How tall should be a man to have a 6 feet tall son with a 4 feet 11 inches womenlet ?

how tall should be a man to have a 6 feet tall son with a 4 feet 11 inches womenlet ?

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>6 ft
>6 - 4.11=1.89
So you'd have to be 1.89% taller than your wife to sire a 6ft boy.

So then what should be a man height to have a 6 feet tall son with a 5 feet womenlet ?
I dont get the formula


I'm the brainlet, when I just told you the height?
and did the math?
C'mon son, try harder.

6ft = (X+5ft)/2
X = 7ft

LOL no i was refering myself as the brainlet

I didnt get the formula would you mind to explain ?

you need to be 7'1 to have a 6'0 son with a 4'11 midget

Wtf ? You need to be 7 feet tall in order to have 6 feet son with an almost 5 feet womenlet ?

Having children with girls under 5'6 should be considered child abuse.

Having children when you're under 6' should also be child abuse

My mum is 5'0, my dad is 6'0

I'm 6'4

>should be a man
you can be 15ft and your future generation will still forever be brainlets

Tall enough to afford food so 6'6.

You're adopted

>being raised in a family
>being a grown sperm who came from a mans balls and having that man tell you what to do
>your mother didn't do bdsm sex torture on that man until he killed himself

p l e b s

Your mom banged a chad and your dad is a cuck

4'11" woman == 5'4" man (64 inches)
aim: 6' = 72 inches atleast
assuming mean values without larger sample size, and just looking at the mean value of the bell curve for your sons:
x = 144 - 64 = 80 inches or 6'8"

so 6'8" is the answer if you want to breed with such a borderline midget. Though, that's only the mean value of the curve, there might be outliers upwards or downwards. After all, that woman might just be a negative outlier or didn't have enough food growing up etc. If you also consider the heights in the rest of her and your family it's better to estimate

1.89% taller? Thats like an inch taller. Do you mean 1.89 times taller? Cause thats like 9 ft

all broscience

This says 6'8".

My dad is 5'11", my brother is 6 foot, I'm 6'3", sister is 5'9"

does that mean my mom cucked him in almost every single way? or is this possible otherwise? i still kinda look like him


>dad fucking hates you
>was absentee father
>bad relationship between parents
>he's 5'10"
>i'm 6'4"
>hmm wonder why

honestly, as fucked as it sounds, id be happy if i was a bastard child. means i wouldnt inherit his baldness genes. with my weak jawline that would be a death sentence

>protein quality in childhood is more instrumental to growth than genetics

Manlets were basically abused as children

It depends. Your child could either inherit your 6 foot genes, your wife's 4 foot 11 genes, or a mix of both. Therefore, taller is better as it increases the chances of your son being 6 foot or over.

I was shitting on his math. Obviously genetics is alot more complex than “average of parents heights”

>tfw single mom gave you steady diet of daily soy and sugary yogurt when you were a kid
>have had man tits since the 7th grade

like all genetics you can pass on traits that you do not yourself posses to your spawn. As long as the gene exists in you or your partner, it could happen.

nobody on my moms side was particularly tall, either. or my dads, really.

Read this genelets


4'11" =~1.50m
6' =~1.83cm

x*log e (cosh(1.5)) = 1.83
=> x = 2.13825...
=> x =~ 2.13

You'd have to be 2 meters 13 cm tall or around 7 ft

womanlets are not for fun, not breeding user

I can also relate to that ever since i grew 6ft2 my father hated me and my parents divorced

Simple addition. Didn't you learn that in primary school?

my dad is 6 ft and my mom is 4'11. Im fucking 5'9.