I used 3k and made it into 12k in 4 days

I used 3k and made it into 12k in 4 days.
Use bitmex x25 leverage.

Somehow think btc will tank at 6700
Go x50 and 30% of capital in.
Goes to 6800. I double down
6900 triple down.

7100 lose all 12k.

Fuck i want to kill myself

Nothing like legal gambling

Only idiots short BTC in a bull market. Also, anything over 10x is straight up gambling...Be happy you only lost 10k

Can someone explain leverage to me? 25x leverage?
How can you lose if bitcoin goes up only 400$?
Why dont you do that on some smaller coin that easily goes +-20 or 30 percent a day

Yeah, I have 43 IQ

Can someone who is a pro at margin trading do a guide for it. I know its super risky, but it could change the lives of many anons, for better or worse. Also someone who day trades bitcoin told me never to short it only long, no clue how valid that strategy is.

Bro i didnt sleep until 5 am while i have work at 6am.
1 sleep an hour for a week and fucking 3k is 6 months of working here.

6 fucking months of working brooooooo

can you explain to an ignorant fag how you lost the money? whats x25 leverage?

1 sleep an hour?

fucking hell. bloodbath out there, its 7220 now.
anyone stand in front of this fucker is gonna die quick.

Does Bitmex support only BTC?

Okay folks, this is how it would have worked out in OPs case:

>BTC is at 6700
>25x Leverage: You get to trade with 6700 x 25
>Your gains will be 25x, but your losses 25x too
>He opened a short, so he's hedging on bitcoin to fall
>Let's not take into account fees and maintennance % (balance needed in order to continue trading)
>Since he is using 25x leverage SHORT, a 4% increase will cause him to lose 100% of his money (25 x 4% = 100%), and a 4% decrease will cause him to gain 100% of his money
>Bitcoin price went to 7100, that is a 6% increase
>OP is liquidated because 6% > 4 %
>If he had opened a margin LONG (opposite of short), he would have more than doubled his money

I hope you learned something you fuckin faggot. I guess not, so there you go:
never ever bet against the king
don't do margin of you don't know WTF are you doin
+1 don't be a deluded linki

Actually OP used 50x leverage, so a fall in 2% eitherway will either liquidate his money or cause it to double, my mistake.

Just saying OP, professional traders use 5-10x max, idk what you were thinking.

thanks user.. ignorant fag here again.. do you pick the x leverage or they set it up in base of chance of btc falling?

>Be retard
>Think you're an epic daytrader who can time the market even though crypto does not operate on conventional rules
>Buy and sell large amounts at random prices because you're retarded
>Double down and triple down in anger while on a huge losing streak, the sign of a gambling addict
>To top it all off, use leverage aka that thing where OVER 80% of users lose their money
Kek, just kill yourself retard. You're not cut out for this.

Can only short on usd pairs
Shorting is when you think the price is coming down, borrowing bitcoin from lenders, selling their bitcoin in hopes of buying back in at a lower price, returning them and keeping (most of) the difference.

>Btc is 7k
>I own 1 btc
>Want to leverage 10x short
>I offer my 1 btc as collateral, borrow 10 btc and sell them, i now own 70k plus 1 locked up btc, owe 10 btc
Now it can go two ways
>I was right and btc goes down let's say to 6300
>Buy back 10 btc for 63k
>Pay some interest to lenders
>Walk away with like 6k and get my 1btc back
Or, god forbid
>I was wrong and btc goes up
>I offered 1 btc as collateral spread over 10 btc borrowed. That means the price can go up to 7.7k-ish before my 1 btc can no longer cover the lender's losses
>Btc hits 7.7k
>Exchange automatically uses the 77k to buy back lender's 10 btc
>I lost everything


You pick, I beg you not to go anything above 10x.
A sudden shit all dip could wipe you out, and professional traders and bots can deliberately close your position with their large bank roll.

this is gambling addiction lol

rookie mistake to double down and triple down on a losing position. Only increase position if its making money.

100% agree, I can understand experienced people who use 10x, because market movements can be predictable to a certain extent.

I can not STAND idiots who use 100x, there's just no justification in assuming that bitcoin won't randomly drop by $70 (not even, $35 would be enough to close because of the 0.5% maintennance).

so OP is garbling on crypoto the most volatile market in the world LAMO

>it literally happens every time
>nobody ever learns

OP should start playing Russian Roulette , he would be great entertainment painting the wall with his brain

If you don't have access to a lot of capital then just buy some promising alts.

Where do you get the "leverage"? How can I get 100% gains from a few percent dip?

People lend their money to an exchange for commission, the exchange lends it to you.

You get liquidated and your collateral taken if you fall below a certain maintennance %.

Margin Long (expecting it to go up) 10x:
10% increase in BTC = 100% gains

Margin Short (expecting it to go down) 10x: 10% decrease in BTC = 100% gains