Am I good to go?

Am I good to go?

>no onions

What the fuck is that omeeba looking gruel pile on the left?
>No onions
>No garlic
Stay small

They're broccoli


>plain boiled chicken

ups sorry, they're hake medallions

Good job OP it looks absolutely disgusting.

Broccoli looks boiled and overcooked - bye bye nutrients.

I did boil them. Are you supposed to eat them raw?

It was actually quite delicious.

Lightly steamed or raw.

Hmm... Okay user thank you. This was my first time cooking broccoli, I will take your advice for the next time.

Not raw retard, the cellulose has to break down for you to digest it.

>I did boil them
seriously what the fuck is wrong with people who like boiled veggies over raw? genocide fucking when?

>world's tiniest portion
are you trying to starve to death?

Boiling is fine. Helps get rid of the horrible taste and smell.
Any kind of heating, be it oven or in a frying pan will help.

Where's the flavour?

Wait do nutrients actually disappear when you overcook something? Don't tell me all that broccoli I've been eating for the past few months was wasted

>the horrible taste
dude wat

Yes. Destroyed and/or leeched into the water.

sear that white thing for the christ sake, throw this thing on a smoking hot pan and add a little butter and garlic, it will taste 200% better also season the fucking brocoli, a little pepper and soy sauce goes really well if you grill the brocoli

Straming is the method that retain the nutrients the most. Don't listen to the retards advicing to eat them raw, humans litterally cannot digest cellulose, and the nutrients are behind those cellulose walls. They've been fucking themselves over worse than people boiling them.


>needs to add soy sauce to a fuckin brocolli to kake it palatable

Ever heard of salt, soyboy?

umm the photo is clearly mirrored think before you speak next time

>250kcal meal
You won't get big like that hope you had six scoops at the side

He fell for the low carbs meme. Half the plate should be filled with basmati rice, and then that would be an actually decent meal.

Thanks for the advice user

I agree that steaming is best and boiling is shit, but your opinions about "locked-away nutrients" are misinformation. Plant cells do not pass through the digestive tract intact. The worst thing raw vegetables do to you is to cause bloating and farts.

Fuck that, add 3 more eggs, and some mayo and cayan.

And a single grate of parmesan over the brocoli.

Oh and slice lemon for the fish things.

>Broccoli looks boiled and overcooked - bye bye nutrients.

I thoroughly cook broccoli in soups. Are the nutrients still present in the broth or are they destroyed by the heat?

where are the onions?

This is your brain on keto. Ketofags, not even once.

Vitamins and phytonutrients are mostly destroyed.

Yuck can't you go one meal without weighing your stomach down with grease and shit?

minerals remain which is what greens are best for anyway. Good to pair with meat which has high phosphorus and virtually no calcium

Is there a reason for the lack of seasoning?

>No bbq sauce
>No hot sauce
>No spices
Wtf is this shit?
>2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breasts, thinly cut
>4 tbsp Stubbs spicy bbq sauce
>2 tbsp vegetable oil or olive oil
>whatever spices you want
You mix that together in a dish and bake it at 375 for about 19-20 minutes and you have some juicy delicious brotein filled chicken titties
Use the juice to make bulgur or quinoa or brown rice
Great whether you're bulking or cutting
Don't be afraid of flavor town, brometheus

You cooked the broccoli?

Never gonna make it, only eat it raw bruh

>not "What's your reasoning for lack of seasoning?"

pour about 3/4 inch water in a pot. Bring it to a boil then turn down stove to like 2(simmer). place broccoli in pot and put on top. let it simmer for 5 mins. eat

That chicken looks like shit, I would probably send that back if somebody served it to me.

Grill it or do it in a pan, and don't be a fucking pussy about seasoning it properly.

Also for your sake I hope you had a big fuckin' bowl of steaming hot rice sitting just out of frame because you'd probably go catabolic about an hour after eating this appetizer.

>Not comparing $ per kcal for each item on the plate.
>Wasting money on spices with zero macros.
not gonna make it

fuck off idiot fucking scum

If I heard some faggot say this irl, I'd knock him the fuck out. Who the fuck eats raw broccoli, fucking idiotic piece of shit learn common sense.

Jesus fucking Christ learn how to cook you fucking failure.

D-do you have more?

You forgot this bro

how do you guys expect to get big when you eat such small portions? what the fuck?

I eat 500g of brocoli as an appetizer....

Fork on the left side wtf?

Why not just make broccoli soup? You lose nothing and it's tasty as fuck