Why isnt anybody talking about this??????

Why isnt anybody talking about this??????

4-20 rep range?


>Trains arms 3 times a week
>Train lower body once for maintenance

It's a scam, I did this for a year and only gained 11 inches.

Blaze it faggot



Why do they always try to insist that these are "cheats?" I'd be more apt to take it seriously if it just said it was a workout focused on arm muscle gain

someone will fall for this

literally none of the statements made by this image mean anything

I did this for 2 years now I have 38 inche arms

contrary to Veeky Forums belief people dont want to be quadzilla

if u train arms 3x a week i guarantee you they arent growing, they are catabolizing. unless ur roiding ofc

>Do regular split
>Arm day go heavy
>pump arms after back day
>pump arms after chest day

I thought everyone did this already.

This, I know a lot of people here haven't gotten to high school biology yet but the reason arms grow is because you literally rip apart your muscle fibers so you're body takes a couple days to grow them back bigger. If you don't give that couple days you're just ripping yourself apart over and over again for no reason.

i've tried 48 hour rest between arm training, i've tried 2 sets pr day, i've tried one week rest between.

my optimum for arm growth is 3 full rest days between

But 48 hours is long enough for them to recover, right?

96 hours is my sweet spot for arm growth.

48 hours is the most time needed.

If you trained arms on Sunday you can hit them again on Tuesday

they'll be recovered, agreed, but they wont have grown

O I am laffin

You can absolutely train triceps 3 times per week and biceps even 5-6 times a week and see optimal results. Curls aren't squats and are very very easy to recover from but of course you can't be going balls to the wall with all those workouts

so you train triceps 3 times a week? tell me hows that going.

inb4 you train arms once a week and do some meme shit like ss

and keep in mind we are talking about growth, not strength gains nobody cares about that

I train them twice per week because I'm doing more presses than normal atm, but if I focus on arms while maintaining presses i train them 3 times a week. Skulls on Monday, lighter less volume pushdowns on Wednesday and dips on Friday.

I'm talking strictly hypertrophy

I can tell when someone is doing a routine like this.
They weigh 125 with 11" arms. They pump up to 12", gain no weight, and get a shoulder or elbow injury due to not having any back or legs

>building imbalances:the thread

send a card from snap city

You should ask for your money back, I'm sorry you got ripped off so hard user

Muscle protein synthesis only lasts 24-48 hours you absolute cretins. Waiting any LONGER than 48 hours to do arms again is detrimental as your arms will no longer be synthesizing the protein you get from your diet.
Jesus christ anons

Then why don't we hit all body parts every 1-2 days? Because you forgot to mention (or don't know about) systemic fatigue.

anyone doing 3 full body workouts a week

I unironically have been for the last 3 months - is that bad (leave out legs sometimes)

I meant to imply that its common. but yeah its absolutely fine, so long as you don't do something stupid like max out on deadlifts multiple times a week. just listen to your body and adjust accordingly

Thats why you compensate with lower volume when you increase frequency

Arms without chest or shoulders looks bad. I'm all for training upper-body 2x more than lower since lower body grows about twice as fast as upper body.

Also, there's no evidence of >1.3g/kg protein being useful for anyone, even the people putting on a lot of mass at the top level. Don't kill yourself eating a pound of chicken breast a day.

>2017 and on
It's like you don't even want to be your best self.