"Fat people cannot chang-"


-without professional surgery and assistance

Lipo doesn't wor-

GTFO Boogie.

-e their pants without great physical effort

I'm happy for him that he's making a positive change, but so far he's had a typical post-gastric bypass experience.
He's making effort now, but the question is if he'll keep making that same effort after his weightloss stabilizes and the results slow down.
Only time will tell.

>was extremely fat
>is extremely fat

>needed shady doctor to cut up his stomach because putting down a fork is hard :(

>Makes videos eating mountain dew/dorito smoothies
>Cant lose weight it's hard
>hasn't seen dick in years
>can't even fuck wife
>can't even find the discipline to just not eat literal poison
>needs his stomach shrunk so small he gets full off of a few sips of water just to lose weight
Imagine being this mentally weak.

>Imagine being this mentally weak.
You don't have to imagine it. You are mentally weak.
You are physically weak too. Fucking shitbag

Nice rebuttal

found Boogie

He might have gone from an S ranked fatass to an A+ ranked fatass on the outside, but he will always be an S fatass on the inside.
his mindset and lack of willpower is truly disgusting and pathetic.



>have an overweight father
>he always mentions things like, "I think I'll try that weight loss place. See if they can give me a pill or something. I've got to do SOMETHING about this weight."
>he constantly eats snacks, chips, moon pies, candy, ice cream
>I tell him he needs to just cut out the junk food
>He just won't do it. He doesn't even take the suggestion seriously.
>He'll still say, "I hardly eat ANYTHING."
I wish he would do what boogie did, honestly. I hate those fat hate threads because they always make me think of my dad and I love him

>Taking the fat loss version of anabolic steroids

You sure showed us you weak minded cuck.

>I wish he would do what boogie did, honestly. I hate those fat hate threads because they always make me think of my dad and I love him
You're a good son. My mom had the gastric bypass surgery, it really helped her lose weight.
She looked like a totally different person after a few years.
The losers on this board hate on boogie because they are lonely losers with no friends

What an actual joke of a man
>I can't lose weight because my knees hurt (or some shit excuse like that cant actually remember)
Fuck off Boogie, he talks about how he can't do exercise and can't diet successfully when literally all he had to do was eat less than his maintenance calories which must have been incredibly high

Anyone know his weight before his procedure and can work out his maintenance calories? I'm interested to see how much of a weak willed faggot he is.

Hahahahah No. He came to this board and confronted the hate by calling people fag and stupid for trying to help him.

He is weak willed, he is lazy, he does eat like shit.

The doctors have him tons of chances to lose weight without the surgery, they put him on diet

But guess what, he doesn't want to change he might say it.But if he really wanted a change in his life, he would do it by not eating so much, by just walking for a few minutes.

But hey why hate on a guy that whines about being but al the time but does absolutely nothing about it?

>so fat he couldn't satisfy his wife.
>had to use fingers only because he was physically incompatible.

in this situation its kind of hard to even blame the bitch

This. Even though I'm Veeky Forums now I still have the 300lb mindset. I always find myself surprised when people don't treat me like trash for no reason. Just fucking kill me.