What the duck is up with the "made for BBC" comments on every photo of a woman?

What the duck is up with the "made for BBC" comments on every photo of a woman?

Is it the Jews? Soros? Shareblue? Report these comments fellas they are designed to manipulate strong white men into feeling inferior. If these comments keep getting posted I'm gonna take a break from fit for a while.
>inb4 pol gtfo
Hiroshima Watanabee said were allowed one off topic thread, this is it.

A cuck/nigger that forces his meme.

fuck knows, but it's bait spam so just report and don't reply

No idea, he's been going at it for days.

>the nigger will always be a sad virgin

A retard from /pol/

>If these comments keep getting posted I'm gonna take a break from fit for a while.
Holy fug, we can clear Veeky Forums of t_d ledditors with a single meme

This thread is made for BBC

It's bait you fucking retard. You're just encouraging it.



This BBC is made for BBC

i always tought these jokes were made by ex-porn addicts.

This thread is subversive bait. As if any old retard could determine that the bbc comments are some kind of joke to someone out there...
You faggots just need to ignore it all entirely and sage

>sensitive/pol lady boi
Made for bbc

black people:
>naturally cool
>charismatic as hell
>sexually superior
>able to protect those he loves

there's a reason white men tried to repress them so much over the history, they knew they were the better race... they had a slight upper hand at one point and history and rolled with it

but that's all gone, and clearly black is the new future

>charismatic as hell
ooga booga


damn, he is made for bbc

>Veeky Forums isn't aware of the personality type ENTP, that basically trolls for a living and lives for trolling

It's just one bitter user. Who knows, but perhaps if everyone reports him every time they see him, he will get tired or evading all his bans and go away

>Veeky Forums slowly turning into /pol/
>non/pol/ack Veeky Forumsizens start spamming bbc memes so /pol/ will go away
it's not hard to understand
but seriously stop turning Veeky Forums into /pol/ 2.0

Are you seriously this sensitive? It's a shittty meme, ignore it.

>M-muh white race

Spotted the nigger who posts it


femanon here, bbc is pretty fantastic honestly, not MONSTER mode but it's more enjoyable than average white dick if we're going to be honest

t. cuck bait

*smacks lips*

No offense Carl the Cuck, but fit is a conservative board

It's for this exact purpose you fucking retard



>people not looking at the bbc meme as the meme it is
don't tell me this actually triggers you? it's just like copypaste that gets too popular, it's not annoying because of the content, it's just that you've seen it a hundred times and it stops being funny after the 5th

Big blue colon

I just don't want subliminal white genocide shit on my board that is pretending to be a funny triggering meme. Ounce of prevention...


>naturally cool
not all blacks are rappers, cuck

>charismatic as hell
being 13 percent of the population yet committing half the murder is charismatic? learn something new every day

>sexually superior
lol, maybe you think that cuz you watch blacked every day, but the biggest recorded dick in the world belongs to a white dude.

you cucks love to perpetuate the myth that every non-black woman will cheat on her non-black partner with a black man... when really black men are the ones who get cheated on and fucked over by their woman the most out of all races. LOL.

>able to protect those he loves
yeah, sitting in a prison cell and letting your 3 baby mamas raise your kids in a run down ghetto, letting them grow up to be the same worthless criminal you were? Great job at protecting them. Awesome.

it's always makes me sad when legit racism reveals itself

every community & culture has problems, and they're there's no easy solution or write-up about it... it's very complex

fix yourself

Idc how it started but I can BAVARIA post now


If it triggers you because PROUD ARYAN Veeky Forums MASTERRACE you're a faggot.

If it triggers you because it's fucking everywhere and not funny, you're normal.

>that bavarier boipucci

>tfw mods and janitors are ok with this
>tfw they are quick to archive serious threads
Gotta love Veeky Forums

Not only that, they keep posting threads with black girls to push race mixing. Once you know their tactics it's so easy to spot.

>t doesnt lift

It started with niggers and Jews posting it unironically, but now it's mostly /pol/ false flags to frame the aforementioned undesirables to redpill the few who are retarded enough to not understand what is going on.

People who just laugh at the insecurity of the supposed members of the "Master" Race who lurk here.
>someone makes a comment about white girls liking black guys on an Anonymous Amazonic Anaconda feeding board
Huuuurrr duuurrrrr this is a Jewish conspiracy RRREEEEEEEE I'll breed with all the Aryan queens to sustain Le mustard race

might aswell ignore every single thread then, as this shit is being spammed all over the board.
fucking retard


It's just some loser trying to force a meme
Like those guys who screencap their own unfunny post and post it in humor threads constantly trying to make themselves cool


waaaah racism gais waaah

Veeky Forums was always a little /pol/

>t. working class white

>oppressed and subjugated for centuries
>master race
What's their endgame?

m8 people called Zyzz a shit skin when he was still posting here. Shut the fuck up.


I thought the left supported the proletariat?

holy shit aren't you a little old to be posting here? grow up lol