How does a sprinter train?

How does a sprinter train?



How does a sprinter train what?
>carry so many people?
>travel at a decent speed without wobbling?
>look so damn sexy and spacious on the inside?

And that picture is proof that cardiobunnies are legit fucking retarded.

Depends on what phase of their training they are currently in.

But before you ask, yes, they do plenty of resistance training.

It still pisses me off when people say humans "evolved" to be long distance runners. There is no evolution. Long distance running has many negative health effects and some are visible like in the picture. At no point in human history would a majority of humans need to run long distances so frequently that the entire species would adapt to it.

You just have to get the cardio bunnies that use the stairmaster.


It's always been completely retarded, as persistence hunting is literally the single most primitive method in existence.


HIIT isn't actually sprint training, right? I've been doing HIIT in between weight training days by sprinting for 30 secs at the fastest I can go and then I walk for a minute. I do this for 10 cycles or so. I don't get the impression this is how a sprinter would actually train, however.

we have evolved to adapt
our bodies are highly adaptable, that's why people usually are mistaken.

Actually they do use interval type protocols that are similar, but it's rarely max efforts at all times for obvious reasons. In the competition phase of course, it would be dropped for more specific training.

Is an OV chipkart worth getting? I take a longish train journey every month or so, and grouptickets are a hassle

They sprint a lot
also do plyometrics.


lot of bodywieght exercises that focus on explosive power, obviously squats, and most of all endurance, all in all it is a lot of running and doing a lot of sprints, weighted sprints etc
whats most interesting is that you need a very strong upper body for sprinting, cause you have to keep a certain angle when you sprint and you need very strong upper body and core muscles for that, otherwise your legs would literally sprint away and youd fall over on your back

Persistance hunting is a meme anyway.
Primitive humans never hunted by just walking behind an animal for hours or days.
They just hunted in groups and later with tools, thats what made them such strong hunters.


That wasn’t funny.

is that zaandam? disgusting immigrant city should be nuked

Kalahari HGs are persistence hunters to this day. Though then again, one could make the argument that this is a result of modernization.