
how many IU do you take per day?

4k all day baby

Trolling? That seems a bit high.

Read somewhere that modern medicine has underestimated our needs so I take 6-8k IUs a day.

dangerous and stupid

I take 6000. 3 tabs morning and night

pffff you get 3 times that much from 15 minutes in the sun

just whatevers in my jew capsules from target


1K usually, sometimes 2K. I want to get my levels checked but that shit costs $50.

5k every day

It’s not dangerous, we’re freaks baby.

Two 5k caps


the ideal amount for your body is 2000IU a day, anything more is a waste and useless / anything less than 500IU is useless.

5K but not every day

I get approximately zero sun tho

10,000 IU in the winter 5000 IU in the summer

I'm just a humble acolyte of the prophet TYVD

2000IU. Superdosing with vitamin supps is fucking dangerous.

I've been taking 10k for months. I'm fine.

This is true. Thankfully vitamin D isn't anywhere near toxic at even 50,000 IU's per day. 10,000 IU's is the equivalent to ten minutes of sun in shorts and a t shirt

unironically 15k


my life and mood has significantly improved after starting to take them. placebo or not, i'm not ever going to stop taking them.

tried this shit, had the exact opposite effect: got extremely tired from them

if i didn't know what i was taking, my best guess would have been sleeping pills

When started supplementing 1st month 7.5k, 2 months after 5k, now just take 2.5k.