What is Veeky Forums getting themselves for christmas...

What is Veeky Forums getting themselves for christmas. I'm conflicted either to spend $400 on a MTG cube for social gainz or get a rack and weights for physical gainz.

MtG has been tumblr-tier trash since Theros, bud.

Holy shit $400! Is mtg that expensive?


Do you already play MTG? If not, then $400 is a lot to drop on a hobby/game you're not even that into.
I'd say get a rack and weights since it'll potentially last you longer, and slowly build up your MTG collections

t. Veeky Forums fa/tg/uy who routinely sees people drop >$300 to get into WH40k only to see them quit a month later with unpainted models.

lel warhammer is full of anti social shits repeating "you have to play it with the right people" and how it's such a high strategy game, and yet they immediately always say they didn't bring the board and all the stuff "this time". Literally have never seen one game of it played, it's literally a meme for losers

Getting a nice BBC

mtg getting the pozzed treatment just like vydia did a year ago, just wait for some tranny only artists or donating the money for blm or whatever
i doubt card and tabletop games like WH40k will fare any better than vydia did

I used to, lost a good bit of ky collections but my friends from home play it and I wanna reconnect with them.

Buy mtg but maybe from a secondary market?

God I know that feel, You should definitely spend the money on the cube, at least it worked for me

Haven't played MTG since Innistrad, how is it faring lads?

>tfw poorfag so i only play EDH with my bros

Honestly, why not just proxy for a cube?

What a proxy?

>social gainz

I buy yesterday new backpack as gift for myself

>MTG cube
>had to google that
>Magic: The Gathering™
>social gains

Ok, yes, you play with friends and other people, but you REALLY want to spend 400 on a card game to spend weekends with fatasses or skinny DYEL guys and occasional social outcasts that have poor hygiene?

I mean it's your money, but damn, cards? I would get the rack

Why would you want to make social gains with people who play mtg?
t.person who plays mtg

Honestly I love the card game, and I wanted to make a cube as opposed to going to FNM so I can avoid people getting tier 1 net decks. I thought it was going to even out the playing field since everyone will have access to good cards.

>"Oh no people I hate like this thing I like, time to stop so people dont think im like them"
Imagine being this paranoid and insecure.

A dehydrator so I can make some jerky

>What is Veeky Forums getting themselves for christmas.
i'm getting nothing from myself or from others because nobody cares enough for me to gift me something.
I have limited amount of money which i spend to buy food and clothes, that is my current life.

In this case you're probably not the only person who wants to build a cube, I'd find some more people keen on it and split the money.

$400 is nothing. Most serious players spend that much every three months or so. New expansions come out and the old ones rotate out of Standard, which is the most popular tournament format. It really sucks because the cards generally don't keep their value, either.

Hopefully getting an AR10 receiver set to start a build.

gimme a PO box somehow, I'll send you something neato.

thanks for the offer, but i live in lithuania, it's far away.

just bought a house so that i guess

Gonna get a hardware wallet for crypto gains

I'm getting a rack and weights AND an Unstable booster box. And I got some AD1000x's.

bought myself a .357 and a couple thousand rounds

>won’t come in until after xmas :(

Building a cube won't help with social gains because you need to already have 7+ friends to get any use out of it. Also, you can build a pauper/peasant/chink counterfeit cube for like half that amount, sleeves included.

not him, but damn, I'm from Lithuania too, life is tough sometimes, keep at it, brolau

>haven't played mtg since ice age
>last thing you did was buy a booster box with some buddies then sell off whatever nice cards
>there was a jester's cap in it
Good times. Started to become too expensive of a hobby though.


Nice. I'm getting a light for my AR. I'm turning my M&P into a "discount M4gey" (Vortex, cheap quad, a grip pod my coworker gave me). Sucks that half my family isn't very pro gun. I'm hard to shop for and mags, ammo, and shit I really don't need to put on my rifle would be perfect gifts. It's okay I guess, I'm getting new, nice clothes since I went from a 38 down to 34 this year

probably a fleshlight

>hobby goes to shit because of lower quality design
>you should keep playing to spite fanbase which comes with this
yeah nope, I already bought a good air filter to filter out the street air here

DON'T BUY MAGIC CARDS Buy Chinese counterfeit "proxies" if you're doing a cube. You save more than $300, and it's not like you're playing your cube in a sanctioned event. Plus, you won't be mad when degenerate magic players steal your cards.

this way you can do both

Citadels > MtG

also it's far less autistic

You might as well make proxies yourself if you're not getting originals. Why pay for proxies at all lmao

so you at least aren't playing with pieces of paper? why play with paper at all? why not just use cockatrice which is free?

>$400 on mtg cube
Excuse me?

If you're spending over $150, you done fucked up. Print or use chinaman shit.

A record and BOTW dlc.

I only play edh, because the people at my lgs disgust me. It's a lot of fun and the commander product is consistently bretty gud. I loosely follow standard and the last few sets have had good variation in top 8 decks. Anything u wanna know in particular?

Because playing IRL with friends is much better than playing with autists on cockatrice.

more books

I've bought myself 4 vials of test/deca mix, some dianabol, arimidex, nolva, and hcg. 2018 is going to be the BOMB

The chinese make good counterfeit cards. If you double sleeve revised dual lands, no one bats an eye. I've used them at starcity before.

I don't believe this hasn't been posted.

might get myself some new chucks, money is tight

Depends on what format you play. If you play with the older cards, you can be looking at upwards to tens of thousands. Those are only one time costs, though. If you want to play standard, you're looking at maybe a thousand dollars every year or so, because cards rotate out. Most other card games are like this.

Khans was actually really fun to draft. So is Ixalan. The only actively bad sets I can think of are BFZ and Oath. Everything else was middling to good. Standard is a completely other story. I don't actually play standard, but from what I hear, they fucked that shit up real good.

>they fucked that shit up real good.
How so?

>social gains

You're better off just spending $400 on drinks at a bar or going to a group yoga class. Do something fit related like a martial art. I recommend BJJ. At least that way you won't be talking to fat, sweaty, neckbeards.

Multiple overpowered cards and combos led to standard banning (something Wizards only does when absolutely necessary). Part of the problem was Wizards' new design philosophies. Removal (including counterspells) became super underpowered, causing creature and planeswalker based strategies to be super good. This, coupled with over tuned planeswalkers, over tuned vehicles, and several broken combos caused the game to be more about who gets their combo off first instead of any actual strategy. For a while, standard was at its worst state in years, with wizards refusing to ban what is essentially a modern combo in a standard deck.

Did you forget the card quality?

I was only talking about the quality of the gameplay. Personally, I've not had large issues with bending or warping, although some of my friends have.

it's like you don't know what a cube is.

do it OP cube rules

> Not playing commander where you can essentially use almost any card.
> Not getting together with a few buddies every few weeks for a magic marathon.
You're never going to make it.

>get bored of the standard meta
>decide to try EDH thinking it's gonna be super fun, random, WHO KNOWS WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN EACH GAME XD
>mfw I realize it has it's own, even more cancerous meta with cheese commanders, goyfs and tutors

It's a print out or something to stand in for the actual card, but most tournaments don't allow them.
> Playing with a group of friends.
> Not improving social gains.

Yeah, I hear you. Typically, the group will know who likes to combo out and collectively hammer him. Some still manage to get it off in time.

>buy something that can help you get laid
>buy something that will almost gaurantee you will never get laid

hmm tough choice

Bought a prebuilt pc along with some ram, a psu, and a ryzen 1600x to upgrade it


If you're the kind of person who gets laid, you can drop $1000 on cardboard crack and it won't lower your chances (assuming you have that kind of money to plow, obviously). If you aren't, no amount of muscle will actually get you laid.

Is the mini version of EDH (tiny leaders?) better than regular EDH in terms of meta/cancer?

Buying myself a ticket to Idaho, found out I have family there. This little orphan might not be alone again after all this year

Tiny Cucks is dead. It was figured out in 2 months. The best fucking commander was the BUG 2/2 snek token since BUG is a broken color combo. And if Tiny Leaders was still around, Leovold would have utterly dominated it.
And yes, EDH as a format has ramped up the spiky-ness, thanks to a plethora of "How do I git gud" guides on. It's gone from the "hey I'm gonna jam a bunch of random but interesting shit together" roots it used to have, to Vintage Highlander.

Real nigga shit is Noble Commander. You pick a mythic or rare creature, that's your commander. Then you have a deck of 60 cards, 4 of which can be uncommons and 1 is your commander. It's not highlander either. It's fun, especially since you're playing Pauper, but spiced up

Skip mtg, get the rack, download 5e player's guide pdf for free. It's more fun and the social gains are better; literally everyone in my crew is attractive and the gender ratio is 4:2. Play chess960 on the side for your tbs fix.

Don't roll a sorc tho, econ clearly isn't your forte.

spend it on japanese gacha games instead


Bought myself a Samsung Gear S3 Classic.

Love the idea of being able to change watchface whenever I want and the constant HRM. Only a few days wages anyway so all is well.

I'm going to buy 4 more weight plates for my home gym. I can't find any on gumtree though so I may have to buy through kmart.

It was a steal 675 for a ryzen 5 1400, msi rx 580 armor, phanteks eclipse, etc

I'm getting a squat rack for my home gym, gotta be safe

I quit MTG when Kaladesh spoilers came out. "Energy" is just another form of mana like colorless was in the 2nd Eldrazi expansion. I don't want new mana types, I want the original 5 colors and I want them to adhere to their color philosophy.

I quit right after I finished my expensive Reaper King EDH deck, so I'm kinda upset about that. That deck rocks.

Yeah, kinda. Now post an address so I can send you a christmas present.

Dude what? Are you really an orphan who's just found out you have a family? Please elaborate.

I’m hopefully getting a large enough paycheck to cover rent and my other bills. Merry Christmas

same boat man. two kids and a wife can be hard on the wallet. i'll barely get something for my mom at this rate.

my romaleos are kapot

I bought an instant pot

Love those

This and a few tickets to the spurs/rockets game.

A new phone, maybe a backpack and a pull up bar

>not downloading cockatrice and playing mtg for free
>not spending 400 bucks on something that isn’t a waste of money and will improve you life.

Just buy the cube, you’re too much of a brainlet to make it.

mostly thinking about what I'll get other people for christmas.

>need a portable speaker for my roommate
>but not one of those shitty 30€ things that sound like a loud phone speaker
>willing to spend 60€

>an easy to read dualist philosophy book for my father (preferably woven into a sci-fi story)
>he believes in a soul but is very naive about it and hasn't put too much deep thought into it. He'd be put off by an abstract purely metaphysical essay. He loves reading sci-fi though and I think it'd help him sort his thoughts out

>probably some cd with "what the kids are hearing" b/c she enjoys a bunch of music I hear but doesn't go out to buy new music for herself.

probably a threesome with venezuelan escorts


underrated post

A lot of the mechanics they're coming out with right now are ripe for abuse. It's not like it didn't happen before, but it seems like they're intentionally producing broken cards now.
It didn't really take off, and a scene for it is hard to find. I recommend just making a few friends with the hobby and play mostly with them to avoid the kind of person who uses every broken card combination to feel like he's in control.
> Play EDH game with a few friends and a guy notorious for comboing out.
> Get to the point where the rest of us finish a game among ourselves whenever he combos out.
> The guy sits there, shuffling his cards for 1.5 hours in between games.

Real winners play limited and EDH only

Probably a dedicated muay thai sparring set from Venum for $200.