eating dairy? That'll bind your shit up.

Gorillas like pic related are adapted to vegan diets unlike humans.

>Ethical high ground

>you can't claim to have any ethical high ground

who. gives. a. shit. lol.

isn't green mile dead though

>ethical high ground
Imagine caring about made-up things more than gainz

I figured this was a troll post for that exact reason.

Damn I didn't even know this nig had died

99%+ of the people on this board use protein powder.

Why is supplementation wrong all of a sudden when it comes to plant-based diet?

I supplement B12, Vitamin C and take Protein Powder. I'm Vegetarian (although I don't eat eggs or milk often either).

Feels great. Especially the vitamin C. a lot of people don't know about Vitamin C and just take more iron. Big mistake.

Because protein supplemental is optional, unlike suppliments vegans take to keep from dying.

If those supplements are suddenly a victim of market change and become unavailable or prohibitively expensive people will change their diet, possibly going back to meat.

You're failing to provide a reason that this is an issue.

I blame him dating Omarosa for raising his blood pressure.

you know how I know you're ghey?

people are not all the same.

you, for instance, are what's considered a retard. That's a rare condition which means it's hard for you to understand things that others can.

no need for disrespect i'm legit sad he's dead.

They can but your pic is a bad example. He was vegetarian for a few months because he thought it could help his heart problems, but then he died.

I am like 60 to 75% Vegan myself the remaining of my diet being meat

Why would you supplement vitamin C?

Cognitive dissonance

Nigger lover

>Does anyone actually have any research to back up eating meat or protein to be "big"?
>Or protein

you didn't even respond to what that guy said, he said "vegans need to take these supplements to keep from dying" while meat eaters do them optionally. Thats why people find the use of supplements usage of vegans offputting because its clear you're not getting the right amount of nutrients from food alone

We don't need those supplements to keep us from dying. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19562864
>It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases
> Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.
Notice the athlete part.
> A vegetarian diet can meet current recommendations for all of these nutrients. In some cases, supplements or fortified foods can provide useful amounts of important nutrients.
Keyword: useful, not vital for survival

I could get all my protein requirements from just foods. Beans, lentils, seitan, TVP, tofu, tempeh, broccoli, peanuts, chickpeas, seaweed, oats, spinach etc. But I'm a busy person, I do sports a lot, I study, I don't always have that much time. So then yeah soy protein powder or the vegan blend from myprotein.com is a nice solution in that case.
The only downside is that you do need to be pretty clued up on nutrition to be able to meet your protein requirements just from whole foods as a vegan. Carnists can accidentally get enough protein while not being in a calorie surplus. While there are enough vegans who haven't read up on the high protein foods out there and are just winging it.

He needed a strict ratio of fried chicken and watermelon, once he went vegetarian it was all over.

>user explains why vegetarians are full of shit
>Veeky Forums spergs

wtf Veeky Forums is vegan now?

Only vegans are truly redpilled


If you want anything you say taken seriously, you probably shouldn't out yourself as the world's biggest retard by supplementing vitamin C, especially as a vegetarian.

meatcucks will defend this