Today was day 1 of my journey to get Veeky Forums. I am 305 lbs. Am I gonna make it...

Today was day 1 of my journey to get Veeky Forums. I am 305 lbs. Am I gonna make it? Do you have any advice to a fat beginner? Things im doing:

>keto diet @ 2k calorie
>45 min/day biking
>cold shower (boosts metabolism by 5 %)
>green tea diet pill (boosts metabolism)

I plan to be under 200 lbs by this time next year. Will I make it?

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No you won't. You're gonna crash and burn after a week, I guarantee it. You need to start slow. Going right down to 2k calories, cold shower meme, and 45 min of exercise a day is extreme (since you're 305 lbs). I'm going to stick around in this thread for a little but you need to calculate your tdee and then pick your caloric needs based on that.

we're all gonna make it brah!

What he said.
Putting yourself in such a low deficit is only going to make you binge even worse than before. Slow down there bro it’s a marathon not a sprint.

What this guy said loosing 90 pounds myself you need to take it slow, harsh cuts like this with a extreme diet such as keto will only make the crash and regain much more likely. Take it easy man and good luck.

I'm the user from before. OP, I've lost nearly 70 pounds and every time I see another bro who's lost weight, they've always said they took it slow in the beginning. That's what you need to do. The media does a great job at promoting fat loss as this major lifestyle change but the fact is, you have to take baby steps.

You need a little over 1000 daily calorie deficit to reach your goal

Green tea pills and cold showers are meme shit. If you can sustain eating only 2k calories though, you will hit your goal.

I find that it's really those small victories every few days that make the difference. One day later this week you'll be tired after work and think maybe it's ok to just grab a small taco bell. I find that if I can beat those urges I make progress, since the in between days actually are fairly habitual and easy to not cheat on. I'm rambling but idgaf it's Veeky Forums

if you've never dieted before, start from somewhere you can progress from
I'd suggest a 500 calorie deficiet and 30 minutes walking a day max, ramp that up to 1000 calorie deficiet and 1 hour biking around midyear once you've developed this into a lifestyle change

Are you actually going to the gym or sitting on your ass at home on an exercise bike?

That's a moot point, especially after some of his have suggested for him to take it slow.

*us, not his

just popping into this thread to commend all the sound advice anons in here

im on an exercise bike
what diff does it make? roll out of bed. do 45 minutes

all these trolls ITT
I'm gonna prove all you haters wrong
you're just jealous I'm gonna do in 1 year what it took you five years to do.

Same here OP. 227 LBS.
Check myfitnespal out. It's a great app. Also, in the beginning I wasted very much progress on weekends.

Don't stop couting calories on weekends. Don't take a "cheatday". I drank way too much alcohol and ate like a fatso. Would've been closer to my goal if I hadn't wasted my first 3 weeks.

I was 260lb at age 15, went down to 190 before I graduated highschool.
I ate chicken breast, brown rice, and spinach every single meal from my sophomore year until I graduated. Some days I would literally just puke it all up in class because it was so disgusting. Yet I persisted, people don't even believe me when I say I used to be obese.
Is it possible to sustain such an extreme change of lifestyle for years? I did, but I think I have more willpower and a higher threshold for discomfort than most people. Time will tell if you are the same. If not, just go slower.

Once you have lost the weight you will realize that it wasn't difficult, just time consuming.

Just do it user. My new year resolution last year was to lose weight and I've post 40kgs so far. I'm currently 81kgs, and I still need to lose 6kgs to achieve my target weight. Doing keto is difficult for the first few days. You will feel tired while your body is adapting.
Dont bother with pills, you dont need it. Drink green tea instead of binging on snacks.
You also need to exercise, start slow. Walk for an hour every day for starters.

How are we trolls for giving you advice? The problem with losing weight has to do with willpower and we gave you advice to stick to it. Btw I lost 70 pounds in like 7 months you fucking tard

Fucking pussy shit

Eat 1500cal 45% protein and lift. Get obsessed with fitness and maximize on everything.

You’ll be jacked in 9 months

I was that big, just go ketosis and walk every morning and you'll lose almost all of it lol. Do 2.5k call though

>2000 cal
Are you a child.

Persistence wears down resistance, your body will tell you to stop dieting and exercising because it wants to maintain homeostasis. You have to mentally push through the plateaus and stick to the game plan, when that game plan is proven to work.

Disagree with this post to a degree. The fact that you're doing the cold shower and diet pill meme shows you've done some research, and the fact that you're already concerned about your metabolism is a plus. Biking is an excellent idea as well. 2k calories is an excellent starting point too. Being 305lbs you could probably start a bit higher (unless you're really short) but 2k is perfectly acceptable.

I started at 2k calories at 240lbs and steadily lowered my intake as I went along and I've successfully lost over 80lbs to date. Just know that the first 2-3 weeks are the hardest and if you stick with it for a month you will really get used to it. Also, keep track of your weight and watching the number on the scale drop as well as your waist line will help keep you motivated.

As for the keto diet, I can't speak on that since I never tried it. I will admit doing all of that PLUS keto sounds a bit extreme. But hey, if you can make it work then right on man.

>Eat 1500cal 45% protein and lift.

I am betting this is the same advice nazis gave to the jews when they unloaded them in the concentration camps.

If said jews were 305lbs it would have done them some good. For a time anyway.

No ones gonna talk about losing 2lbs a week on a 2K diet? That might work starting out, but your goal needs to change as your weight lowers, otherwise you'll plateau pretty fast

He's going to lose way more than 2 lbs a week if he does 2k calories a day at his weight. That's why I, and a couple other anons, suggested him to start with more calories.

Ok dude, I'm going to help you out here. I've lost 95lbs since February, started at 328.

You don't need to eat more than 2k calories. if you REALLY want to change. Don't listen to these faggots telling you otherwise. 2k is a good starting point, just make sure you periodically lower it a bit once your weight loss per week slows down.

Doing keto off the bat will be fucking difficult, especially if you are a picky eater. True keto means 5% carbs, 20% protein, 75% fat. I did keto for a month. It worked well, but I eventually stopped and just went back to calorie counting and sticking to low carb/high protein because I don't like avacados and some of the other shit you have to eat on keto.

Instead of starting with keto, I would suggest starting with intermittent fasting. Don't go full throttle OMAD right off the bat. I started by fasting 14 hours, you could start with 12, whatever, then increase it every day by like 30 mins over two weeks. Once you get past those 2 weeks and you are fasting 16 hours a day, cutting becomes easy mode. You will find it difficult to consume 2k calories if you aren't eating shitty.

Don't fall for the IIFYM meme. You are morbidly obese. You likely have very high insulin resistance. You need to eat food that is healthy. That means no PROCESSED carbs but veggies are fine. Your daily diet should be turkey or chicken in whatever preparation you can stomach, plus veggies.

If you don't track every tiny morsel that you send down your gullet, you will fail.

If you don't weigh your food like an autistic child, you will fail.

If you eat something you know you shouldn't, DO NOT say "fuck it, today is blown, guess I can eat an entire pizza"

This comes down to math. Every 3500 calories you burn/don't eat = 1lb of weight lost. If you fuck up at one meal, get back on track for the next. Otherwise you're just pedaling backward.

You can do this, man.

2k is about as much as a 80-85kg man eats to maintain his weight.

He should be alright with that for a while.

Don't listen to these tards OP, take it slow.

honestly 2000kcal isnt truly taking it slow if you dont fill it all up with crap calories.
you can make some bombass salads with that limit.

I'm not saying he won't lose weight at 2K, he obviously will. But I'm trying to help him manage his expectations, because 2 lbs a week is a rough goal when get gets to a lower weight, and he won't achieve it without drastically lowering calorie intake.

I lost 77 pounds in 5 months by walking 5 days a week, cutting all refined sugar, all pasta, all rice. snacks were fruit only, instead of cookies and whie break I eat diet wheat toast - bland, no butter. after the 1st week of headaches it was easy as fuck. I had no idea what I was doing back then but it worked like a charm, and I did not get loose skin (thank God - I didn't even know that was a thing back then).

the most important thing is willpower, not lying to yourself and truly wanting to lose weight. also there is no duch thing as a diet, just a lifestyle change.