Winter Bulk

So, Veeky Forums, how's the bulk going?

I bulk in the summer and cut in the winter

Good, I was 76kg 2 months ago, now I'm
around 80.05kg ( I'm 5'11). I plan to get to 85kg. I must admit, I've never been this big but im really enjoying the quick strength gains, winter padding and general jolly feeling.

RIP lil peep

fuck off fgt

rest easy peep

Is bulking just getting fat?

Looking for advice-

I am really, really disinterested in logging all my meals and counting calories for my bulk. Am I setting myself up for failure if I track my protein to ensure 200g or so per day, then just eat as much as I can outside of that?

Gotta stay lean all year, m80. We don't have hoodie weather

Why do people even bulk? Like in OP's pic, the guy on the left is miles better looking than the one on the right?

I'm gonna miss him brehs

I thought that was lil peep lol

Damn lil peep...We didn’t deserve you.

Peep peep lil peep please give me gains.

Yeah it's not like he's gonna gain much more size..

Peep peep lil peep please give me gains.


RIP in piece Lil pip

The only thing that gained any size on the right was his gut though

meh i guess tracking protein is a decent estimate if you know that your macro ratios are well controlled, but then again you probably don't need 200g of protein and may want to adjust those ratios for your increased caloric intake. You should really be looking to pump your carbs more than your protein on the bulk. Then again idk your stats or what your specific goals are.
>inb4 weakfags call me a fatass

peep peep lil peep give me gains

Peep peep lil peep please give me gains.

Pre and post bb show, bulking now. I was 129lbs on left for Summer time and 141lbs on right. Struggling on bulk because of work load and barely being home to eat properly

Don't you have to be big to do body building? Also what did you place?

I did figure, and placed last for provincials. I'm trynna grow, slightly considering to just buy prepped meal that comes every month for convenience lol

Don't you post in /fraud/? I think I remember seeing your name and if you are, are you on anything? Also just keep at it, we'll all get there eventually bro

Thanks user. No I think that was other Cheeky on fraud. I don't go there because they discuss men's dose and I know what to take for myself. I'm not natty, and I've been on many things.

If you're natty.

It'll work for building muscle but you'll also put on a ton of fat.

Or no muscle either if "as much as I can outside of that" turns out to be too little. 200g of protein on its own is only 800 calories, so you should be eating a good deal of other shit too. If you're a male of average height and you exercise 3x/week with a moderate activity level day-to-day, you're looking at about 2700-2900 calories overall per day. So you'll need to shove in 1900 calories on top of your 800 from protein. For most people this is trivial, but if you normally have trouble putting on weight since eating enough is hard, I wouldn't trust myself to just wing it in this case.

The guy on the right would theoretically have more muscle mass. After a cut he'll look bigger and better than the guy on the left.